Duck Dynasty?

If A&E had suspended him, then taken the withdrawal of the family from the series like a competent company it should have ended there. GLAAD's continuing search and destroy is what makes the issue fascist and stalinist.

Congrats to GLAAD. The only way these hill billies will learn is by teaching them a financial lesson. They can say what they want but they can also be boycotted and hopefully financially ruined.

Financially ruined...what a joke...They were millionairs before A&E and that intolerant hateful group called, Glaad
liberals are some of the biggest haters in this country if you don't bow to what they think you should...want to see them financially ruined...awful people

I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but it would feel me with joy. Teach those hill billies a lesson.
Stuff like this really shines a light on the souls and hearts of a liberal

intolerant, hate, wishing ruin on people

sad and sick all rolled into one

They all in their hearts want conservatives to die. Some actually proclaim it....proudly I might add.

I know lots of cool conservatives. Why would I want them to die? They help me make more money.
I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but it would feel me with joy. Teach those hill billies a lesson.

Then you'll no doubt want Miley Cyrus ruined too...It's only fair when one religion insults another, right?

Think about this, Phil Robertson merely stated his opinions on gay sex as he was raised and does believe and with his common sense, sees clearly. Christians have very strong views about gay sex because the bible tells them its unclean and a sin. And as it happens, the facts line up with that epiphany. HIV/AIDS and trying to reproduce with the anus and fecal canal is a very unclean business and deadly too.

So that's Phil's views in a nutshell. He didn't, for example, act them out by hanging an effigy of Richard Simmons or another flamer and beating it to a pulp with a baseball bat. That would have been very inappropriate and offensive to people who practice gay sex as a religion. Yet gay network owners and media supporters think nothing of flaunting, on prime time no less with christian children watching, a sex scene between Miley Cyrus and some guy; or portraying offensive pictures of two men kissing or parading around sexually-suggestive on prime time commercials and promo clips for shows & movies.

Both of those acts are a direct and offensive affront on the other; while only one of the two are regularly disciplined as such. I for one am getting tired of the double standard. "You cannot offend my religion of gay sex or you'll get sued, be ruined, go to jail and be run out on a rail. But I can regularly and routinely offend your religious views and not only that, but force your kids to admire my ridicule of your religious views in public schools and force you to recognize my offensive acts and cater to them whenever I demand!"

I've often said that if gays want to win this 14th Amendment recognition, they should apply as a religion and not as a class. After all, they fit the bill as to religion/cult much much better.

1. They evangelize anywhere and everywhere they go and have special emphasis on reaching out to kids to convert. Koolaid isn't just a drink they serve the kids..

2. They have a strict set of dogmatic rules that anyone in the fold is strongly dis-encouraged to violate. They even have a word for "Satan" which is = to "defector" and that word in their "Bible" is "Anne Heche". Anne Heche is the antichrist of the gay religion. They even made a law in California that makes it illegal for children to defect who were brought into the fold by molestation.

3. Their religion spans all races and both genders.

4. Their religious views are adopted after they are born by contact with the idea that the homosexual orgasm is equivalent to the christian rapture and anything that dares to interfere with that is punishable heresy.

5. They really like altar boys, the younger the better and "keep 'em coming.." [See #1]
Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?
I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it

Ha! Neither are the Ducks! I bet that Phil sleeps pretty soundly knowing that this has sparked action within the Christian conservative movement.

He's winning. :lol:

He's winning and it could be a turning point for Christianity to move from sitting down and taking gay gestapo tactics to fighting back.

'Duck Dynasty' outrage a turning point for Christians? | Fox News Video
Congrats to GLAAD. The only way these hill billies will learn is by teaching them a financial lesson. They can say what they want but they can also be boycotted and hopefully financially ruined.

Financially ruined...what a joke...They were millionairs before A&E and that intolerant hateful group called, Glaad
liberals are some of the biggest haters in this country if you don't bow to what they think you should...want to see them financially ruined...awful people

I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined.
Why? Why would you want a small town guy who came from nothing who worked hard to come up with a inovative product (to lure ducks in that millions have used to their benefit) to go broke? Phil Robertson is a American success story that is a inspiration to many.
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Because Republicans believe in Freedom of Speech and hard work, low taxes, and he is RIGHT about what he said about homos and blacks.

Then why did Reagan raise taxes on the middle class seven times in eight years. Republicans are WRONG for the middle class.
I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but it would feel me with joy. Teach those hill billies a lesson.

Then you'll no doubt want Miley Cyrus ruined too...It's only fair when one religion insults another, right?

Think about this, Phil Robertson merely stated his opinions on gay sex as he was raised and does believe and with his common sense, sees clearly. Christians have very strong views about gay sex because the bible tells them its unclean and a sin. And as it happens, the facts line up with that epiphany. HIV/AIDS and trying to reproduce with the anus and fecal canal is a very unclean business and deadly too.

So that's Phil's views in a nutshell. He didn't, for example, act them out by hanging an effigy of Richard Simmons or another flamer and beating it to a pulp with a baseball bat. That would have been very inappropriate and offensive to people who practice gay sex as a religion. Yet gay network owners and media supporters think nothing of flaunting, on prime time no less with christian children watching, a sex scene between Miley Cyrus and some guy; or portraying offensive pictures of two men kissing or parading around sexually-suggestive on prime time commercials and promo clips for shows & movies.

Both of those acts are a direct and offensive affront on the other; while only one of the two are regularly disciplined as such. I for one am getting tired of the double standard. "You cannot offend my religion of gay sex or you'll get sued, be ruined, go to jail and be run out on a rail. But I can regularly and routinely offend your religious views and not only that, but force your kids to admire my ridicule of your religious views in public schools and force you to recognize my offensive acts and cater to them whenever I demand!"

I've often said that if gays want to win this 14th Amendment recognition, they should apply as a religion and not as a class. After all, they fit the bill as to religion/cult much much better.

1. They evangelize anywhere and everywhere they go and have special emphasis on reaching out to kids to convert. Koolaid isn't just a drink they serve the kids..

2. They have a strict set of dogmatic rules that anyone in the fold is strongly dis-encouraged to violate. They even have a word for "Satan" which is = to "defector" and that word in their "Bible" is "Anne Heche". Anne Heche is the antichrist of the gay religion. They even made a law in California that makes it illegal for children to defect who were brought into the fold by molestation.

3. Their religion spans all races and both genders.

4. Their religious views are adopted after they are born by contact with the idea that the homosexual orgasm is equivalent to the christian rapture and anything that dares to interfere with that is punishable heresy.

5. They really like altar boys, the younger the better and "keep 'em coming.." [See #1]

Yeah those are some high class opinions right there. Like I said before I dont mind people voicing their opinions but I laugh when or if they get shit about it and start crying. In this case his opinion towards gays and Black people are offensive. I dont keep up with Miley Cyrus so I have no idea what she has said.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?

Consider what you said. If it were true for gays who accepted Christ, they would have to go and sin no more. Just what Jesus told Mary Magdalene. So they might still be homosexuals, but not sinners since they didn't commit sinful acts. Making Robertson's comments knowlegable and very very true.
Financially ruined...what a joke...They were millionairs before A&E and that intolerant hateful group called, Glaad
liberals are some of the biggest haters in this country if you don't bow to what they think you should...want to see them financially ruined...awful people

I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined.
Why? Why would you want a small town guy who came from nothing who worked hard to come up with a inovatie product (to lure ducks in that millions have used to their benefit) to go broke? Phil Robertson is a American success story that is a inspiration to many.

Because he also appears to be an willfully ignorant hill billy from his comments. Nothing better in the world to change attitudes like a good boycott or financial ruin. There are plenty of inspirational stories. No one needs his.
LOL, no, just frustrated that BOTH SIDES have it wrong.
Same as everyday everything politics these days.
Media has pitted an US versus THEM "story" again.
Same as the Zimmerman case.

I know what you mean
But I had to step in this one because Glaad are the ones that got this thing rolling..And this is all over some interview he gave to a magazine, not even said on A&E
Now the left they don't need much to be offended...and if we all don't bow to what they think, well that makes us all, homophobes, racist, bigots, and the lovely names go on and on

No, Disney got this rolling.
A & E just sold most of their holdings to them.
This is about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ONLY.
That is why Robertson is wimping out and not standing up for what he says and believes in.

Give us a link to his "wimp out".
I'm just trying to understand.

Louisiana has a large black population.

Why would it's governor come out and defendvRichardson?

I mean, why comment at all?

A politician is supposed to represent all the ppl in his/her realm.

What Richardson said HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Jindal.

So why on earth would he feel compelled to alienate people he is supposed to represent?

A Public Official is pledged to serve Justice with Impartiality, at least as far as the Law Itself permits. What is just, unfortunately, is not always popular. I guess that's what distinguishes between mice and men, huh.
Congrats to GLAAD. The only way these hill billies will learn is by teaching them a financial lesson. They can say what they want but they can also be boycotted and hopefully financially ruined.

Financially ruined...what a joke...They were millionairs before A&E and that intolerant hateful group called, Glaad
liberals are some of the biggest haters in this country if you don't bow to what they think you should...want to see them financially ruined...awful people

I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but it would feel me with joy. Teach those hill billies a lesson.

What did they do to you?
Because Republicans believe in Freedom of Speech and hard work, low taxes, and he is RIGHT about what he said about homos and blacks.

Then why did Reagan raise taxes on the middle class seven times in eight years. Republicans are WRONG for the middle class.

And why did Democrats launch a health care program that would cause a rise in premiums, a rise in costs for the middle class? Why did the Democrats allow business another year to comply and hurt the working middle class more? Why did Obama lie to the middle class telling them they could keep their insurance and doctors?

Why did the democrats not launch a jobs bill in the first 2 years they controlled the House and the Senate? Why did the Democrats not prosecute the bankers and the those responsible for the fall in 2008?

I'm not seeing the Democrats being good for the middle class.
Congrats to GLAAD. The only way these hill billies will learn is by teaching them a financial lesson. They can say what they want but they can also be boycotted and hopefully financially ruined.

Financially ruined...what a joke...They were millionairs before A&E and that intolerant hateful group called, Glaad
liberals are some of the biggest haters in this country if you don't bow to what they think you should...want to see them financially ruined...awful people

I'm not joking. I would love to see them financially ruined. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but it would feel me with joy. Teach those hill billies a lesson.

no problem, I doubt they are losing sleep over you and your hate either

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