Duck Dynasty?

Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.

Everything is subjective perception.

.....and there you have it.....everything is ok because right and wrong is COMPLETELY subjective.

Shove your relativity up your ass.
Some guy from a "reality" show said some stupid shit during an interview as a representative of the A&E network; so, A&E suspended him.

Cue drama.

Of course Palin and Fox had to pipe in calling his suspension an attack on free speech and freedom of religion.

But where were they when the Dixie Chicks practiced their right to free speech when they criticized the invasion of Iraq back in 2003? I don't recall Fox spending hours defending THEIR right to free speech after the group was boycotted and lost sponsorships and deals over their comments.

How about a more recent example?

After Bashir resigned over his comments about Palin, she went on Fox and said, "Those with that platform, with a microphone, a camera in their face, they have to have some more responsibility taken".

Shouldn't she have given that same advice to Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? After all, he has a platform, a microphone, a camera in his face. Millions of people watch his show. He likely insulted some of them with his remarks. Shouldn't he be held to the same standards by the right-wing media as Bashir was? Bashir was punished. Why is it wrong to punish Phil?

Nope, cuz he wasn't on the air

He was being interviewed by GQ magazine.
I don't understand any of this.

Look, if you want to spend your time fucking each other up the ass I've not a worry. I have to place my seed orders next month.

Go for your assholes. I don't fucking care. But don't you dare tell me I can't talk about you. I'm with Phil that way.

I don't get how some guys asshole lures you in. :lol: I think pussies are better. But get off our case motherfuckers.

Same thing here. You can say whatever you want and people who hear you have the same right. To pretend you are the only one with the right to state your opinion is a fairy tale

Have I pretended so? Never. Oh never.

What worries me for true though, and this goes way back, you're pushing your luck. Big time.
What did he say about blacks that was offensive?

The idea that anyone was "happy" under a system designed to dehumanize them is offensive.

JUST BECAUSE he "says" no blacks ever were harmed before HIS eyes, or no blacks ever complained to HIM, is categorically ludicrous to think that blacks were "happy" under Jim Crow.

That is bullshit, and everyone knows it.

Were "jews" "happy" in concentration camps because some ppl never heard them complain to a german?


And the fact that he tries to put that spin on a most vicious time in American history concerning blacks is offensive to many.


Let me see if I can get this through your thick skull yet again.

99% of us didn't know he said anyting about blacks, the defense has come from his suspension for what he said about gays. Yet your racist heart has to make this a black/white issue when it isn't.
Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.

Everything is subjective perception.

nope, not everything. and since the members of the society subjective perception can not and SHOULD not be an arbiter here, what you call "reality" is not reality as an objective fact at all.

it is your subjective reality.
but you can not impose your subjective reality on others.

and that is what all this conflict is about - about the group of extremely intolerant people trying to impose their perception of reality on others.

therefore the well deserved backlash.
The Gay Rights group GLAAD is suffering some of it's worst backlash from it's members in nearly half a decade. The uproar is a result of its successful campaign to have star Phil Robertson suspended from the show "Duck Dynasty" over alleged anti gay comments he made during an interview with GQ magazine.

The mindset is that gays automatically agree with everything GLAAD does. I'm sorry to those on the left that think all homosexuals agree with them at all times.

In the fallout over Wednesday’s suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson by A&E for anti-gay and racist remarks, GLAAD is experiencing record levels of backlash.

“In the five-and-a-half years I’ve worked at GLAAD, I’ve never received so many violently angry phone calls and social media posts attacking GLAAD for us speaking out against these comments,” the media watchdog organization’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told TheWrap.

He said those reactions range from those who simply believe as Robertson believes to those who feel that GLAAD and A&E’s actions limit the reality star’s free speech.

“I don’t think this is about the first amendment,” Ferraro said. “I feel it’s more about the America we live in today. That is one where Americans, gay and straight, are able to speak out when people in the public eye make anti-gay and racist remarks.”

‘Duck Dynasty’ Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep - The Wrap

Do you even watch Duck Dynasty?

When will you stop asking stupid questions?
Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

Wrong, in reality the society at large establishes the norms, not small minorities, standards that have been in place for tens of thousands of years wouldn't be discarded on a fucking whim. I don't know what alternate universe you live in but it ain't mine.

Thats correct society at large establishes the norms. Society at large doesnt accept public bigotry.

What you are trying to do is pretend that small minorities are stomping on the larger group. Which is impossible to do since one is small and the other is large. You seem to believe that society at large COULDNT be offended by anti-gay remarks because YOU arent offended by them.

No I'm offended by the faghadist that think they can control the rest of us by being loud mouthed assholes. One man expresses a personal opinion because he was asked a question and now the loony freaks are trying to threaten the TV industry. Going after networks, actors and advertisers, who do these little freaks think they are? If you notice the op won't answer a very simple question because an honest answer would blow the whole premise of the thread.
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Do you even watch Duck Dynasty?

Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.

IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

When will you increase your investment in a higher IQ?
You are sticking your proboscis where it doesn't belong.
You should be posting on a sites about baking or knitting.
Since you lost the instructions, how long has it been since you've been able to boil water?
Why are liberals so intolerant, and why do they feel the need to take any color out of the lives of Americans?

Why must they always use a magnifying glass on our freedoms?

If you folks want to make this a conservative versus liberal thing there is a long, list of liberals that bash others and do all kinds of inappropriate things in public that offend people all the time.
And nothing is done.
Liberals get a free pass.
Myley Cyrus and Alec Baldwin to name a few of thousands.

Alec Baldwin was fired from MSNBC for his homophobic remarks. Miley Cyrus? She's a 20 yr old entertainer with no connection to liberals. Your point?

WTF does Cyrus, Baldwin and MSNBC have to do with A & E, what they knew, when they knew it and the hundreds of complaints A & E received from their sponsors which just generated a 3 billion dollar sale to Disney?
Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.

IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

And what of you? Your partisanship knows no boundaries. You spew leftist crap left right and sideways.

IOW, you can't lecture me about partisanship. There are a rare few issues I am actually partisan on.
Don't bother. Sarah has a room temperature IQ...
She could not think her way out of a room with no walls or doors.
A & E COULD GIVE A RAT'S ASS if someone was a Democrat or a Republican.
They care about DOLLARS.
Can not believe how naive and gullible you folks are.
This is about MONEY ONLY.
IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

And what of you? Your partisanship knows no boundaries. You spew leftist crap left right and sideways.

IOW, you can't lecture me about partisanship. There are a rare few issues I am actually partisan on.

I post what I believe. I don't always go Democratic but I are one so most of them do tend to lean Left.

But not always. You just don't seem quite genuine in your support of the Duck Dynasty guy. I don't even watch it and you're way snootier than I am.

Make sense?
"I post what I believe. "
Yes, you do...Even if what you believe has no connection to reality or the facts. A trait typical of libs.
" I don't always go Democratic but I are one so most of them do tend to lean Left."
You ARE one?
Cupcake...there is not a thread that goes by where you do not fail to expose yourself as a moron.
Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.

IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

When will you increase your investment in a higher IQ?
You are sticking your proboscis where it doesn't belong.
You should be posting on a sites about baking or knitting.
Since you lost the instructions, how long has it been since you've been able to boil water?

I am OFFENDED that you think the little lady should be in the parlor doing needlepoint and not worrying her little head over matters that men should be discussing amongst themselves over their Brandy and Port.

Someone find me a tall tree and a short rope. Let's GET HIM for giving an opinion even though we may not agree with it. KILL HIMMMMMMMMMM! Better yet, get him fired. Delve into his personal life.


(Sorry. Sarah doesn't want to be in the parlor and neither do I. We think we will take swig of that there Brandy and light a ceeeeegar. :eusa_angel:
no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.

Everything is subjective perception.

.....and there you have it.....everything is ok because right and wrong is COMPLETELY subjective.

Shove your relativity up your ass.

Everything is ok? I didnt say that I said everything is subjective perception. Everyone perceives things when it happens. You think people should stop? Blame human nature.

You dislike human nature and society I dont know what to tell you. There is a way out tho
Why are liberals so intolerant, and why do they feel the need to take any color out of the lives of Americans?

Why must they always use a magnifying glass on our freedoms?


they just aren't happy people...Constantly outraged over something

also, scratch a liberal find a FASCIST

People better wake up your Freedoms of speech is under attack along with your jobs
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive,

Do you even know what Phil Robertson was referring too? He was referencing the specific negroes that he personally hoed the fields with in his community back in the late 50's. Those negroes didn't complain about repression. They were glad to have a job like Phil. He wasn't referring to all other negroes that might have felt different in other parts of the country. Only the ones he worked along side with in the fields. So no, what he said of his personal experience was not offensive and this is a prime example how liberals twist things out of the original context to stir the masses. And you fell for it Black_Man1.

“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once,” he said. “Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field … They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Do you actually think a black would tell Phil what he thought of whites in 1950s LA? I can see the scene now:

Phil: "Hey Joe, what do think about all of this segregation stuff."

Joe: "Well, Mr. Robertson, I really don't have anything to say about that sir.

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