Duck Dynasty?

Is this great or what?

This is the great outing. I love it. I've always been out front and center. Ted Nugent kick ass christian. And I'll never stop.

Now we are seeing who's with the Word or who is a child of fear. Fucking eh! I rock with Jehovah. Let's see how this goes.

Ted Nugent is a draft dodger.

So were a lot of people back then
sheesh, where's all this haten coming from
It'll be one of those things. Did you know it took until the year 2000 for backwards Alabama (it's not a city such as Backwards, Alabama, it's an apt description) took a law off the books that made inter-racial marriage illegal? In practice, it's been okay and approved for decades but getting laws changed in the deep Stupid will take a while. The practice will far preceed the letter of the law changing.

It's not revolution; it's evolution and it can't be stopped.

The sad part is...

........................40% of the voters voted to keep the language in their State Constitution.

Is this great or what?

This is the great outing. I love it. I've always been out front and center. Ted Nugent kick ass christian. And I'll never stop.

Now we are seeing who's with the Word or who is a child of fear. Fucking eh! I rock with Jehovah. Let's see how this goes.

Ted Nugent is a draft dodger.

So were a lot of people back then
sheesh, where's all this haten coming from

I do not hate him
I despise all draft dodgers.
Wrong, in reality the society at large establishes the norms, not small minorities, standards that have been in place for tens of thousands of years wouldn't be discarded on a fucking whim. I don't know what alternate universe you live in but it ain't mine.

Thats correct society at large establishes the norms. Society at large doesnt accept public bigotry.

What you are trying to do is pretend that small minorities are stomping on the larger group. Which is impossible to do since one is small and the other is large. You seem to believe that society at large COULDNT be offended by anti-gay remarks because YOU arent offended by them.

No I'm offended by the faghadist that think they can control the rest of us by being loud mouthed assholes. One man expresses a personal opinion because he was asked a question and now the loony freaks are trying to threaten the TV industry. Going after networks, actors and advertisers, who do these little freaks think they are? If you notice the op won't answer a very simple question because an honest answer would blow the whole premise of the thread.

Who do those people think they are? Answer: Consumers

A&E Fired them dude. No one else. Yet you blame fags for expressing displeasure with the dudes comments but have no blame for A&E.

Because its all about fairness :doubt:
it is YOUR reality. a subjective one where you think the world is evolving around the leftards agenda. It is not.

Ok reality is mine to create and mold. Jesus christ dude. Now you are claiming I control reality just so you can cry about life. Its life man shit

What? Dude how did all of you get into MY reality?

Oh I get you now. I tell you that I tell faggot jokes and you reply that leftist (like me) dont like faggot jokes. :cuckoo: Someone somewhere gets fired for saying faggot and you say that situation was crowned valid by all leftist happened.

So basically whetever I say you will reply with some canned response that doesnt make a lick of sense.

Your talking points need yoga. They arent flexible at all

I suppose you are objecting just for the process only. Let me remind you where it all started - # 137:
It's YOU claiming that reality ( your view of it) is what is being the OBJECTIVE and YOUR perception of societal stance as being a fair arbiter

A society that refuses to accept bigotry, tell me who is the arbiter of bigotry, who defines it? Do we bend to a few loud mouthed assholes just to shut them up, we've been doing that for nearly half a century and how's that working for us? No jobs, declining standard of living and morals, more poor than ever, hell yeah let's just keep doing what we've been doing, it's working so well.

Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

no, it is NOT.

it is your subjective perception.

And God forbid ever to live in a country where a society is an arbiter.

Thank God it is STILL not here as well.

Hey idiot. Its not my reality or my perception. Did the Duck Dynasty dude say something offense to fags? Yes! It happened. Not in my world in THE WORLD

Did fags take offense? Yes they did! Not in my REALITY!

Society will judge even if I'm not here so this has nothing to do with me personally as much as you want to cry about it. You're mad that society as a whole doesnt accept public bigotry.

When you finish crying about it how will you change it? Can it be changed by one person?

Answer: You wont. It cant
Is this great or what?

This is the great outing. I love it. I've always been out front and center. Ted Nugent kick ass christian. And I'll never stop.

Now we are seeing who's with the Word or who is a child of fear. Fucking eh! I rock with Jehovah. Let's see how this goes.

Ted Nugent is a draft dodger.

So were a lot of people back then
sheesh, where's all this haten coming from

...and that makes it ok to hide when you get a to fight then play tough guy during peace times
While you have a right to freedom of speech, you don't have a right to immunity from consequences about what you say.

This Duck Dynasty thing... it's not a violation of the first amendment since A&E is a private company and can prettymuch do whatever the hell they want.

Another gay hater got put in his place.

Only thing getting put in its place is A&E and not Cracker Barrel. They pissed off the wrong people.
Interesting how libs try to argue this as a gay issue. Robertson has his rights to his own opinion. He also has the right to speak his mind about them. Don't like his point of view, don't listen to it. Follow your own advice you give when the shoe is on the other foot.

Of course he has the right to express his opinion. Just as A&E has the right to suspend him from their network.

so what you are telling me is it is now ok for corporations to fire people based on their opinions? I have an employee who is an atheist. I can fire them? I have an employee who is not gay but attends a demonstration for gay rights. I can fire them? I mean I'm sure you would not want to see any double standards happening out there. Am I right?
Oh those Gladd people. How dare they. Being insulted just because they are compared to "humandogfucking". Yea, we need to have a backlash.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, no one gives a fuck what lies you are telling RDean, you fucking moron.

They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil." -- Speaking at the 2010 Wild Game Supper in Pottstown, Pa.

"Why do they murder and why do they hate us? Because all of them ... 80 years of history, they all want to conquer the world, they all rejected Jesus and they're all famous for murder. Nazis, Shintoists, Communists and the Mohammedists. Every one of them the same way." -- Preaching at Hillsboro Church of Christ in El Dorado, Ark., in 2008.

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -

Earlier this week, Robertson, 67, gave a controversial interview to GQ magazine in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality.

'Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Has Made Other Anti-Gay Comments in the Past - ABC News

Bestiality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: sex between a person and an animal

: sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal

In other words - "humandogfucking".

These dirty ass right wingers comparing this fuckster to "Rosa Parks" and they call me a liar? The nerve of these shitstains. How dare they.
These Republicans are the same ones that would defend yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Hoping people get trampled. It's called "entertainment"....for them.
These Republicans are the same ones that would defend yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Hoping people get trampled. It's called "entertainment"....for them.

libs would be killing babies and striping americans of their rights
Republicans defending the rights of an employee.....imagine that?

democrats opposing free speech and the right to personal opinions. well yea, ok. that's par for the course. nothing new here

Who's opposed to free speech? Robertson was free to say what he said.

So he shouldn't have to apologize or meet with gay families to listen to them and the family is free to tell A&E to fuck off.

Yes, that's what we have been saying all along.
Oh those Gladd people. How dare they. Being insulted just because they are compared to "humandogfucking". Yea, we need to have a backlash.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, no one gives a fuck what lies you are telling RDean, you fucking moron.

They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil." -- Speaking at the 2010 Wild Game Supper in Pottstown, Pa.

"Why do they murder and why do they hate us? Because all of them ... 80 years of history, they all want to conquer the world, they all rejected Jesus and they're all famous for murder. Nazis, Shintoists, Communists and the Mohammedists. Every one of them the same way." -- Preaching at Hillsboro Church of Christ in El Dorado, Ark., in 2008.

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -

Earlier this week, Robertson, 67, gave a controversial interview to GQ magazine in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality.

'Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Has Made Other Anti-Gay Comments in the Past - ABC News

Bestiality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: sex between a person and an animal

: sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal

In other words - "humandogfucking".

These dirty ass right wingers comparing this fuckster to "Rosa Parks" and they call me a liar? The nerve of these shitstains. How dare they.

Again, it is easy to see how you twist the facts and other's statements, which demonstrates again that you are nothing more than a fraud and a liar.
These Republicans are the same ones that would defend yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Hoping people get trampled. It's called "entertainment"....for them.

Lol, now you compare paraphrased quoting of the Bible to yelling fire in a theater.

Classic fascist dehumanizing propaganda lie.
democrats opposing free speech and the right to personal opinions. well yea, ok. that's par for the course. nothing new here

Who's opposed to free speech? Robertson was free to say what he said.

So he shouldn't have to apologize or meet with gay families to listen to them and the family is free to tell A&E to fuck off.

Yes, that's what we have been saying all along.

Of course. He doesn't have to meet with anyone. And of course, he's free to tell A&E to fuck off. His 1st Amendment right to free speech was never disrupted.

That's not to say that A&E is denied their right to air whatever they want (within FCC regulations) on their network.
While you have a right to freedom of speech, you don't have a right to immunity from consequences about what you say.

This Duck Dynasty thing... it's not a violation of the first amendment since A&E is a private company and can prettymuch do whatever the hell they want.

Another gay hater got put in his place.

No one is saying that there was a violation of the Constitution here, idiot. A+E is well within their legal rights, but what they did was MORALLY wrong and FASCIST in nature.

Libtards think quoting the Bible is like yelling fire in a crowded theater!

And we are going to boycott and put and end to this PC fascism all the easier because of this attack on Phil.

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