Duck Dynasty?

Very handy. Everything you know is relevant. Everything you don't know is irrelevant, and therefore not worth knowing.

What a comfortable little cocoon you live in.

Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant. However, I decide what that is. Does that make sense to you?
It makes perfect sense. You're comfortable in your little cocoon.

Damn you are either stupid or can't read. You cant learn in a cocoon. You have to live outside your comfort zone. You don't grow otherwise. Stop being stupid and learn something. Dont let people tell you what is important and whats not. Make sure you make that decision for yourself.
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?

Because maybe we really don't care about what he said about blacks, or whites or anything else.

When someone takes action, then I get concerned. Until then, who really gives a rats ass ?
Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?


"The liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other liberties."

Thus, the right to express one's opinion is more important than the tender feelings of someone who disagrees with the opinion given.

Blacks have got to learn that every difference of opinion does not mean a new racist is created.

And homosexuals have got to learn that plenty of people find their behavior very strange, and, they have a right to say so.

And Blacks and homosexuals have a right not associate or do business with such people.

But, instead, they want some sort of actual punishment.

Both Blacks and homosexuals ought to be concerned about a growing part of their very own Democratic voting block-----the Muslims. They are not your friends.
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Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?

Well aren't you the sensitive little bitch:lol:
Need a tissue?
And how are they doing that, exactly?

I mean, i know that you have the occassional preacher who wakes up next to boy hooker and a pile of Crystal meth, but that's really not the gays fault.
Well i never really cared about the peverse lifestyle. Knew it is a sin against God, but it was their lives. Now people like yourself are demanding everyone to accept them no matter what. Even obama are sending some gay atheletes to represent the united states.


Guy, here's the thing. You don't have a right to be a bigot.

...says the most blatant one on this site. The fact you are incapable of seeing your own bigotry makes it even funnier.
Freedom of speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment protects citizens from government prosecution. It does not protect the job security of a worker fired because of bad publicity. Most entertainment industry contracts contain a clause enjoining the employee from making public statements which, in the opinion of the employer, bring negative publicity on the company. This sort of conflict pops up fairly frequently. Case law turns of the contract language, but generally the employer prevails.

Bottom line: if you have public image, speech or activities which could generate damaging controversy to your employer are usually banned by your employment contract. If you take the boss' money, STFU
Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant. However, I decide what that is. Does that make sense to you?
It makes perfect sense. You're comfortable in your little cocoon.

Damn you are either stupid or can't read. You cant learn in a cocoon. You have to live outside your comfort zone. You don't grow otherwise. Stop being stupid and learn something. Dont let people tell you what is important and whats not. Make sure you make that decision for yourself.
:lmao: The funny part is, I have.

But you don't want me to think for myself. You want me to agree with you.

But since I don't, I'm stupid. Right?
Republicans defending the rights of an employee.....imagine that?
Because people have a right to express opinions even ones some won't like without being punished for it and if the people of Louisiana are unhappy with Bobby Jindal supporting Phil Robertson they can make that known at the ballot box same as his supporters can.
I'm just trying to understand.

Louisiana has a large black population.

Why would it's governor come out and defendvRichardson?

I mean, why comment at all?

A politician is supposed to represent all the ppl in his/her realm.

What Richardson said HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Jindal.

So why on earth would he feel compelled to alienate people he is supposed to represent?
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

I fully agree with what he said in relating his personal experiences and observations. It was also my personal experience and observations.

You may have created a history in which blacks were beaten 24/7 and had lives of utter misery but that is not reality and never was.
It makes perfect sense. You're comfortable in your little cocoon.

Damn you are either stupid or can't read. You cant learn in a cocoon. You have to live outside your comfort zone. You don't grow otherwise. Stop being stupid and learn something. Dont let people tell you what is important and whats not. Make sure you make that decision for yourself.
:lmao: The funny part is, I have.

But you don't want me to think for myself. You want me to agree with you.

But since I don't, I'm stupid. Right?

You have? That there is pretty telling. You should be saying I do. "I have" gives the indication you already know it all. You never do. I dont want you to agree with me. I want you to think for yourself and stop being stupid.
I'm just trying to understand.

Louisiana has a large black population.

Why would it's governor come out and defendvRichardson?

I mean, why comment at all?

A politician is supposed to represent all the ppl in his/her realm.

What Richardson said HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Jindal.

So why on earth would he feel compelled to alienate people he is supposed to represent?
His last name is Robertson for the record.
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

Few are defending what he said, and fewer are defending what he said about blacks. Most are defending his right to say it, and pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the media's treatment of him as opposed to their treatment of left wing Kooks.

Didn't Bashir and Baldwin just get fired for what they said?

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