Duck Dynasty?

Stuff like this really shines a light on the souls and hearts of a liberal

intolerant, hate, wishing ruin on people

sad and sick all rolled into one

They all in their hearts want conservatives to die. Some actually proclaim it....proudly I might add.

I know lots of cool conservatives. Why would I want them to die? They help me make more money.

So you are an evil profiteer? Liberals don't like people who make money off other people.
Because Republicans believe in Freedom of Speech and hard work, low taxes, and he is RIGHT about what he said about homos and blacks.

Then why did Reagan raise taxes on the middle class seven times in eight years. Republicans are WRONG for the middle class.

Lol, when Reagan reluctantly agreed to a DEMOCRAT controlled Congress raising taxes, the libtards blame Reagan.

When the GOP controlled House tries to defund some programs it thought harmful to the country, Obama shuts down the government, but to the libtards it is STILL THE GOP's fault!

Anyone see a pattern to this bullshit?
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?

I'll leave judgment to God. I'll go out on a limb and say that in my opinion, a repentant gay is as likely to go to heaven as anybody else that repents.

The idea that Jesus stressed is repentance. That is, of course, the stumbling block of oh so many people in this world.
Sin is sin. Either defying kosher AND homosexuality are both sins or neither are sins. And while I agree he is free to be a hypocrite, it seems that is exactly what he is doing.

Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

He came to fulfill the Law. JC said it himself.

You don't know what you are talking about.
Cracker Barrel gives in and restores Duck Dynasty products to its shelves.

Cracker Barrel: We screwed up big time | Fox News

A solid win for the side of the angels.

Now to make A+E apologize to the Robertsons and see Duck Dynasty on a different chanel.
I went into a department store just after the news broke on the Duck Dynasty thing and their display and all the products underneath it were stripped down to just one or two items left. Those products flew off the shelves!

And a million likes on the "Boycott A&E" webpage within hours of their announcing suspending Phil Robertson means that the Chic Fil a crowd has HAD IT with the gay reverse-bullying. It's over. Finally.
Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?

I'll leave judgment to God. I'll go out on a limb and say that in my opinion, a repentant gay is as likely to go to heaven as anybody else that repents.

The idea that Jesus stressed is repentance. That is, of course, the stumbling block of oh so many people in this world.

I've really been trying to deal with judgement. Now on one hand I just want to pass that over to the big guy.

But we also have to discern evil and sinning versus good. And to be able to make the call in our every day lives.

And condemn evil.
Cracker Barrel gives in and restores Duck Dynasty products to its shelves.

Cracker Barrel: We screwed up big time | Fox News

A solid win for the side of the angels.

Now to make A+E apologize to the Robertsons and see Duck Dynasty on a different chanel.
I went into a department store just after the news broke on the Duck Dynasty thing and their display and all the products underneath it were stripped down to just one or two items left. Those products flew off the shelves!

And a million likes on the "Boycott A&E" webpage within hours of their announcing suspending Phil Robertson means that the Chic Fil a crowd has HAD IT with the gay reverse-bullying. It's over. Finally.

Not yet.

It aint over until the fat bitch squeals like a pig.
I know lots of cool conservatives. Why would I want them to die? They help me make more money.

So you are an evil profiteer? Liberals don't like people who make money off other people.

Unless, like Soros and Gates, they support Democrat causes.

If they really believed in the government, they'd send 90% of their income to the government. Funny how they think they know better what to do with their money, but we don't.
Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?

Consider what you said. If it were true for gays who accepted Christ, they would have to go and sin no more. Just what Jesus told Mary Magdalene. So they might still be homosexuals, but not sinners since they didn't commit sinful acts. Making Robertson's comments knowlegable and very very true.
Again, sin is sin. If what you're saying is true, that sinners must stop their sinful ways, that would apply to folks like Robertson, who continue to sin by eating cloved hoofed animals, eat shellfish, or wear clothes made from blended fabrics. Unless they stop their sinning ways, why would they still be accepted into the kingdom of G-d, but not homosexuals?
Because Republicans believe in Freedom of Speech and hard work, low taxes, and he is RIGHT about what he said about homos and blacks.

Then why did Reagan raise taxes on the middle class seven times in eight years. Republicans are WRONG for the middle class.

Lol, when Reagan reluctantly agreed to a DEMOCRAT controlled Congress raising taxes, the libtards blame Reagan.

When the GOP controlled House tries to defund some programs it thought harmful to the country, Obama shuts down the government, but to the libtards it is STILL THE GOP's fault!

Anyone see a pattern to this bullshit?

WTF?? Democrats didn't controll Congress while Reagan was president until 1987.
Certainly it would! If you ignore all the passages in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality as well as other sexual perversions. You can make anything mean anything if you ignore/change/dream up what is written.
Not trying to make it mean "anything." Sin is sin. Robertson said gays will not inherit the kingdom of G-d. While his belief might be accurate for gays who don't accept Christ as their Lord and savior, it wouldn't h8ld true for gays who do, would it? Wouldn't that make his comment both ignorant and hypocritical?

I'll leave judgment to God. I'll go out on a limb and say that in my opinion, a repentant gay is as likely to go to heaven as anybody else that repents.

The idea that Jesus stressed is repentance. That is, of course, the stumbling block of oh so many people in this world.
So in your opinion, Robertson is wrong then ... is that correct?
Again, sin is sin. If what you're saying is true, that sinners must stop their sinful ways, that would apply to folks like Robertson, who continue to sin by eating cloved hoofed animals, eat shellfish, or wear clothes made from blended fabrics. Unless they stop their sinning ways, why would they still be accepted into the kingdom of G-d, but not homosexuals?

I don't know what to tell you. You conveniently continue to ignore that Jesus was the fulfillment of the old Law and that a new system was put into place by the hand of God through Jesus.

You insist that we cater to your notion that the OT still applies. Our belief and conviction is that it doesn't.
Your statements indicate clearly you have no knowledge of what Christ did with the Law after he came to earth. Ignorance is bliss as they say and you are certainly very happy it appears.
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

He came to fulfill the Law. JC said it himself.

You don't know what you are talking about.

So explain how gays are denied the kingdom of G-d but not those who don't keep kosher. Show me where the Bible says only certain sins keep sinners who accept Christ as their Lord and saviour out of the Kingdom of G-d....
Then why did Reagan raise taxes on the middle class seven times in eight years. Republicans are WRONG for the middle class.

Lol, when Reagan reluctantly agreed to a DEMOCRAT controlled Congress raising taxes, the libtards blame Reagan.

When the GOP controlled House tries to defund some programs it thought harmful to the country, Obama shuts down the government, but to the libtards it is STILL THE GOP's fault!

Anyone see a pattern to this bullshit?

WTF?? Democrats didn't controll Congress while Reagan was president until 1987.

Democrats controlled House in 1981
97th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

98th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

99th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And into Bushes term.

100th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christ died for our sins. That would include both defying kosher AND homosexuality, would it not?

He came to fulfill the Law. JC said it himself.

You don't know what you are talking about.

So explain how gays are denied the kingdom of G-d but not those who don't keep kosher. Show me where the Bible says only certain sins keep sinners who accept Christ as their Lord and saviour out of the Kingdom of G-d....

keeping kosher isn't a sin, stupid ass. Nor is being Jewish.

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