Duck Dynasty?

Who's opposed to free speech? Robertson was free to say what he said.

So he shouldn't have to apologize or meet with gay families to listen to them and the family is free to tell A&E to fuck off.

Yes, that's what we have been saying all along.

Of course. He doesn't have to meet with anyone. And of course, he's free to tell A&E to fuck off. His 1st Amendment right to free speech was never disrupted.

That's not to say that A&E is denied their right to air whatever they want (within FCC regulations) on their network.

Lol, again, the constitutional right defelection.

No one is saying that A+E violated his First Amendment rights, dumbass.

But had he said some PC outrageous bullshit and got fired, you would be pissing yourself for a year, probably.
The two sides involved in most all of these type arguments and stances on issues are drifting further and further apart. The left defines compromise as getting 100% of what it wants. Newsflash....that's not compromise. Soon enough, when the right finally understands that nothing they do yields any kind of productive results, there will be a groundswell of united conservatives that will do what it has to do in order to regain independent thought and protected speech and the right to exist. To be honest, you hear the left say all the time that old white people need to just die off before they can get their way totally. Oprah said something similar. I have news for the left, we don't die off so easily and we don't plan on laying down for you any longer.

You lefties want some? Come and get it.
Earlier this week, Robertson, 67, gave a controversial interview to GQ magazine in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality..

Only in that God considers both a sin. Of course, it doesn't play into the liberal rant unless the true meaning of what he said is twisted around to suit the agenda.
So he shouldn't have to apologize or meet with gay families to listen to them and the family is free to tell A&E to fuck off.

Yes, that's what we have been saying all along.

Of course. He doesn't have to meet with anyone. And of course, he's free to tell A&E to fuck off. His 1st Amendment right to free speech was never disrupted.

That's not to say that A&E is denied their right to air whatever they want (within FCC regulations) on their network.

Lol, again, the constitutional right defelection.

No one is saying that A+E violated his First Amendment rights, dumbass.

But had he said some PC outrageous bullshit and got fired, you would be pissing yourself for a year, probably.
Nonsense. There have been plenty of folks complaining his freedom of speech is being infringed upon.
So now ppl wanna quote lynching stats for whites?

Because I said white men weren't subject to lynchings LIKE black men were?


The point is, if you think like this guy thinks about blacks in the 50' are either..

1. A fucking idiot.
2. Telling a lie, to help re-write history.
3. A fucking idiot.
4. A racist who thinks blacks were happy being marginalized and discriminated against by law.
5. A fucking idiot.
6. Someone hiding behind Christianity to be a bigot.
7. A fucking idiot.
8. A redneck that longs for "The Good 'Ol Days" when blacks were beaten to death for winking at a white woman and nobody is arrested.
9. A fucking idiot.
10. Someone who has just gotten his dumb ass kicked off his own show.

Who's opposed to free speech? Robertson was free to say what he said.

So he shouldn't have to apologize or meet with gay families to listen to them and the family is free to tell A&E to fuck off.

Yes, that's what we have been saying all along.

Of course. He doesn't have to meet with anyone. And of course, he's free to tell A&E to fuck off. His 1st Amendment right to free speech was never disrupted.

That's not to say that A&E is denied their right to air whatever they want (within FCC regulations) on their network.


This isn’t a ‘First Amendment’ issue, and no one’s right to free speech is being ‘violated,’ it’s ignorant idiocy to state otherwise, or willful ignorance and demagoguery.
Earlier this week, Robertson, 67, gave a controversial interview to GQ magazine in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality..

Only in that God considers both a sin. Of course, it doesn't play into the liberal rant unless the true meaning of what he said is twisted around to suit the agenda.

The Bible also says eating an animal with cloven hoofed feet is a sin. If Robertson eats pork, doesn't that make him a hypocrite?
Earlier this week, Robertson, 67, gave a controversial interview to GQ magazine in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality..

Only in that God considers both a sin. Of course, it doesn't play into the liberal rant unless the true meaning of what he said is twisted around to suit the agenda.

The Bible also says eating an animal with cloven hoofed feet is a sin. If Robertson eats pork, doesn't that make him a hypocrite?

He isn't bound by the laws of the Old Testament as a Christian. Also, in this country he's free to be a duck hunter AND a hypocrite if he so chooses. Not that he is, just that he's free to be one.
How about that one folks, Glaad is demanding he meet with homosexuals..

Have you ever heard of such nonsense

who do they think they are, the homo police of this country

people need to tell them where to go, straight to hell
How about that one folks, Glaad is demanding he meet with homosexuals..

Have you ever heard of such nonsense

who do they think they are, the homo police of this country

people need to tell them where to go, straight to hell

MSNBC suggested that Phil might like anal sex if he tried it. Disgusting perverts.
Only in that God considers both a sin. Of course, it doesn't play into the liberal rant unless the true meaning of what he said is twisted around to suit the agenda.

The Bible also says eating an animal with cloven hoofed feet is a sin. If Robertson eats pork, doesn't that make him a hypocrite?

He isn't bound by the laws of the Old Testament as a Christian. Also, in this country he's free to be a duck hunter AND a hypocrite if he so chooses. Not that he is, just that he's free to be one.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.
The Bible also says eating an animal with cloven hoofed feet is a sin. If Robertson eats pork, doesn't that make him a hypocrite?

He isn't bound by the laws of the Old Testament as a Christian. Also, in this country he's free to be a duck hunter AND a hypocrite if he so chooses. Not that he is, just that he's free to be one.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.

Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
What do these people sound like by saying he should have to go meet homosexuals?

re-education camps anyone?

People better wake up in this country
He isn't bound by the laws of the Old Testament as a Christian. Also, in this country he's free to be a duck hunter AND a hypocrite if he so chooses. Not that he is, just that he's free to be one.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.

Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?
How about that one folks, Glaad is demanding he meet with homosexuals..

Have you ever heard of such nonsense

who do they think they are, the homo police of this country

people need to tell them where to go, straight to hell

MSNBC suggested that Phil might like anal sex if he tried it. Disgusting perverts.


He isn't bound by the laws of the Old Testament as a Christian. Also, in this country he's free to be a duck hunter AND a hypocrite if he so chooses. Not that he is, just that he's free to be one.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.

Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.

Actually Jesus (supposedly, anyway) upheld kosher law.

IIRC it was Paul that wanted to make it more appealing to the common people so he removed most of kosher law and made the religion more gentile cause people weren't buying into it.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.

Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
To be clear, yes, Jesus died for all our sins be it homosexuality or kosher infractions. But, one has to accept that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness before sin can be forgiven.
While you have a right to freedom of speech, you don't have a right to immunity from consequences about what you say.

This Duck Dynasty thing... it's not a violation of the first amendment since A&E is a private company and can prettymuch do whatever the hell they want.

Another gay hater got put in his place.

No one is saying that there was a violation of the Constitution here, idiot. A+E is well within their legal rights, but what they did was MORALLY wrong and FASCIST in nature.

Libtards think quoting the Bible is like yelling fire in a crowded theater!

And we are going to boycott and put and end to this PC fascism all the easier because of this attack on Phil.

If A&E had suspended him, then taken the withdrawal of the family from the series like a competent company it should have ended there. GLAAD's continuing search and destroy is what makes the issue fascist and stalinist.
I am not sure where this protest is coming from. i watched this show once, and as far as I could tell, it was an updated reality version of the Beverly Hillbillies. I just assumed that the only audiance they had was a group of white, ignorant ,red neck, conservative white trash...

Ah, so wees be haitin' crackus now, huh?

Dems crackus shood be hoss whupped for not gettin a tan lahk Gawd ment 'em 2, stupid crackus.....


You really are a stupid fuck, aren't you?

Jim, I don't know exactly how it happened, but somehow, you escaped my notice up until now, and I never put you on "ignore". I'll fix that rigjht away....
What do these people sound like by saying he should have to go meet homosexuals?

re-education camps anyone?

People better wake up in this country

They think if he met with homosexuals they would have a chance to humiliate him in public. Have you see any episodes of the View? Same thing.

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