Duck Dynasty?

well when isn't blacks and homosexuals NOT OFFENDED?

they are so special they have to constantly be offended

perpetual victims so they can bludgeoned people over the head all the time and now get you FIRED from you jobs
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Of course we do, we just don't give a shit about your selective sensitivities.

We are tired of your bullshit double standards and have no trouble telling you or any "offended" black man to fuck off.
You have piss poor aim. It's not me who's offended -- it's blacks. But you did confirm my belief that rightwingers just have no clue to what was offensive about his comments on blacks. Thanks!

I now full well who you were speaking of, I'm telling YOU we just don't give a fuck that any "po" black man is "offended".

Is that hard for you to understand?

Free speech trumps being "offended"...but I know that that is beyond your understanding.

We just don't care.

Slavery died a century ago...and not one black man you know has EVER been owned.

They just need to get the fuck over it an move on.

Any other questions dipshit?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You could have just said, yep, Faun, you were right. It would have been a lot shorter.
I'm just trying to understand.

Louisiana has a large black population.

Why would it's governor come out and defendvRichardson?

I mean, why comment at all?

A politician is supposed to represent all the ppl in his/her realm.

What Richardson said HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Jindal.

So why on earth would he feel compelled to alienate people he is supposed to represent?

Don't pay any attention to these rightwingnut Republicans on here. They are just a bunch of scared white people.
You have piss poor aim. It's not me who's offended -- it's blacks. But you did confirm my belief that rightwingers just have no clue to what was offensive about his comments on blacks. Thanks!

I now full well who you were speaking of, I'm telling YOU we just don't give a fuck that any "po" black man is "offended".

Is that hard for you to understand?

Free speech trumps being "offended"...but I know that that is beyond your understanding.

We just don't care.

Slavery died a century ago...and not one black man you know has EVER been owned.

They just need to get the fuck over it an move on.

Any other questions dipshit?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You could have just said, yep, Faun, you were right. It would have been a lot shorter.

Well sure....except that to me you aren't the legend you think you are.

How many blacks you know were owned?
Is your learned opinion that blacks have the "right" to not being offended?
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I'm just trying to understand.

Louisiana has a large black population.

Why would it's governor come out and defendvRichardson?

I mean, why comment at all?

A politician is supposed to represent all the ppl in his/her realm.

What Richardson said HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Jindal.

So why on earth would he feel compelled to alienate people he is supposed to represent?

Don't pay any attention to these rightwingnut Republicans on here.
Since he asked such a stupid question without reading the context of Phil's statement about negroes, I doubt he can pay attention.
When did I defend him? I am defending his, and your, rights.


You are defending my right to preach nonsense at a private company and not lose my job?

Let's clarify this.

Turn up the volume and I'll get the popcorn. Where were they when Martin was getting Bashired on MSNBC?

I was disagreeing with it, strongly - if he was fired. As I understand it, he quit, but I didn't think he should leave, for that matter.

I'm not afraid of someone saying something that I don't like. Regardless of what "side" they're on.

Some of us are consistent.

The question you should be asking yourself is, why isn't everyone defending him.

Why are you defending him?

I disagree with what the guy said.

I've never seen his teevee show, nor do I care about it.

I'm not terribly fond of his beard.

I don't care about ducks.

I'm defending him because I believe he should be able to voice his opinion, whether I agree with him or not, without being punished. I'm not afraid of people saying things that I don't like.


I would be with you if he was being punished by the government, but he's not. A & E is obviously a private company and it's well within their right to fired him because they don't like what he said.
When did I defend him? I am defending his, and your, rights.


You are defending my right to preach nonsense at a private company and not lose my job?

Let's clarify this.

Turn up the volume and I'll get the popcorn. Where were they when Martin was getting Bashired on MSNBC?

Did the NAACP come out and demand his resignation? I must have been blathering about Sallow not getting fired when it happened.
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

Tell me, why wouldn't you defend someone who did nothing but recount their own life experience, it was the way he saw his world. If you have a problem with that then it's you're problem not his.
A&E was absolutely within their right to suspend or fire him. The network just never expected to lose that fat cash cow. They thought they were dealing with metrosexual pajama boys who would knuckle under. They thought wrong.
Why are you defending him?

I disagree with what the guy said.

I've never seen his teevee show, nor do I care about it.

I'm not terribly fond of his beard.

I don't care about ducks.

I'm defending him because I believe he should be able to voice his opinion, whether I agree with him or not, without being punished. I'm not afraid of people saying things that I don't like.


I would be with you if he was being punished by the government, but he's not. A & E is obviously a private company and it's well within their right to fired him because they don't like what he said.

I agree completely that A&E had the right to fire him.

What I disagree with, virulently, is the clear, pervasive environment that currently exists that intimidates employers into doing what A&E felt it had to do.

I want to hear what people are thinking, whether I like it or not.

Because people have a right to express opinions even ones some won't like without being punished for it and if the people of Louisiana are unhappy with Bobby Jindal supporting Phil Robertson they can make that known at the ballot box same as his supporters can.

Wait...If people vote out Jindal because of this would they be wrong also?

Repubs are saying that anyone should be able to say anything want and no one has the right to react to the words.

Until some one says something about the Jews then we'll see how far that goes.

Actually the repubs have a history of defending racist, bigots etc. While at the same time attempting to shame anyone who doesnt like racists, bigots etc. about "tolerance".
Why are you defending him?

I disagree with what the guy said.

I've never seen his teevee show, nor do I care about it.

I'm not terribly fond of his beard.

I don't care about ducks.

I'm defending him because I believe he should be able to voice his opinion, whether I agree with him or not, without being punished. I'm not afraid of people saying things that I don't like.


I would be with you if he was being punished by the government, but he's not. A & E is obviously a private company and it's well within their right to fired him because they don't like what he said.

For the record, A&E did not fire him, they suspended him. They did this months after they knew he said what he said because they had a network goon in the room while he was giving the interview, and had no problem with anything he said until after GLAAD made an issue of it. They also knew exactly what they were getting when they pitched the show, and had no problem with his views at that point either.

Ever wonder why he stayed at the network so long? Do you think the fact that his show pulls in 40% more viewers every week the final episode of Breaking Bad might be a factor?

If anyone deserves to pay for what happened here it is A&E, not the rich hillbilly they were laughing at.

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