Duck Dynasty?

When I say "part of the ruling class", I meant a whiteman that wasn't subject to lynchings like blacks were.

40% of lynched were WHITE

What a hateful, racist thing to say!

It may have offended somebody so your employer should immediately terminate you.

Yeah, right.......I do sound foolish when I play at being a question.
Most lib pundits are claiming Mr. Robertson used "offensive" language.
When informed that he quoted the Bible, they deny that. Or they fumble around searching for words to cover their statements...
when i say "part of the ruling class", i meant a whiteman that wasn't subject to lynchings like blacks were.

40% of lynched were white

what a hateful, racist thing to say!

It may have offended somebody so your employer should immediately terminate you.

Yeah, right.......i do sound foolish when i play at being a question.


they will chant rrrrrracist in my neighborhood
Most lib pundits are claiming Mr. Robertson used "offensive" language.
When informed that he quoted the Bible, they deny that. Or they fumble around searching for words to cover their statements...

"We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right." - George Orwell
Sorry, but this doesn't fly.

If Phil was a Democrat you'd be making up excuses why they shouldn't have fired him.

You really don't know why they really fired him. It happened too quickly for it not to be a setup, something that was already in the works.

My sister is Gay and she can't stand these GLAAD folks. Gays have become way too influential in the entertainment business.
Bullshit. Bashir was forced to resign and many Liberals, myself included, applauded.

Bashir should have been booted immediately. Instead it took awhile.

Let's go back and look at what Bashir said:

He talked about an obscene act being performed on Sarah Palin, an act that was used a couple of hundred years ago as a form of torture.

Are you trying to say that you think wishing someone would torture Sarah Paliin is at the same level as what Phil said?

Give me a break. :bsflag:

He was never booted.

And the kicker, he demanded she be beat down and her wounds filled with vinegar, you have to know the whole piece he was quoting cousin.

It's unreal.
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A&E management is so hypocritical on this.
The employ this family and from their show, A&E makes millions.
And while A&E may look tough in front of their far left wing fans, they are really full of shit because the new season is in the can and ready to go.
Here's what i am going to do..I will continue to watch A&E programming...With one caveat...The commercials get muted or I will change the channel.
I urge everyone to do the same.
Support the Robertson's by watching the show...Screw A&E by not watching their commericials.
When I say "part of the ruling class", I meant a whiteman that wasn't subject to lynchings like blacks were.

40% of lynched were WHITE

What a hateful, racist thing to say!

It may have offended somebody so your employer should immediately terminate you.

Yeah, right.......I do sound foolish when I play at being a question.

Why are you pretending stating a fact is racist?

Or that employers dont have the right to fire people?
Most lib pundits are claiming Mr. Robertson used "offensive" language.
When informed that he quoted the Bible, they deny that. Or they fumble around searching for words to cover their statements...

He didn't just quote the bible. He compared them to terrorists and theives. He compared them to murderers in 2010.

There's also his bizarre interpretation that he never saw blacks mistreated in the 1960's south...

All that, I'm just not seeing what the GOP/RIght Wing problem here is.

A&E made a BUSINESS Decision.

When businesses move plants to China or cut their worker's medical benefits or bust up a union, you guys are all for them doing so, because, shit, we should be happy they all give us jobs out of their beneficience. If the government or anyone else intervened, you'd be screaming about "Freedom".

A big corporation decided that they don't want a shrill, homophobic nutbag on their payroll.

Frankly, a decision that most employers would make if someone came in and started preaching bible shit to their gay co-workers.
For people who hate Gay sex so much, they spend an awful lot of time thinking about it.

Kind of like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

It's actually gays constantly trying to push their lifestyle on us.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.

Let's establish that you are a far left wing moonbat..Having said that, the 'push' is by militant gay activists who demand 'acceptance'. They should count their blessings that they have achieved "tolerance'.
That's all they deserve. That is all anyone of any group deserves.
I'm done playing nice with anyone I think is pushing an agenda that is bad for the country. These mf's want to level accusations of racism or bigotry fine I wonder how they would feel if we demonstrated REAL racism or bigotry. I've been calm for the last 40 years watching liberal policies destroy our society, I'm done being calm.


And absolutely nobody else. Bring it on...

You think businesses pay attention to the fagtivist representing a small sliver of perverts, wait till they start hearing from the majority and we start applying pressure, boycotts are not the exclusive realm of you commie assholes.
Gee, wishful thinking. Over 33% of the nation are now living in states that recognize Same Sex unions. In 2004 it was 0%.

Figure it out you idiot fuck.

We'll see how quickly these companies start changing their attitudes when it effects their bottom line. A&E has already heard form millions of people, they will reverse themselves shortly and BTW the main advertiser for Duck Dynasty said he will not withdraw his support for the show. It will take time but public attitudes can be changed back to reflect moral principles again.

Theres much more to be made by appealing to the good and decent people, ignoring idiot fucks like you who think their homophoibic prejudice is a good thing, and appealing to the massive majority of people who could care less.
Repubs seem to have a problem with a society that refuses to accept bigotry.

Repubs keep saying they dont support the "environnment" where people can be punished for their bullshit. That "environment" is also known as "reality".

Sorry but reality is reality. There is no changing it no matter how much you dont like it

A society that refuses to accept bigotry, tell me who is the arbiter of bigotry, who defines it? Do we bend to a few loud mouthed assholes just to shut them up, we've been doing that for nearly half a century and how's that working for us? No jobs, declining standard of living and morals, more poor than ever, hell yeah let's just keep doing what we've been doing, it's working so well.
You noticed ehh ? :lol:

For people who hate Gay sex so much, they spend an awful lot of time thinking about it.

Kind of like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.

Actually I don't care what they do. I'm just sick of their whining about how oppressed they are. If they want to be treated like everyone else, maybe if they just shut the fuck up, they'll eventually reach that point.

Actually, gays tend to be more affluent than most others. They tend to live in nicer areas of cities.

You think businesses pay attention to the fagtivist representing a small sliver of perverts, wait till they start hearing from the majority and we start applying pressure, boycotts are not the exclusive realm of you commie assholes. We'll see how quickly these companies start changing their attitudes when it effects their bottom line. A&E has already heard form millions of people, they will reverse themselves shortly and BTW the main advertiser for Duck Dynasty said he will not withdraw his support for the show. It will take time but public attitudes can be changed back to reflect moral principles again.

I agree with what you said in principle and love the cat

It's just that all the "fagtivist".."commie assholes" and such tends to alienate people who otherwise agree with your basic stance of pushing back at the gay agenda. If you're looking for numbers on your side to combat numbers on the opposing side, grandma always said it's best to lure flies with honey and not vinegar. You get that, right?

I mean, I'm kind of a "commie asshole" when it comes to other topics like wanting universal healthcare, green energy and such. And I have a thick skin so your comments just make me laugh. But some "commie assholes" who are on your side about the gay marriage thing and what's happening to Duck Dynasty etc might get really offended if they are on the fence and decide to side with the gays just to spite "people like you". So you can see how if you are engaged in a cause to defeat another cause, that that might be counterproductive. No?

Why is it only people on the right have to watch how they say things. The left calls us arsonist, terrorist, bigots, racist, granny killers, polluters and a myriad of other names and no one tells them they need to tone it down because they won't win friends or influence people. Their tactics have proven effective but by some magic circumstance it won't work for us, can you explain that?

Those on the left that call you "arsonists and terrorists" and mean it should be ashamed of themselves.

That being said, the doctrine of the left is acceptance of same sex marriage, a woman's right to reproductive choice, benefits for same sex couples, equal pay for women. The policies of the right is to oppose all of those things.

This is why "it won't work" for you.
Some guy from a "reality" show said some stupid shit during an interview as a representative of the A&E network; so, A&E suspended him.

Cue drama.

Of course Palin and Fox had to pipe in calling his suspension an attack on free speech and freedom of religion.

But where were they when the Dixie Chicks practiced their right to free speech when they criticized the invasion of Iraq back in 2003? I don't recall Fox spending hours defending THEIR right to free speech after the group was boycotted and lost sponsorships and deals over their comments.

How about a more recent example?

After Bashir resigned over his comments about Palin, she went on Fox and said, "Those with that platform, with a microphone, a camera in their face, they have to have some more responsibility taken".

Shouldn't she have given that same advice to Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? After all, he has a platform, a microphone, a camera in his face. Millions of people watch his show. He likely insulted some of them with his remarks. Shouldn't he be held to the same standards by the right-wing media as Bashir was? Bashir was punished. Why is it wrong to punish Phil?

Phil was not offending anybody PERSONALLY.
Stupid Bashir was viciously attacking a specific PERSON.
And he resigned not was fired.

Dixie Chicks? who the heck are those and how were they crucified for their freedom of speech?
332-206. That should be a clue as to what the Majority of Americans support.

Now we have the candyass chiming in. Has nothing to do with the subject at hand, even blue states voted not to allow fag marriage, and BTW your numbers are wrong.

In November, Americans were polled. The majority rejected the party of hate that refers to homosexuals as "fags". RE-JECT-ED. In case you missed it, the final electoral vote tally was 332-206.

As for your lone, pathetic, impotent claim about gay marriage...I present you with a cold hard dose of truth:


See that big blob of red getting bigger and bigger. That is called a trend. You'll notice the closer we get to 2014...the more red shows up. This doesn't bode well for you're being passed by...the world is leaving you behind and you are power-less to stop it.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.

Wanna bet?
Umm, according to the Bible, Christians believe gay sex IS a sin....
That is not bigotry. It is a religious belief. And as such, the constitution guarantees the free expression of one's religious beliefs.
protest all you like. Attempt to change the narrative to suit your needs. It doesn't change the facts.
Mr Robertson is being persecuted for his religious belief. As are all Christians.
You libs are waging an all out war against Christianity.
We're sick of your shit and we are fighting back.
Thanks for energizing the conservative base..
It's actually gays constantly trying to push their lifestyle on us.

And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.

Let's establish that you are a far left wing moonbat..Having said that, the 'push' is by militant gay activists who demand 'acceptance'. They should count their blessings that they have achieved "tolerance'.
That's all they deserve. That is all anyone of any group deserves.

Actually, dude, I'm a registered republican. I just don't let homophobia get me to go along with voting against my own economic interests.

Hey, remember in 2004 when Bush and Cheney were going to totally save us from the evil gay marriage thing? (Even though CHeney's daughter is gay as the day is long.) Yupper, they totally won a second term (having stolen the first) by getting all you funditards all upset that the gheys might be getting married.

ANd the minute they were sworn into a second term, they completely forgot about the issue.

They were too busy trying to let Wall Street Crack into the Social Security Trust Fund, an idea so stupid even Republicans didn't go along with it.

Now, to your point. No, frankly, tolerance should not be the standard. If you have a real, substanstive objection to homosexuality, you should say so. Otherwise, you should mind yoru own business.

The probelm is, your two objections are 1) I think it's icky (when Dudes Do It!) and 2) My Imaginary Friend in the Sky Said it was Wrong.

And neither of those are really good enough anymore.

Wanna bet?
Umm, according to the Bible, Christians believe gay sex IS a sin....
That is not bigotry. It is a religious belief. And as such, the constitution guarantees the free expression of one's religious beliefs.
protest all you like. Attempt to change the narrative to suit your needs. It doesn't change the facts.
Mr Robertson is being persecuted for his religious belief. As are all Christians.
You libs are waging an all out war against Christianity.
We're sick of your shit and we are fighting back.
Thanks for energizing the conservative base..

Guy, the problem is, most Christians aren't buying into your bigotry any more than they are stoning their daughters for not being virgins on their wedding nights.

And you guys make yourselves look like twits trying to invoke the Bible to justify bad behavior.
I haven't read the whole thread, so if I say something that was already apologies in advance.

What GLAAD did was push back the positive steps they made in people believing that gay folks need more rights, more tolerance, more acceptance even though some homophobes stayed stubborn. But it was a simmering boil during all this process. People were willing to meet half way, people were willing to accept although not condone, people were ...WILLING to do whatever it took to make everyone feel good about love, being loved, having protection for partners, etc.
In short, straights were willing to TOLERATE. Some, not so much, but the majority, yes. They were willing. GLAAD took all those positive steps forward done thru many different levels over the years and yanked everyone back again to step one.

Gays fight for what they believe. Well. Ok. So do other organizations, civil rights persons, religions, etc. GLAAD wants everyone to buckle to their demands of fairness and acceptance but refuse themselves to return the same desires, rights and fairness to others.

I have always been for gay rights. Now? I guess I still am, but not if I am going to be silenced for them to get what THEY want. Quid pro quo.

It's kinda hard to explain. But now, I don't feel as charitable as I used to. Why? Because they stomped my toes, told me (figuratively speaking) to shut my mouth and be careful when I do open my mouth because they will bitchslap me for not goosestepping to THEIR tune. Sorry, guys and gals. I step to my OWN tune. Not yours.

And I am pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way now. I think I have company. Thank GLAAD for that.

:clap2: I agree Gracie
Repubs seem to have a problem with a society that refuses to accept bigotry.

Repubs keep saying they dont support the "environnment" where people can be punished for their bullshit. That "environment" is also known as "reality".

Sorry but reality is reality. There is no changing it no matter how much you dont like it

A society that refuses to accept bigotry, tell me who is the arbiter of bigotry, who defines it? Do we bend to a few loud mouthed assholes just to shut them up, we've been doing that for nearly half a century and how's that working for us? No jobs, declining standard of living and morals, more poor than ever, hell yeah let's just keep doing what we've been doing, it's working so well.

Society is the arbiter. Again your beef seems to be with reality. Sorry but its...reality

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