Duck Dynasty?

Two instances where a person signs a contract. In one a man agrees to become a well paid public figure in return he must watch his mouth, he doesn't and pays a terrible price.

Result? Republicans freak the fuck out calling it unjust and wrong.

Next case: A man takes out a mortgage that balloons horribly at about the time his equity disappears and his home's value drops like a lead balloon leaving him to pay a terrible price for trying to be a home owner.

Result: Republicans say "tough shit, you signed away your rights, deal with it".

Is this supposed to make sense?
Its not my reality, its reality dude. There isnt alternate realities here. Reality is imposed onto people not my reality or yours just reality. In reality, ppl had a problem with what he said. You dont like that reality. What do you want another reality? Sorry one doesnt exist.

And the reality is that your use of the word intolerant isnt used for intolerance. You call people intolerant when they dont like YOUR intolerance.

You can call someone a faggot and someone can complain about you using the word. Dont get me wrong I'll tell a faggot joke in a second but I understand that everyone wont accept it. I'm ok with that

it is YOUR reality. a subjective one where you think the world is evolving around the leftards agenda. It is not.

Ok reality is mine to create and mold. Jesus christ dude. Now you are claiming I control reality just so you can cry about life. Its life man shit

the backlash in all this story is exactly proving that YOUR reality is not the objective reality.

What? Dude how did all of you get into MY reality?

GLAAD thought so as well.

They might just have crossed the Rubicon.

p.s. nobody called somebody a faggot. and as far as I remember calling somebody a faggot is usually the leftards prerogative ( exemplified by the left's vocal proponent recently fired exactly for the word LOL) - when they are losing the arguments with the opposite side they call the opponents faggots. shows exactly where their REAL beliefs are :D

Oh I get you now. I tell you that I tell faggot jokes and you reply that leftist (like me) dont like faggot jokes. :cuckoo: Someone somewhere gets fired for saying faggot and you say that situation was crowned valid by all leftist happened.

So basically whetever I say you will reply with some canned response that doesnt make a lick of sense.

Your talking points need yoga. They arent flexible at all

I suppose you are objecting just for the process only. Let me remind you where it all started - # 137:
It's YOU claiming that reality ( your view of it) is what is being the OBJECTIVE and YOUR perception of societal stance as being a fair arbiter

Repubs seem to have a problem with a society that refuses to accept bigotry.

Repubs keep saying they dont support the "environnment" where people can be punished for their bullshit. That "environment" is also known as "reality".

Sorry but reality is reality. There is no changing it no matter how much you dont like it

A society that refuses to accept bigotry, tell me who is the arbiter of bigotry, who defines it? Do we bend to a few loud mouthed assholes just to shut them up, we've been doing that for nearly half a century and how's that working for us? No jobs, declining standard of living and morals, more poor than ever, hell yeah let's just keep doing what we've been doing, it's working so well.

Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.
A&E New Show: Dick Dynasty

A&E has announced a new show to replace Duck Dynasty, Dick Dynasty. Dick Dynasty follows the whacky exploits of the guys in the ObamaCare ads as they try to come to terms with life in a transformed America.

"It's like 'Friends' or 'Seinfield' except there are no female characters, we think there's a huge market for this programming" said Reggie Love Director of Programming for A&E, "Barry and I came up with the idea while we were laying in bed one night talking about things we'd like to see on Television"


Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Please define "offended".

"Offensive" is subjective. What I find offensive, you may not, or visa-versa. In this case, many gays and blacks find his comments offensive. That's their prerogative since they were the target of his comments.

And if they were offended, why shouldn't they protest?

If I find it offensive that they are offended can I protest back, or would that be offensive?

See the problem yet?
When I say "part of the ruling class", I meant a whiteman that wasn't subject to lynchings like blacks were.

Tell me something, is ignorance really bliss? If it is, you are about to be unblissed because over 1200 whites were lynched in the US.
Two instances where a person signs a contract. In one a man agrees to become a well paid public figure in return he must watch his mouth, he doesn't and pays a terrible price.

Result? Republicans freak the fuck out calling it unjust and wrong.

Next case: A man takes out a mortgage that balloons horribly at about the time his equity disappears and his home's value drops like a lead balloon leaving him to pay a terrible price for trying to be a home owner.

Result: Republicans say "tough shit, you signed away your rights, deal with it".

Since you bring it up, please provide a standard contractual definition of "watch his mouth."

Would such a contract list the words he is not allowed to say?

Looking forward to the education, thanks.


Its called at will employment

They actually call it a morals clause.
You hateful racist homophobes are the minority.

33% and climbing. Too bad for you.

33%? I assume you're talking "number of states where gay marriage is "legal"? Then it would be "33% by fiat, not by consensus". And that's significant because the case in Utah migrating to the US Supreme Court is going to set judicial and legislative activism on its heel when reviewed against Windsor/DOMA 2013.

You might want to read ALL of that Opinion VERY carefully before you put on your party hats and break out the confetti... Supreme Court DOMA Ruling: Read Full Decision Here [DOC] | HEAVY

And if SCOTUS announces it will hear the Utah case and Brown v Utah at the same time, your gooses are cooked, legally speaking.

Nah, 33% of the nation (at the time of this graphic's creation) now live in states where Same Sex unions are recognized:


Since then, NM has been added to the enlightened.

From 0 to 33+ percent in 9 years. I'm comfortable in predicting that it will be 100% in my lifetime; if not by letter by practice perhaps but you're going to live in a state that accepts it...

Get used to it.
For everyone's enjoyment, Steve Hughes. Listen in around 3:20, and the joke will be about being offended.

[ame=]Steve Hughes on Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - YouTube[/ame]

Have people's skin gotten so thin that stuff other people say "hurts" them? Well, based on what I read on this board in general - yep, that certainly holds true for some.
Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.

Everything is subjective perception.

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to watch, does it really fall?

Did you ever consider the possibility that you aren't smart enough to make stupid philosophical statements?
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

Few are defending what he said, and fewer are defending what he said about blacks. Most are defending his right to say it, and pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the media's treatment of him as opposed to their treatment of left wing Kooks.

Didn't Bashir and Baldwin just get fired for what they said?

And they should not have, MSNBC is a bunch of wimps. And A&E should not of let the Duck guy go. Bashir was different in that he attacked one person, but they along with Maher and Imus should have been allowed to stay.

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