Duck Dynasty?

I haven't read the whole thread, so if I say something that was already apologies in advance.

What GLAAD did was push back the positive steps they made in people believing that gay folks need more rights, more tolerance, more acceptance even though some homophobes stayed stubborn. But it was a simmering boil during all this process. People were willing to meet half way, people were willing to accept although not condone, people were ...WILLING to do whatever it took to make everyone feel good about love, being loved, having protection for partners, etc.
In short, straights were willing to TOLERATE. Some, not so much, but the majority, yes. They were willing. GLAAD took all those positive steps forward done thru many different levels over the years and yanked everyone back again to step one.

Gays fight for what they believe. Well. Ok. So do other organizations, civil rights persons, religions, etc. GLAAD wants everyone to buckle to their demands of fairness and acceptance but refuse themselves to return the same desires, rights and fairness to others.

I have always been for gay rights. Now? I guess I still am, but not if I am going to be silenced for them to get what THEY want. Quid pro quo.

It's kinda hard to explain. But now, I don't feel as charitable as I used to. Why? Because they stomped my toes, told me (figuratively speaking) to shut my mouth and be careful when I do open my mouth because they will bitchslap me for not goosestepping to THEIR tune. Sorry, guys and gals. I step to my OWN tune. Not yours.

And I am pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way now. I think I have company. Thank GLAAD for that.
IOW, no? You have no other investment here than just partisan BS.

And what of you? Your partisanship knows no boundaries. You spew leftist crap left right and sideways.

IOW, you can't lecture me about partisanship. There are a rare few issues I am actually partisan on.

I post what I believe. I don't always go Democratic but I are one so most of them do tend to lean Left.

But not always. You just don't seem quite genuine in your support of the Duck Dynasty guy. I don't even watch it and you're way snootier than I am.

Make sense?

(Bolded) As do I. Do you begrudge me that right, the same as you did with Phil Robertson?

No, Sarah, you are far more "snootier" than me. I don't resort to petty childish insults when people disagree with me. I try to prove them wrong.

Make sense?
Not to be confrontational but thats BS. I've used all kinds of calls over the years and theirs really dont work any better then the others. It's all in HOW you use it.
You dont just blow through them.

Hmmmm. Yet most duck hunters would disagree with you! As usual, katzenLiar just makes it up as he/she/it goes along.My bet is that he/she/it has never even SEEN either a duck or a duck call. And, besides, this is a pretty weird defense, even for him/her/it. :cuckoo:

Not this duck hunter,or any duck hunter I know. There are plenty of good duck calls out there. Zink or Rich-N-Tone comes to mind.
It's not like they use a different design. They all work off a reed or a double reed.

And, they're damn easy to make on the spot.

If you don't know how, there are instructions on line.

Its all the Made In China shit at WallyWorld that they make their money off of.
Well, no, the Dixie Chicks were not criticizing the U.S. .... they were criticizing a shitty president.

And they paid for it, from their fans...Not some station they worked for
Perhaps you don't recall, but many radio stations boycotted them. So why was it ok for a radio station to ban the Dixie Chicks but not ok for A&E to do the same to Robertson?

Because the Dixie Chicks were being critical of a republican president, where A&E suspended a member of a family perceived by the right to be representative of conservative Christian dogma and conservative political ideology.

At least the conservative propensity for hypocrisy is consistent.
This is all about the far left trying to silence anyone that opposes them.

Gays are upset over a word and that is the bottom line, they want to force the church to accept them via government laws and regulations. It is the very thing they claim they don't want the church to do them.

This is all about A&E not wanting Phil representing their network. Nothing more, nothing less.

The LGBT community had nothing to do with his suspension.

You keep posting that, but it does not make it true. If it was not for the fear of the LGBT and political correctness set forth by the far left this probably would not even been an issue.

However, I imagine since he is suspended and this season has already been shot and edited you could very well see him back for the next season.

It was all a knee jerk reaction to the bigger problem which I have already pointed out.
How many conservatives have you heard say,

gay and black Americans have every right to object to what Phil Robertson said and believes, if they so choose?

That's all we've been hearing from faggots and blacks is WHINING and CRYING for the last FIFTY YEARS.

Where the fuck you been?
using your "broad brush" again to paint entire races asswipe. You're just like koshergrl in your overt idiotic racism. :tinfoil:
He wasn't speaking on A&E or for or as a representative of A&E he was giving his own personal opinions in a magazine interview as for the examples given the Dixie Chicks comments were given overseas while the country was at war if that had been done by someone with conservative political leanings I suspect the reaction would have been much the same the difference with Bashir was that his comments were scripted and aired on his show he was speaking as a representative of MSNBC If Phil Robertson had done the same and used the Duck Dynasty show to push that viewpoint then you could say the punishment was warranted.

I could care less what he says but ever heard of a contract?
And NO ONE stopped him from saying a damn thing. He can say what he wants to.
The dude has 80 million in the bank and more power to him.
But a real man, instead of a ZZ Top wannabe, stands behind what he says and would have told A & E TO FUCK THEMSELVES.
I say what I damn well please and if someone tells me to shut up I tell them to fuck themselves.
And I only have 2 million in the bank.
Robertson is a wimp, he backed down and does not back up what he says. A real man never does that.

Yeah, looks that way. BTW- you just described 007 ;) He promised to leave the forum if Obama won a 2nd-term and.....well..... he's still here :redface:
Aaaaww... poor little Slop Cum... those pesky facts getting in the way of your shitty little leftard game again? Can't hide your hypocrisy? Well sorry boy, your progressive BIGOT side is showing again, just as it has for the past 50 years. Now I know you scabby little fuckers are so used to getting away with this, it's just almost beyond comprehension that now, all of a sudden, you're getting called on it.

TOO BAD, little leftard JACK OFF, nobody wants to listen to anymore of your TWO FACED, HYPOCRITICAL, BIGOTED, LEFTIST INTOLERANCE... GO POUND SAND ya nasty little rat fuck.
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That was after A&E suspended Phil. The LGBT community was in no way involved with his suspension.

Maybe just a little bit?

GLAAD has issued a statement condemning the remarks as "littered with outdated stereotypes and blatant misinformation."

Says GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz: "Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to re-examine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."

GLAAD says it has reached out to A&E to see if the network stands behind Robertson's comments.

So now GLAAD represents the entire LGBT community? Cool, I guess that means the KKK represent all conservatives, and pedophile preists represent the entire Catholic church.

Or maybe we shouldn't try to blanket an entire demographic based the actions of a few within it.

So much misinformation in one post.
Interesting how libs try to argue this as a gay issue. Robertson has his rights to his own opinion. He also has the right to speak his mind about them. Don't like his point of view, don't listen to it. Follow your own advice you give when the shoe is on the other foot.
Interesting how libs try to argue this as a gay issue. Robertson has his rights to his own opinion. He also has the right to speak his mind about them. Don't like his point of view, don't listen to it. Follow your own advice you give when the shoe is on the other foot.

Of course he has the right to express his opinion. Just as A&E has the right to suspend him from their network.
Thread fail. The ones currently crying and trying to get someone removed is the lgbt community.

There is PLENTY of intolerant behavior by both sides.

America has become a nation of thin skinned pussies

Post fail. Try addressing the op, gramps. Are Fox and Palin hypocritical for bashing Bashir for his opinion while defending Phil Robertson's opinion?

Yes, they're being hypocritical. No I don't give a fuck. And I said BOTH sides were guilty of it so how exactly is my post a fail?

EVERYONE is over fucking sensitive and it's pathetic. Why does any of this shit matter?
It could be that people are just tired of the gay tantrum. They can only close down so many bakers, put so many photographers out of business, end so many careers before someone noticed. I hope this is the start of a major backlash that only flickered during the Chick Fil A incident.

You just hit the "nail on the head".
Hmmmm. Yet most duck hunters would disagree with you! As usual, katzenLiar just makes it up as he/she/it goes along.My bet is that he/she/it has never even SEEN either a duck or a duck call. And, besides, this is a pretty weird defense, even for him/her/it. :cuckoo:

Not this duck hunter,or any duck hunter I know. There are plenty of good duck calls out there. Zink or Rich-N-Tone comes to mind.
It's not like they use a different design. They all work off a reed or a double reed.

And, they're damn easy to make on the spot.

If you don't know how, there are instructions on line.

Its all the Made In China shit at WallyWorld that they make their money off of.
All Duck Commander Duck Call products are made by the Robertson's in West Monroe, La and then distributed all over. They're American made as Apple Pie.

Seriously? Another "chik fil A- type" white people persecution movement?


Tried that once and several states had over 100k people sign petitions last year to secede,was ignored by have a chat with him will ya? We would love to secede.

Oh and this is great news! I supported Chic Fil A and I support Duck Dynasty!
Any group that claims it is anti-defamation is a front group for subversive intolerance. They use their own version of hate to try and snuff freedom of expression and they use pressure tactics against corporations. Jesse Jackson, the ADL, GLAAD, La Razza, etc. All hate groups that play fast and loose with semantics claiming some moral high ground.
Of course I can silly rabbit. Its in my signature. Enlightened doesn't mean you know someone. Enlightened means you know things that matter. Whoever this person is does not matter. I'm sure she is nice since she is a liberal but she really doesn't matter to me.
Well, that's handy, isn't it?

"I'm enlightened because I say I am."

Basically thats how it works. I dont let people define me. I reserve that right for myself. Of course you have to put in the time to study. I just dont waste time studying people unless they were relevant.
Very handy. Everything you know is relevant. Everything you don't know is irrelevant, and therefore not worth knowing.

What a comfortable little cocoon you live in.
If you folks want to make this a conservative versus liberal thing there is a long, list of liberals that bash others and do all kinds of inappropriate things in public that offend people all the time.
And nothing is done.
Liberals get a free pass.
Myley Cyrus and Alec Baldwin to name a few of thousands.

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