'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Is it against the law to make a comment that is offensive to homosexuals on a cable series? Not yet anyway, so where would the "backlash" come from? The ever vigilant and tax exempt Media Matters? Last I heard DD doesn't have condoms or gay bars as sponsors.
Hubby's beard looks like theirs now, lol. He gets a kick out of them too. Whenever I am down...I watch DD. They make me laugh every time. EVERY time. Especially Sy. Well...heck. ALL of them do. Those deadpan comments and Sy's craziness. Just a hoot to watch.
Duck Dynasty Star Compares Gay People to “Drunks,” “Terrorists,” and “Prostitutes”

But he says he "would never treat anyone with disrespect."
By Laura Stampler @laurastamplerDec. 18, 20136

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is under fire for repeated anti-gay comments in a profile for January’s issue of GQ.

It started when Robertson began to talk about the erosion of morality in American culture in which, “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin becomes fine.” When asked to elaborate on what he thinks is sinful, Robertson responded:

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

Read more: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Makes Anti-Gay Statements | TIME.com Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Makes Anti-Gay Statements | TIME.com

Think there'll be raving responses to this piece? :eusa_whistle:
Reminds me of when my friend came to my door to call me a "bigot". I had told him I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. He's gay. I asked him, "Have I treated you any differently since I found out you were gay than I did before I knew?" He said, "No." "Then what the heck is your problem?" He's still my friend and always will be especially since he's more family than friend what with me knowing him since before he was born. He's been really trying my patience lately. He's nearly 50 years old and still borrowing (and never returning) money from his mother and she's on a fixed income. Quite frankly, that bothers me more than his being gay.

We all have our own morals and beliefs, that doesn't mean we treat others who do not follow our beliefs crappy. We're suppose to love everybody, doesn't mean we have to agree with them.
The stars of "Duck Dynasty" might be America's most popular TV family, but that could change very soon — because Phil Robertson has made some seriously divisive anti-gay remarks that have sparked instant backlash.

One of the Duck Dynasty guys offended the Fudge Packers...the end of the world is nigh!

The Left has got to hate this show and the Robertsons because they are everything a Liberal hates:

1. They're White
2. They run a successful family business
3. They're Christians
4. They're most likely Republican
The Robertsons are what this country used to be like. They fought in the war, they are a close knit family, they don't hunt for sport but to feed the family, they love their wives, they bless their meals, they pray to God, they love their country. I love every damn one of them. Whomever is trying to drag them down..good luck. And yes, the gay friends I know love them too and take no offense they don't approve of the gay lifestyle. The Robertsons don't "approve" but they still love them because God says to love everyone. They practice what they stand by. Period. And that pisses a few off.

AND....Phil didn't say a damn thing derogatory. Not one thing. He was stating his opinion and his beliefs. Since when is freedom of speech so bad folks get in an uproar? The gays that ARE offended? Change the fucking channel. I don't see a huge outcry about RuPaul's Drag Race from heterosexuals. And if they are crying and wringing their hands...I haven't heard about it.
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The best thing about them is that they are secure enough to not care what others think. Phil blowing off Barbara Walters horrified the liberals. She's queen media. They have no one that they answer to.
The people in question had every right to say what they said.

Those that disagree with what they said have every right to whine and cry about it.

The star from 'Duck Dynasty' made some incendiary anti-gay remarks.


It's called Freedom Of Speech.
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Mr. Robertson has an opinion, and Americans should be allowed to have one without the threat of their livelihoods being ravaged. All for giving an honest opinion when asked.
Amen to all of this. :) :) :)

God bless you and that man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. No two people on this planet are exactly the same.
I doubt that he's been suspended. A&E doesn't have that power or authority. They air the show. They have no authority beyond that.

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