Duck Dynasty?

What did he say about blacks that was offensive?

The idea that anyone was "happy" under a system designed to dehumanize them is offensive.

JUST BECAUSE he "says" no blacks ever were harmed before HIS eyes, or no blacks ever complained to HIM, is categorically ludicrous to think that blacks were "happy" under Jim Crow.

That is bullshit, and everyone knows it.

Were "jews" "happy" in concentration camps because some ppl never heard them complain to a german?


And the fact that he tries to put that spin on a most vicious time in American history concerning blacks is offensive to many.


Since it appears you missed my question let's ask again in a font easier on the eyes.

Tell me, why wouldn't you defend someone who did nothing but recount their own life experience, it was the way he saw his world. If you have a problem with that then it's you're problem not his.

How is it any different than telling someone how your work day went last Wednesday?
If you folks want to make this a conservative versus liberal thing there is a long, list of liberals that bash others and do all kinds of inappropriate things in public that offend people all the time.
And nothing is done.
Liberals get a free pass.
Myley Cyrus and Alec Baldwin to name a few of thousands.

Alec Baldwin was fired from MSNBC for his homophobic remarks. Miley Cyrus? She's a 20 yr old entertainer with no connection to liberals. Your point?
Why shouldn't they if they were offended?

So then EVERYONE has the "right" to not be offended?
Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Nope sorry.

How can they have the "right" to protest something that they have the "right" not to experience?

Their "right" not to be offended would lead to a "violation" of said "right"...resulting in a "prosecution" on said violation.
What did he say about blacks that was offensive?

The idea that anyone was "happy" under a system designed to dehumanize them is offensive.

JUST BECAUSE he "says" no blacks ever were harmed before HIS eyes, or no blacks ever complained to HIM, is categorically ludicrous to think that blacks were "happy" under Jim Crow.

That is bullshit, and everyone knows it.

Were "jews" "happy" in concentration camps because some ppl never heard them complain to a german?


And the fact that he tries to put that spin on a most vicious time in American history concerning blacks is offensive to many.


Horse shit, he wasn't talking about just blacks in general, but those he actually worked side by side with. Probably knew them and their families, even called himself white trash. How do you know that group of people weren't happy? Were you there? He was...

So you are calling him a liar too....

no bias there, nope, none at all.......
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?
A lot of things blacks say and do are offensive to me. I just ignore them or don't watch them, I don't cry like a little girl and get them suspended. I used to throw them in the hole, lock-up, though.Before you call me racist, you would be wrong. I actually respect Condi Rice and other Black people who rise above the level of stupid like sharpton or jackson.
Because people have a right to express opinions even ones some won't like without being punished for it and if the people of Louisiana are unhappy with Bobby Jindal supporting Phil Robertson they can make that known at the ballot box same as his supporters can.

Wait...If people vote out Jindal because of this would they be wrong also?

Repubs are saying that anyone should be able to say anything want and no one has the right to react to the words.

Until some one says something about the Jews then we'll see how far that goes.

Actually the repubs have a history of defending racist, bigots etc. While at the same time attempting to shame anyone who doesnt like racists, bigots etc. about "tolerance".
Wow there is some classic liberal logic in that response.
Two instances where a person signs a contract. In one a man agrees to become a well paid public figure in return he must watch his mouth, he doesn't and pays a terrible price.

Result? Republicans freak the fuck out calling it unjust and wrong.

Next case: A man takes out a mortgage that balloons horribly at about the time his equity disappears and his home's value drops like a lead balloon leaving him to pay a terrible price for trying to be a home owner.

Result: Republicans say "tough shit, you signed away your rights, deal with it".

Wrong. Not being allowed to speak anywhere with anyone at any time without the prior approval of the contract owners is slavery. Can't circumvent the law. It is against the law to repress freedom of speech, regardless of what it says on the contract.
So then EVERYONE has the "right" to not be offended?
Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Please define "offended".

"Offensive" is subjective. What I find offensive, you may not, or visa-versa. In this case, many gays and blacks find his comments offensive. That's their prerogative since they were the target of his comments.

And if they were offended, why shouldn't they protest?
Just like all you people can Boycott A&E if you were offended over what he said...But he was giving an interview with a magazine wasn't even on A&E

If you don't see the dangers in this, not only with our jobs, but our freedoms of speech being attacked by some Group (Glaad) who got this person fired... I don't know what to tell you all

He was giving an interview to GQ Magazine. The interview came about because of Duck Dynasty, Duck Dynasty was the focus of the article, and it was featured in the Entertainment section. He did that interview as a representative of A&E. He should have known better.

I can lose my job tomorrow for whatever reason my company sees fit. It's called at-will employment.

Spare me the faux-outrage.

Sorry, but this doesn't fly.

If Phil was a Democrat you'd be making up excuses why they shouldn't have fired him.

You really don't know why they really fired him. It happened too quickly for it not to be a setup, something that was already in the works.

My sister is Gay and she can't stand these GLAAD folks. Gays have become way too influential in the entertainment business.
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Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Please define "offended".

"Offensive" is subjective. What I find offensive, you may not, or visa-versa. In this case, many gays and blacks find his comments offensive. That's their prerogative since they were the target of his comments.

And if they were offended, why shouldn't they protest?

"Finding" something offensive and having the "right" to NOT be offended are two very different things.
Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Please define "offended".

"Offensive" is subjective. What I find offensive, you may not, or visa-versa. In this case, many gays and blacks find his comments offensive. That's their prerogative since they were the target of his comments.

And if they were offended, why shouldn't they protest?

Actually the "Target" was his own personal beliefs.
Just like all you people can Boycott A&E if you were offended over what he said...But he was giving an interview with a magazine wasn't even on A&E

If you don't see the dangers in this, not only with our jobs, but our freedoms of speech being attacked by some Group (Glaad) who got this person fired... I don't know what to tell you all

He was giving an interview to GQ Magazine. The interview came about because of Duck Dynasty, Duck Dynasty was the focus of the article, and it was featured in the Entertainment section. He did that interview as a representative of A&E. He should have known better.

I can lose my job tomorrow for whatever reason my company sees fit. It's called at-will employment.

Spare me the faux-outrage.

Sorry, but this doesn't fly.

If Phil was a Democrat you'd be making up excuses why they shouldn't have fired him.

You really don't know why they really fired him. It happened too quickly for it not to be a setup, something that was already in the works.

My sister is Gay and she can't stand these GLAAD folks. Gays have become way too influential in the entertainment business.
Bullshit. Bashir was forced to resign and many Liberals, myself included, applauded.
So then EVERYONE has the "right" to not be offended?
Sure. Just as everyone who is offended has the right to protest.

Nope sorry.

How can they have the "right" to protest something that they have the "right" not to experience?

Their "right" not to be offended would lead to a "violation" of said "right"...resulting in a "prosecution" on said violation.
It's a matter of choice. If they were offended, they should protest. Just because they have the right to not be offended doesn't mean they can't choose to ignore that right.
Who would be happy under Jim Crow or apartheid if you were black? Ridiculous.

Why would blacks complain to a hillbilly or redneck that was part of the ruling class that was oppressing them? Ridiculous.

Now as far as people not defending what he said...but defending his right to say it...

He DID utilize his right to say it.

And A and E utilized their right to not air him any longer.

Case Closed.

So why then, would a governor come out on his behalf AT ALL???

The Governor is sane. He isn't blinded by hate and resentment the way black people are today. Of course there was happiness under jim crow. Human beings are infinitely capable of a myriad of emotions under every possible circumstance. Different things made them happy.

The greatness of black music came while under jim crow. There is no way the genius that created jazz or blues could come out of the resentment today. Chanting about beating the hos and taking drugs is the best they can do.

If you want to ponder questions try what the fuck were black people thinking when jim crow ended and they used that to trade their integrity for a welfare check.

What the fuck went wrong? How did the black fathers of jim crow turn into baby daddys who can't remember who they fucked last.

Too bad if Phil Robertson shined a flashlight into the roach nest. He spoke the absolute unvarnished and very painful truth. Bobby Jindal was right to speak out.

In a land of deceit speaking truth is a capital offense.


The music is the SOUL of the people.
it tells about the condition of that soul much more than anybody ever would like to tell.
Just like all you people can Boycott A&E if you were offended over what he said...But he was giving an interview with a magazine wasn't even on A&E

If you don't see the dangers in this, not only with our jobs, but our freedoms of speech being attacked by some Group (Glaad) who got this person fired... I don't know what to tell you all

He was giving an interview to GQ Magazine. The interview came about because of Duck Dynasty, Duck Dynasty was the focus of the article, and it was featured in the Entertainment section. He did that interview as a representative of A&E. He should have known better.

I can lose my job tomorrow for whatever reason my company sees fit. It's called at-will employment.

Spare me the faux-outrage.

A & E was shitting in their pants when he accepted that interview.
If they weren't then the entire management of A & E are all fucking idiots.
Barbara Walters in the 3rd grade would have had a field day with Phil Robertson.
Not knocking him for what he said but he offered it and A & E knew when they hired him what those answers would be.

A representative of the network was right there during the whole A&E interview. It was a set up to teach them all a lesson and it backfired big time.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.

...says the most blatant one on this site. The fact you are incapable of seeing your own bigotry makes it even funnier.

Sorry, dude, theological disagreements with known frauds isn't bigotry...

as much as you wanted it to be.

Also, did someone explain to you about the 48 hour rule?

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