Duck Dynasty?

That's all we've been hearing from faggots and blacks is WHINING and CRYING for the last FIFTY YEARS.

Where the fuck you been?
using your "broad brush" again to paint entire races asswipe. You're just like koshergrl in your overt idiotic racism. :tinfoil:
I could care less what he says but ever heard of a contract?
And NO ONE stopped him from saying a damn thing. He can say what he wants to.
The dude has 80 million in the bank and more power to him.
But a real man, instead of a ZZ Top wannabe, stands behind what he says and would have told A & E TO FUCK THEMSELVES.
I say what I damn well please and if someone tells me to shut up I tell them to fuck themselves.
And I only have 2 million in the bank.
Robertson is a wimp, he backed down and does not back up what he says. A real man never does that.

Yeah, looks that way. BTW- you just described 007 ;) He promised to leave the forum if Obama won a 2nd-term and.....well..... he's still here :redface:
Aaaaww... poor little Slop Cum... those pesky facts getting in the way of your shitty little leftard game again? Can't hide your hypocrisy? Well sorry boy, your progressive BIGOT side is showing again, just as it has for the past 50 years. Now I know you scabby little fuckers are so used to getting away with this, it's just almost beyond comprehension that now, all of a sudden, you're getting called on it.

TOO BAD, little leftard JACK OFF, nobody wants to listen to anymore of your TWO FACED, HYPOCRITICAL, BIGOTED, LEFTIST INTOLERANCE... GO POUND SAND ya nasty little rat fuck.

Well sorry boy,

boy? "Dottie" is back to being Male ...again?...:confused:.....
Well, that's handy, isn't it?

"I'm enlightened because I say I am."

Basically thats how it works. I dont let people define me. I reserve that right for myself. Of course you have to put in the time to study. I just dont waste time studying people unless they were relevant.
Very handy. Everything you know is relevant. Everything you don't know is irrelevant, and therefore not worth knowing.

What a comfortable little cocoon you live in.

Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant. However, I decide what that is. Does that make sense to you?
Apparently Camille hasn't heard of "employment contracts".
You missed the entire point of her words. Was that deliberate or because you just couldn't figure it iut?
No actually I didn't. I'm basing my post on it. She talked of "people have the right to free thought and free speech" and "religious freedom". Which tells me she doesn't know what a morals clause is.
She wasn't talking about the network at all.
Some guy from a "reality" show said some stupid shit during an interview as a representative of the A&E network; so, A&E suspended him.

Cue drama.

Of course Palin and Fox had to pipe in calling his suspension an attack on free speech and freedom of religion.

But where were they when the Dixie Chicks practiced their right to free speech when they criticized the invasion of Iraq back in 2003? I don't recall Fox spending hours defending THEIR right to free speech after the group was boycotted and lost sponsorships and deals over their comments.

How about a more recent example?

After Bashir resigned over his comments about Palin, she went on Fox and said, "Those with that platform, with a microphone, a camera in their face, they have to have some more responsibility taken".

Shouldn't she have given that same advice to Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? After all, he has a platform, a microphone, a camera in his face. Millions of people watch his show. He likely insulted some of them with his remarks. Shouldn't he be held to the same standards by the right-wing media as Bashir was? Bashir was punished. Why is it wrong to punish Phil?

There are some differences:

Phil Robertson made his disparaging remarks on American soil to an American interviewer, while the Dixie Chicks made their disparaging remarks about the President on foreign soil.

Phil Robertson's beliefs are based on two thousand years teaching of Jesus, and prior to that a few more thousands of years of teaching in the Old Testament. The beliefs of the Dixie Chicks was based purely and simply on ignorance and hatred.

Sarah Palin, in a very dignified manner voiced her support for Phil Robertson, after herself been attacked by a useless Arab, in the most despicable way, an attack that the likes of which neither the Dixie Chicks, nor Martin Bashir would have tolerated with the same dignity.

Phil Robertson is the patriarch and the mainstay of the most popular show on cable TV, while neither Martin Bashir, nor the Dixie Chicks would be more than a fart in a hurricane on their own, without the blind support of the left-wing media.

What Martin Bashir insisted that should be done to Sarah Palin is not the belief of any religion, can not be defended by any reasonable and decent person, while Phil Robertson advocated NOTHING as vile as that to be done to gays, he only voiced his opinion based on his belief in the Bible, which can be defended by the fact that billions of people believe the way as he does.
How many conservatives have you heard say,

gay and black Americans have every right to object to what Phil Robertson said and believes, if they so choose?

I can't say that I support Phil Robertson's comments. However there is a big difference between standing on your own personal religious convictions of what you "personally" have come to know is right, and using childish remarks to describe a person's character simply because you don't support their political point of view.
"The liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other liberties."

This is not about Duck Dynasty for me. I tried to watch twice and couldn't get through more than 10 or 15 minutes.

It is about Political Correctness run amuck.

You are entitled to your own opinion...and to express it as part of the liberty of discussion which is supposed to be part of the foundations of this country....BUT only if it is an opinion shared by Liberals.

They are all about Control...and it shows more and more every day.

And here we see an example of conservative ignorance and the victim mentality.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘control.’ Has the cast member been arrested, is he in jeopardy of some civil fine? Of course not – he remains at complete liberty to say what he wishes.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ that’s a ridiculous myth contrived by the right. Private society is at liberty to admonish those who engage in speech or behavior perceived to be inappropriate. In fact, that’s how it’s supposed to be, private society making the determination, not the government or courts.

Such as "man made disasters" and "overseas contingency operations" I'm sure :lol:
Why is it only people on the right have to watch how they say things. The left calls us arsonist, terrorist, bigots, racist, granny killers, polluters and a myriad of other names and no one tells them they need to tone it down because they won't win friends or influence people. Their tactics have proven effective but by some magic circumstance it won't work for us, can you explain that?
Yes, money and organization.

That's what buys the freedom to abuse other people. So you should be really clinical about what camp you're in, how many resources you have etc. in terms of sheer numbers before you feel at liberty to sling verbal mud. Remember, the gays won much ground by playing to people on the fence about gay marriage by plucking their heartstrings and gaining their bravado in verbally bashing anyone who opposes this momentum on any grounds whatsoever. "Gay teen suicides, gay bashing, civil rights...etc etc." These are the same tactics child predators use to get close to their targets before they molest. They woo and coo and when people suspect them or they are caught outright, they threaten to commit suicide. I couldn't agree more that the gay activists running the PR campaign are using some of the darkest psychological tactics the lowest scum could dream up. They flip flop between strumming well-meaning heartstrings to blackmail, to ruining careers and back again, with great ease, flexibility and cunning: whatever the situation calls for...

I get your anger. Don't think that I don't.

Bashing them however plays right into their hand. Right into the very same strategy that has won them so much ground in the first place. Why assist them?

The remedy is to remain calm, civil and get the word out. This civil resistance will take on a life of its own. I guarantee it. It already has in fact. The Facebook page that said "boycott A&E" got a MILLION likes the first couple days it was up! Some of those likes were people originally won over by the sympathy ploy who at their heart are still not sure if it's the right decision. You go beating the gays up like they do to other people and though it may feel good to you, you'll wind up thinning out the numbers who would otherwise roll up their sleeves and get on board with you.

Plus, it's just good discipline when someone pisses you off, to not sock them in the jaw, but rather to calmly sew up their racket so they can't use it on you to piss you off anymore. And how we do that in the US to great success, believe it or not, is to progress legally. Stay tuned because this boycott and now the Utah gay marriage question are going to make a huge ripple in the "business as usual" gay pond.
All this is new to me. So far I gather that Mr Robertson makes something called a Duck Commander that you have to blow to attract ducks so you can shoot them. Is there anything you have to blow to attract members of GLAADD, even if you don't intend to shoot them?

I would be grateful if anyone can explain this complicated issue to me.
After what he said about blacks, why would a public official come out and defend him?

After what the so-called "Reverend" Sharpton said about whites in general, why would a public official come out and defend him?

And that goes double for Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Ben Jealous, all pathetic and willing members of the phony Black Congressional Caucus and the voices on BET.
On one hand, I thought that Phil Robertson's statements were disgusting and idiotic, however:

If you film a documentary, for instance, about wild tigers, don't be shocked or disgusted when a tiger kills an eats an antelope.

A&E chose to make a reality show about dumb ass rednecks. Why are they suddenly surprised when their dumb ass redneck acts like a dumb ass redneck? If they thought that his being a dumb ass redneck was all an act - that dumb ass rednecks don't really exist - then A&E are a bunch of dumb asses.

They bought a kangaroo, they paid for a kangaroo, and not surprisingly, they got a kangaroo. What's their problem?

The Robertsons have run a business and made a fortune doing it. They're rednecks, but they're hardly dumb!
Basically thats how it works. I dont let people define me. I reserve that right for myself. Of course you have to put in the time to study. I just dont waste time studying people unless they were relevant.
Very handy. Everything you know is relevant. Everything you don't know is irrelevant, and therefore not worth knowing.

What a comfortable little cocoon you live in.

Does comprehension frequently escape you? There is plenty I don't know that is relevant. However, I decide what that is. Does that make sense to you?
It makes perfect sense. You're comfortable in your little cocoon.
Hmmmm. Yet most duck hunters would disagree with you! As usual, katzenLiar just makes it up as he/she/it goes along.My bet is that he/she/it has never even SEEN either a duck or a duck call. And, besides, this is a pretty weird defense, even for him/her/it. :cuckoo:

Not this duck hunter,or any duck hunter I know. There are plenty of good duck calls out there. Zink or Rich-N-Tone comes to mind.
It's not like they use a different design. They all work off a reed or a double reed.

And, they're damn easy to make on the spot.

If you don't know how, there are instructions on line.

Its all the Made In China shit at WallyWorld that they make their money off of.

Cant say I've ever made one. But if you can do a feeder call or a comeback call most any reasonably made call will work. Obviously if you master all the others you'll have a better chance of being successful.
The feeder being the only difficult call but it's the most important.

I mean who doesnt show up when the dinner bell is rung?
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Because they understand that one of the fundamental rights on which this country was founded is freedom of speech regardless of whose little feelies are hurt?

Freedom of speech isn't the issue. The issue is that what he said about blacks was very offensive, so why defend someone being offensive to many of the people you are SUPPOSEDLY representing?

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