Duck Dynasty?


I think the "left-wingers have the right not to ever be offended by anyone at any time or that person must be punished" clause is covered in the Constitution by "promote the general welfare" area.

Something like that.



no kidding, they are still whining over the Dixie Chicks
good gawd it's never ending
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?

What did say that offended you?
Who would be happy under Jim Crow or apartheid if you were black? Ridiculous.

Why would blacks complain to a hillbilly or redneck that was part of the ruling class that was oppressing them? Ridiculous.

Now as far as people not defending what he said...but defending his right to say it...

He DID utilize his right to say it.

And A and E utilized their right to not air him any longer.

Case Closed.

So why then, would a governor come out on his behalf AT ALL???

The Governor is sane. He isn't blinded by hate and resentment the way black people are today. Of course there was happiness under jim crow. Human beings are infinitely capable of a myriad of emotions under every possible circumstance. Different things made them happy.

The greatness of black music came while under jim crow. There is no way the genius that created jazz or blues could come out of the resentment today. Chanting about beating the hos and taking drugs is the best they can do.

If you want to ponder questions try what the fuck were black people thinking when jim crow ended and they used that to trade their integrity for a welfare check.

What the fuck went wrong? How did the black fathers of jim crow turn into baby daddys who can't remember who they fucked last.

Too bad if Phil Robertson shined a flashlight into the roach nest. He spoke the absolute unvarnished and very painful truth. Bobby Jindal was right to speak out.

In a land of deceit speaking truth is a capital offense.
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?

I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
A&E was absolutely within their right to suspend or fire him. The network just never expected to lose that fat cash cow. They thought they were dealing with metrosexual pajama boys who would knuckle under. They thought wrong.
A&E was absolutely within their right to suspend or fire him. The network just never expected to lose that fat cash cow. They thought they were dealing with metrosexual pajama boys who would knuckle under. They thought wrong.

I don't know, I saw ratings for Duck Dynasty are up some 20-25% since this happened.

In the entertainment industry, there's no such that as bad publicity.
A&E was absolutely within their right to suspend or fire him. The network just never expected to lose that fat cash cow. They thought they were dealing with metrosexual pajama boys who would knuckle under. They thought wrong.

Exactly. But also notice A&E did marathons, so it isn't about what he said or didn't say or who is bitching. It is about THE MONEY.

I heard Disney is affliated with A&E. Not surprised.
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

I don't believe rightwingers even see what was offensive about his remark [about blacks]. But then, I also believe rightwingers truly don't understand why only 5-10% of blacks vote Republican.

At any rate, I think it was more of his castigation of gays that inspired their support.

Of course we do, we just don't give a shit about your selective sensitivities.

We are tired of your bullshit double standards and have no trouble telling you or any "offended" black man to fuck off.
You have piss poor aim. It's not me who's offended -- it's blacks. But you did confirm my belief that rightwingers just have no clue to what was offensive about his comments on blacks. Thanks!
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

The question you should be asking yourself is, why isn't everyone defending him.

Why are you defending him?

I disagree with what the guy said.

I've never seen his teevee show, nor do I care about it.

I'm not terribly fond of his beard.

I don't care about ducks.

I'm defending him because I believe he should be able to voice his opinion, whether I agree with him or not, without being punished. I'm not afraid of people saying things that I don't like.

I don't believe rightwingers even see what was offensive about his remark [about blacks]. But then, I also believe rightwingers truly don't understand why only 5-10% of blacks vote Republican.

At any rate, I think it was more of his castigation of gays that inspired their support.

Of course we do, we just don't give a shit about your selective sensitivities.

We are tired of your bullshit double standards and have no trouble telling you or any "offended" black man to fuck off.
You have piss poor aim. It's not me who's offended -- it's blacks. But you did confirm my belief that rightwingers just have no clue to what was offensive about his comments on blacks. Thanks!

I know full well who you were speaking of, I'm telling YOU we just don't give a fuck that any "po" black man is "offended".

Is that hard for you to understand?

Free speech trumps being "offended"...but I know that that is beyond your understanding.

We just don't care.

Slavery died a century ago...and not one black man you know has EVER been owned.

They just need to get the fuck over it an move on.

Any other questions dipshit?
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