Duck Dynasty?

I am not sure where this protest is coming from. i watched this show once, and as far as I could tell, it was an updated reality version of the Beverly Hillbillies. I just assumed that the only audiance they had was a group of white, ignorant ,red neck, conservative white trash...
I am not sure where this protest is coming from. i watched this show once, and as far as I could tell, it was an updated reality version of the Beverly Hillbillies. I just assumed that the only audiance they had was a group of white, ignorant ,red neck, conservative white trash...

Ah, so wees be haitin' crackus now, huh?

Dems crackus shood be hoss whupped for not gettin a tan lahk Gawd ment 'em 2, stupid crackus.....


You really are a stupid fuck, aren't you?
I was reading the FB page and was just wandering around in the comments sections and stumbled across this. I thought it funny, and especially a great comment:

Bill Taylor Contact Cracker Barrel
Got something to share with us? We'd love to hear from you

Maybe "Cracker Barrel" should change their "offensive" name!
i see you have removed all the "Duck Dynasty" stuff from your stores. I am a white Southern Man and find the word "Cracker" very offensive so as you are removing the above said merchandise just go ahead and remove the word "Cracker" from your restaurants namesake. If not all us Crackers will stop eating there ..... Southern my @SS

Contact Us | Cracker Barrel
Very handy. Everything you know is relevant. Everything you don't know is irrelevant, and therefore not worth knowing.

What a comfortable little cocoon you live in.

Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant.

If you don't know it, how do you know it is irrelevant, stupid ass?

Pretty simple dumbass. You ask if the issue at hand is important. If you could care less then further information is irrelevant. You have to learn to prioritize. Once you get that trick maybe they will move you on up to fry cook.
You missed the entire point of her words. Was that deliberate or because you just couldn't figure it iut?

No actually I didn't. I'm basing my post on it. She talked of "people have the right to free thought and free speech" and "religious freedom". Which tells me she doesn't know what a morals clause is.

She wasn't talking about the network at all.

She has to be. Because without A&E's action there is no "free thought"/"free speech" issue, even when misread as she did from not knowing how entertainment contracts work. "Religious freedom" never was an issue AFAIK; nobody has told anyone what they can do with their religion.
Whats it to you?


Soooooo jealous. Doesn't every woman want herself a man to tell her to get into the kitchen and make him a damn sammich? My oh my, my little heart would just pitter patter from the excitement of it all! He even uses big words like "proboscis"! It is all just so very impressive.

Except he wasn't talking to every woman, just one stupid ****.

Don't take yourself so seriously, moron. Lots and lots of people really don't give a shit what you think, and I am definitely among them.

Calling women you don't know *****? That's the mark of a real man. I bet your mother would be proud.

Cant see the rep button, dear?

Maybe if you pretend its a microwave start button?


lolololol. Sweetheart, I am blinded by your brilliance. Tell it true, is it tough being so smart and clever? Do you find that most people just don't understand how truly amazing you are?

Soooooo jealous. Doesn't every woman want herself a man to tell her to get into the kitchen and make him a damn sammich? My oh my, my little heart would just pitter patter from the excitement of it all! He even uses big words like "proboscis"! It is all just so very impressive.

See, this is how stupid you are. I mentioned nothing about a "sammich".
Why do you make this so easy?

She cant help it since she is a stupid bitch.


You done told me, you big strong manly man, you.
Whats it to you?


Soooooo jealous. Doesn't every woman want herself a man to tell her to get into the kitchen and make him a damn sammich? My oh my, my little heart would just pitter patter from the excitement of it all! He even uses big words like "proboscis"! It is all just so very impressive.

Soon as I can, I'm gonna rep ya for that one. I lol'd for real.:lol:

Honestly, I'm finding this pretty amusing. I'm pretty sure that these two think they're proving some sort of macho bullshit with this stuff, but I'm mostly just sitting here laughing at how tough they seem to think they are. Real men don't need to resort to this kind of stuff.
Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant.

If you don't know it, how do you know it is irrelevant, stupid ass?

Pretty simple dumbass. You ask if the issue at hand is important. If you could care less then further information is irrelevant. You have to learn to prioritize. Once you get that trick maybe they will move you on up to fry cook.

Lol, in your mind if you don't care any more it is irrelevant?

roflmao, I hope to God you aren't an aeronautics engineer, lolol.
No actually I didn't. I'm basing my post on it. She talked of "people have the right to free thought and free speech" and "religious freedom". Which tells me she doesn't know what a morals clause is.

She wasn't talking about the network at all.

She has to be. Because without A&E's action there is no "free thought"/"free speech" issue, even when misread as she did from not knowing how entertainment contracts work. "Religious freedom" never was an issue AFAIK; nobody has told anyone what they can do with their religion.

Yes, they did. They said if you are Christian and believe the Bible says homosexual behavior is sinful, THEN SHUT UP ABOUT IT OR GET FIRED.

You stupid libtards continue to obfuscate the difference between moral right to speak one's mind freely and legal rights protected by the government. No one I have seen anywhere wants the government involved in this, only Christians to wake up and poycot A+E, which scares the shit out of you cretins.
Soooooo jealous. Doesn't every woman want herself a man to tell her to get into the kitchen and make him a damn sammich? My oh my, my little heart would just pitter patter from the excitement of it all! He even uses big words like "proboscis"! It is all just so very impressive.

Except he wasn't talking to every woman, just one stupid ****.

Don't take yourself so seriously, moron. Lots and lots of people really don't give a shit what you think, and I am definitely among them.

Calling women you don't know *****? That's the mark of a real man. I bet your mother would be proud.

Equal rights these days, bitch.

lolololol. Sweetheart, I am blinded by your brilliance. Tell it true, is it tough being so smart and clever? Do you find that most people just don't understand how truly amazing you are?

See, this is how stupid you are. I mentioned nothing about a "sammich".
Why do you make this so easy?

She cant help it since she is a stupid bitch.


You done told me, you big strong manly man, you.

No one can tell you anything, dumb shithead.
Soooooo jealous. Doesn't every woman want herself a man to tell her to get into the kitchen and make him a damn sammich? My oh my, my little heart would just pitter patter from the excitement of it all! He even uses big words like "proboscis"! It is all just so very impressive.

Soon as I can, I'm gonna rep ya for that one. I lol'd for real.:lol:

Honestly, I'm finding this pretty amusing. I'm pretty sure that these two think they're proving some sort of macho bullshit with this stuff, but I'm mostly just sitting here laughing at how tough they seem to think they are. Real men don't need to resort to this kind of stuff.

Lol, more libtard back slapping; my how proud they are of each other!

Why I bet they cant wait to get on the knee pads.
33%? I assume you're talking "number of states where gay marriage is "legal"? Then it would be "33% by fiat, not by consensus". And that's significant because the case in Utah migrating to the US Supreme Court is going to set judicial and legislative activism on its heel when reviewed against Windsor/DOMA 2013.

You might want to read ALL of that Opinion VERY carefully before you put on your party hats and break out the confetti... Supreme Court DOMA Ruling: Read Full Decision Here [DOC] | HEAVY

And if SCOTUS announces it will hear the Utah case and Brown v Utah at the same time, your gooses are cooked, legally speaking.

Nah, 33% of the nation (at the time of this graphic's creation) now live in states where Same Sex unions are recognized:


Since then, NM has been added to the enlightened.
From 0 to 33+ percent in 9 years. I'm comfortable in predicting that it will be 100% in my lifetime; if not by letter by practice perhaps but you're going to live in a state that accepts it...
Get used to it.
It was 38% this morning, but Utah likely put it over 40%. It'll be 50% by 2016.

It'll be one of those things. Did you know it took until the year 2000 for backwards Alabama (it's not a city such as Backwards, Alabama, it's an apt description) took a law off the books that made inter-racial marriage illegal? In practice, it's been okay and approved for decades but getting laws changed in the deep Stupid will take a while. The practice will far preceed the letter of the law changing.

It's not revolution; it's evolution and it can't be stopped.
It's cheaper to raise and slaughter ducks than it is for hunting.And you can get the ones you like, they don't have the gamey taste.

Maybe because some people just LIKE hunting?

You know it is cheaper to just go into the market and by your carrots, beans and cabbage than grow them yourself.

Yet your godess in the White House advocates growing your own vegetables.
A & E COULD GIVE A RAT'S ASS if someone was a Democrat or a Republican.
They care about DOLLARS.
Can not believe how naive and gullible you folks are.
This is about MONEY ONLY.

My dear you're going to have a stroke or something over this topic

man oh man:lol:

Well, let's be fair to Gawdawg... Unlike most of you Republican Rubes who actually care about the gays and the abortions, he's all about making sure employer and corporate rights are protected.

Reprehensible as that is, he gets it.

The last thing he wants is the Robertsons to tell a big corporation where to get off and cost them money. Because then the lower groups of wage slaves might start demanding rights, too, and we can't have that.
A & E COULD GIVE A RAT'S ASS if someone was a Democrat or a Republican.
They care about DOLLARS.
Can not believe how naive and gullible you folks are.
This is about MONEY ONLY.

earlier today I have expressed the opinion that I won't be very surprised if the whole story was actually agreed between the parties involved - exactly for the publicity.
which is huge.

poor gays, they think it is about them ;)

I don't think so. NO one comes out looking good on this.

Wait for the other shoe to drop, when Wal-Mart and other big chain stores stop carrying their stuff.

Oh, hey, you know what's vanished from my second job? All the Duck Dynasty Chia Heads they were selling...
While you have a right to freedom of speech, you don't have a right to immunity from consequences about what you say.

This Duck Dynasty thing... it's not a violation of the first amendment since A&E is a private company and can prettymuch do whatever the hell they want.

Another gay hater got put in his place.
Sarah Palin, scary shit that she would have been one step away from leading the free world.
She does not even understand and know the United States Constitution.
Amazing the ignorance of the right wing religious kooks.
I have seen a thousand and one comments that "A & E violated Phil Robertson's 1st Amendment Rights of free speech"

Uh, a little lesson for the dumb masses here about The Constitution:


She did what fuck face?

You are really starting to piss me off.

Tell us again what Palin did that is against the constitution. By all means do so fuck face. Balls to the walls here.

Do it.

First you need to show where I ever claimed Sarah Palin did something that "is against the Constitution"
She may be your hero and role model and so be it.
Not mine. I played with winners all 5 years.
Sarah Palin is a quitter and a loser.
Go back to your liquor bottle and send me your address and I will send you a jar of Georgia's finest shine.
Is this great or what?

This is the great outing. I love it. I've always been out front and center. Ted Nugent kick ass christian. And I'll never stop.

Now we are seeing who's with the Word or who is a child of fear. Fucking eh! I rock with Jehovah. Let's see how this goes.

Ted Nugent is a draft dodger.

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