Duck Dynasty?

That's where we have to cut off that flexability and continue to paint them as the gayhadist they are. Whe have to disarm them of their economic bombs and bullets and show them just how small a minority they are.

Sounds like a plan. Just don't add fuel to their fire by bashing them while you do it. Can we compromise on that as a plan?
Most lib pundits are claiming Mr. Robertson used "offensive" language.
When informed that he quoted the Bible, they deny that. Or they fumble around searching for words to cover their statements...

He didn't just quote the bible. He compared them to terrorists and theives. He compared them to murderers in 2010.

There's also his bizarre interpretation that he never saw blacks mistreated in the 1960's south...

All that, I'm just not seeing what the GOP/RIght Wing problem here is.

A&E made a BUSINESS Decision.

When businesses move plants to China or cut their worker's medical benefits or bust up a union, you guys are all for them doing so, because, shit, we should be happy they all give us jobs out of their beneficience. If the government or anyone else intervened, you'd be screaming about "Freedom".

A big corporation decided that they don't want a shrill, homophobic nutbag on their payroll.

Frankly, a decision that most employers would make if someone came in and started preaching bible shit to their gay co-workers.

Joe, regardless of the facts, you are going to believe what you want. Any further discussion with you is pointless.
BTW, you are incorrect. Case closed.
Outdoor channel already carries their other show. Then there's Sportsmen's channel that already has Sarah Palin's show.
A & E COULD GIVE A RAT'S ASS if someone was a Democrat or a Republican.
They care about DOLLARS.
Can not believe how naive and gullible you folks are.
This is about MONEY ONLY.

My dear you're going to have a stroke or something over this topic

man oh man:lol:

LOL, no, just frustrated that BOTH SIDES have it wrong.
Same as everyday everything politics these days.
Media has pitted an US versus THEM "story" again.
Same as the Zimmerman case.

I know what you mean
But I had to step in this one because Glaad are the ones that got this thing rolling..And this is all over some interview he gave to a magazine, not even said on A&E
Now the left they don't need much to be offended...and if we all don't bow to what they think, well that makes us all, homophobes, racist, bigots, and the lovely names go on and on
Nobody has to watch Duck Dynasty to know what's going on here. Even the most casual observer can deduce the amount of intolerance being put on display by the network and gay rights activists. There's a bigger issue than just a TV show here.

IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

When will you increase your investment in a higher IQ?
You are sticking your proboscis where it doesn't belong.
You should be posting on a sites about baking or knitting.
Since you lost the instructions, how long has it been since you've been able to boil water?

Ohhh, misogynistic comments about baking and knitting! You clever man, you. I bet that wit gets you all the ladies.
You hateful racist homophobes are the minority.

33% and climbing. Too bad for you.

33%? I assume you're talking "number of states where gay marriage is "legal"? Then it would be "33% by fiat, not by consensus". And that's significant because the case in Utah migrating to the US Supreme Court is going to set judicial and legislative activism on its heel when reviewed against Windsor/DOMA 2013.

You might want to read ALL of that Opinion VERY carefully before you put on your party hats and break out the confetti...

And if SCOTUS announces it will hear the Utah case and Brown v Utah at the same time, your gooses are cooked, legally speaking.
Most lib pundits are claiming Mr. Robertson used "offensive" language.
When informed that he quoted the Bible, they deny that. Or they fumble around searching for words to cover their statements...

He didn't just quote the bible. He compared them to terrorists and theives. He compared them to murderers in 2010.

There's also his bizarre interpretation that he never saw blacks mistreated in the 1960's south...

All that, I'm just not seeing what the GOP/RIght Wing problem here is.

A&E made a BUSINESS Decision.

When businesses move plants to China or cut their worker's medical benefits or bust up a union, you guys are all for them doing so, because, shit, we should be happy they all give us jobs out of their beneficience. If the government or anyone else intervened, you'd be screaming about "Freedom".

A big corporation decided that they don't want a shrill, homophobic nutbag on their payroll.

Frankly, a decision that most employers would make if someone came in and started preaching bible shit to their gay co-workers.

Joe, regardless of the facts, you are going to believe what you want. Any further discussion with you is pointless.
BTW, you are incorrect. Case closed.

What are the facts and what was incorrect?
I thinik there are just way too many threads about DD, so great posts like this one...gets lost because there are so many already in progress.

I agree. This is diverting attention away from more important political issues like Obamacare and the NSA. So I decided to address this once and for all.
My dear you're going to have a stroke or something over this topic

man oh man:lol:

LOL, no, just frustrated that BOTH SIDES have it wrong.
Same as everyday everything politics these days.
Media has pitted an US versus THEM "story" again.
Same as the Zimmerman case.

I know what you mean
But I had to step in this one because Glaad are the ones that got this thing rolling..And this is all over some interview he gave to a magazine, not even said on A&E
Now the left they don't need much to be offended...and if we all don't bow to what they think, well that makes us all, homophobes, racist, bigots, and the lovely names go on and on

No, Disney got this rolling.
A & E just sold most of their holdings to them.
This is about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ONLY.
That is why Robertson is wimping out and not standing up for what he says and believes in.
I've been mulling this over for a while, and I've come to the distinct conclusion that we are all being more bigoted about this than Phil. Each side wants constantly to silence the other. I no longer think this is about Duck Dynasty anymore, but more to do with deep seated political viewpoints than anything. I'm beginning to see how petty this has gotten, yes, let me be the first to acknowledge reality.

Phil Robertson isn't being hurt by any of this. A&E was well within it's right to suspend him, Phil was well within his to say what he wanted to say. Neither one of them will suffer financially for this. But, none of us are concerned about that. As I've just mentioned, this is all one colossal political food fight. Let's get one thing straight here: I don't advocate any third party group bullying anyone into silence all simply because they disagree with them. But this has morphed into a microcosm of the left vs. right division in our country, not an issue of constitutionality or tolerance to one demographic or another. This whole thing leads me to believe we are all being bigots. Not to Phil, not to gays, but each other.

Why is our go-to political strategy for beating our opponents to silence them? Why do we dismiss, rather than engage them?

Last night, GQ released a story about Duck Dynasty that quotes Phil Robertson’s thoughts about homosexuality:

As you can imagine, everyone had an opinion about this statement, including GLAAD and Phil’s check-signer, A&E, who suspended the star indefinitely.

One of the conservative tweeters I follow — one of those Christians convinced that Obama is going to have him killed for his faith — lives for stuff like this. He quickly took to the Twitterverse and posted a side-by-side image of Pope Francis and Phil, with the following caption: “Both preach truth on homosexual sin. One is TIME’s Person of the Year. The other JUST GOT FIRED.”

The point is worth considering. Even though Phil used crass, juvenile language to articulate his point, what he was getting at was his belief that homosexual “desire” is unnatural and inherently disordered. This opinion isn’t unique to Phil. It’s actually shared by a majority of his fans.

It’s also shared, to some extent, by the Pope. Yes, that Pope — the one on the cover not just of TIME but also of The Advocate.

Of course, The Advocate knows the Pope’s thoughts on LGBT issues, including marriage equality. But as they note, Francis’ “stark change in rhetoric from his two predecessors” has set a positive example for how religious people ought to treat LGBT persons — an example that Phil, an elder at the White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ, ought to have followed in his GQ interview.

To compare Papa Duck to Papa Francis, as conservatives are doing, is, in my opinion, to misrepresent both of them. Francis, though he privately holds to certain doctrine which some might see as “anti-gay,” has not used any of his public-speaking opportunities to share these with the world. Instead, Francis has repeatedly offered grace to the LGBT community. At one point, he even uttered what might go down as the expression of public humility that singlehandedly saved the church: “Who am I to judge?”

The 'Duck Dynasty' Fiasco Says More About Our Bigotry Than Phil's |

The oligarchs on both sides love shit like this. They laugh their asses off while the unwashed masses fight over thIs petty shit.

It appears we are being played like dogs in a cage, fighting over a slab of rotten meat.
Because he has the same rights everyone else does in having an opinion and stating it? Oh. Wait. Pretty soon that will be illegal.

He is the governor. He made his comment in an official capacity. I still haven't heard a good reason for him to complain about a private corporation firing someone who made offensive statements. When he mentioned the 1st Amendment he showed misunderstanding of the Constitution. And again ... did it in an official capacity.

The governor of Louisiana should have a very good reason before he issues an official statement complaining about a private company firing someone who made racially offensive and homophobic comments, not to mention the insult he made in that official statement against Miley Cyrus. From what I can see, the governor did not have a good reason to do so. It would be hard to find a good reason for a governor to make such an ignorant statement about the 1st Amendment.

Guess you haven't seen Jindal's interviews. Jindal and Phil Robertson have been friends for many years, Jindal came to the defense of a man he knew very well and knew he wasn't the bad man portrayed by the faghadist and now the blacks. All the man did was answer a question honestly, I guess honesty isn't an attribute anymore, seems to be something to avoid.
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once,” he said. “Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field … They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

I wonder, if he never heard a person say that because - they wouldn't have dared say that to a white man - even "white trash" - there were still lines that couldn't be crossed. It might have seemed "happy and godly" to him but it is doubtful that after hoeing the cotton together he ever entered their private lives.

There was a really good series I watched once called "I'll Fly Away" that was set pre-Civil rights, 1950's - 60's, in a southern state. One of the characters is a poor white boy who's always in trouble and angry. His family is "white trash" - but (and I can't remember the quote) - even white trash is better than the "*******" - no matter how bad things are for him, there is someone he can look down on.
A & E COULD GIVE A RAT'S ASS if someone was a Democrat or a Republican.
They care about DOLLARS.
Can not believe how naive and gullible you folks are.
This is about MONEY ONLY.

earlier today I have expressed the opinion that I won't be very surprised if the whole story was actually agreed between the parties involved - exactly for the publicity.
which is huge.

poor gays, they think it is about them ;)
nope, not everything. and since the members of the society subjective perception can not and SHOULD not be an arbiter here, what you call "reality" is not reality as an objective fact at all.

it is your subjective reality.
but you can not impose your subjective reality on others.

and that is what all this conflict is about - about the group of extremely intolerant people trying to impose their perception of reality on others.

therefore the well deserved backlash.

Its not my reality, its reality dude. There isnt alternate realities here. Reality is imposed onto people not my reality or yours just reality. In reality, ppl had a problem with what he said. You dont like that reality. What do you want another reality? Sorry one doesnt exist.

And the reality is that your use of the word intolerant isnt used for intolerance. You call people intolerant when they dont like YOUR intolerance.

You can call someone a faggot and someone can complain about you using the word. Dont get me wrong I'll tell a faggot joke in a second but I understand that everyone wont accept it. I'm ok with that

it is YOUR reality. a subjective one where you think the world is evolving around the leftards agenda. It is not.

Ok reality is mine to create and mold. Jesus christ dude. Now you are claiming I control reality just so you can cry about life. Its life man shit

the backlash in all this story is exactly proving that YOUR reality is not the objective reality.

What? Dude how did all of you get into MY reality?

GLAAD thought so as well.

They might just have crossed the Rubicon.

p.s. nobody called somebody a faggot. and as far as I remember calling somebody a faggot is usually the leftards prerogative ( exemplified by the left's vocal proponent recently fired exactly for the word LOL) - when they are losing the arguments with the opposite side they call the opponents faggots. shows exactly where their REAL beliefs are :D

Oh I get you now. I tell you that I tell faggot jokes and you reply that leftist (like me) dont like faggot jokes. :cuckoo: Someone somewhere gets fired for saying faggot and you say that situation was crowned valid by all leftist happened.

So basically whetever I say you will reply with some canned response that doesnt make a lick of sense.

Your talking points need yoga. They arent flexible at all
And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.

Let's establish that you are a far left wing moonbat..Having said that, the 'push' is by militant gay activists who demand 'acceptance'. They should count their blessings that they have achieved "tolerance'.
That's all they deserve. That is all anyone of any group deserves.

Actually, dude, I'm a registered republican. I just don't let homophobia get me to go along with voting against my own economic interests.

Hey, remember in 2004 when Bush and Cheney were going to totally save us from the evil gay marriage thing? (Even though CHeney's daughter is gay as the day is long.) Yupper, they totally won a second term (having stolen the first) by getting all you funditards all upset that the gheys might be getting married.

ANd the minute they were sworn into a second term, they completely forgot about the issue.

They were too busy trying to let Wall Street Crack into the Social Security Trust Fund, an idea so stupid even Republicans didn't go along with it.

Now, to your point. No, frankly, tolerance should not be the standard. If you have a real, substanstive objection to homosexuality, you should say so. Otherwise, you should mind yoru own business.

The probelm is, your two objections are 1) I think it's icky (when Dudes Do It!) and 2) My Imaginary Friend in the Sky Said it was Wrong.

And neither of those are really good enough anymore.

Republican is a political party.
Soon to be former mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg was a republican. However, he is a card carrying flaming lib.
What you believe is "not good enough" is immaterial.
You may believe in acceptance, but your belief does not change human nature.
Your problem as exposed in your posts, is that you expect others to believe as you do.
That is not how it works. If anyone is intolerant, it is you.

Use spell check.
What did he say about blacks that was offensive?

The idea that anyone was "happy" under a system designed to dehumanize them is offensive.

JUST BECAUSE he "says" no blacks ever were harmed before HIS eyes, or no blacks ever complained to HIM, is categorically ludicrous to think that blacks were "happy" under Jim Crow.

That is bullshit, and everyone knows it.

Were "jews" "happy" in concentration camps because some ppl never heard them complain to a german?


And the fact that he tries to put that spin on a most vicious time in American history concerning blacks is offensive to many.


Is that because it is impossible to be happy and black?

Wanna bet?
Umm, according to the Bible, Christians believe gay sex IS a sin....
That is not bigotry. It is a religious belief. And as such, the constitution guarantees the free expression of one's religious beliefs.
protest all you like. Attempt to change the narrative to suit your needs. It doesn't change the facts.
Mr Robertson is being persecuted for his religious belief. As are all Christians.
You libs are waging an all out war against Christianity.
We're sick of your shit and we are fighting back.
Thanks for energizing the conservative base..

Guy, the problem is, most Christians aren't buying into your bigotry any more than they are stoning their daughters for not being virgins on their wedding nights.

And you guys make yourselves look like twits trying to invoke the Bible to justify bad behavior.

Show examples of my alleged bigotry.
Where is the bad behavior?

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