Due to lies of the West 'democracy' is for ever dead in Russia.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Even patients of lunatic hospitals in Russia know, the word 'democracy' extremely bad and mind starvation, lies, corruption, gay sex, drugs, lies, lies, lies.
Especially after decision of IOC to ban Russian athletes.
Russia will erect a system for Russians only, not for democrats.
RIP 'democracy' in Russia for ever!
If you want to see what Western "democracy" brings to a country when allowed to come look at Ukraine. Just after 4 years after Obama's administration arranged the coup there the country became another Somalia and each day the things are only getting worse (when it was separating from Russia in 1991 the slogan [= cheese in a mousetrap] was: "We'll become another Switzerland!" so rich and economically strong the republic was!). Actually, Somalians are offended now when somebody calls Ukraine another Somalia.

P.S. Ukrainian officials keep blaming Russia for everything what goes wrong in Ukraine (just like their puppeteers in Washington) and that only shows how "independent" they are.
Even patients of lunatic hospitals in Russia know, the word 'democracy' extremely bad and mind starvation, lies, corruption, gay sex, drugs, lies, lies, lies.
Especially after decision of IOC to ban Russian athletes.
Russia will erect a system for Russians only, not for democrats.
RIP 'democracy' in Russia for ever!
When did all Russians become angels of the purest blood?
If you want to see what Western "democracy" brings to a country when allowed to come look at Ukraine. Just after 4 years after Obama's administration arranged the coup there the country became another Somalia and each day the things are only getting worse (when it was separating from Russia in 1991 the slogan [= cheese in a mousetrap] was: "We'll become another Switzerland!" so rich and economically strong the republic was!). Actually, Somalians are offended now when somebody calls Ukraine another Somalia.

P.S. Ukrainian officials keep blaming Russia for everything what goes wrong in Ukraine (just like their puppeteers in Washington) and that only shows how "independent" they are.

From the beginning USA not helped, but destroyed the countries.
For example hidden crimes in Hamburg, Dresden, Hiroshima,concentration camps for German soldiers in American sector.
Itv was a war not against Hitler's soldiers, but against women and children who fled from the East.

Even patients of lunatic hospitals in Russia know, the word 'democracy' extremely bad and mind starvation, lies, corruption, gay sex, drugs, lies, lies, lies.
Especially after decision of IOC to ban Russian athletes.
Russia will erect a system for Russians only, not for democrats.
RIP 'democracy' in Russia for ever!
When did all Russians become angels of the purest blood?

Where are all native folks here?Russians lived together since thousands years with small folks, but USA killed almost all native Americans within a couple of centuries. And teaches today the entirely world 'democracy'.
It is a huge hypocrisy when killers condemn honest folks.

Even patients of lunatic hospitals in Russia know, the word 'democracy' extremely bad and mind starvation, lies, corruption, gay sex, drugs, lies, lies, lies.
Especially after decision of IOC to ban Russian athletes.
Russia will erect a system for Russians only, not for democrats.
RIP 'democracy' in Russia for ever!
When did all Russians become angels of the purest blood?

Where are all native folks here?Russians lived together since thousands years with small folks, but USA killed almost all native Americans within a couple of centuries. And teaches today the entirely world 'democracy'.
It is a huge hypocrisy when killers condemn honest folks.

I see, so those Ruskies have never killed or mistreated any minority people...Yeah you play that tune, not well, but you play it anyway..
Even patients of lunatic hospitals in Russia know, the word 'democracy' extremely bad and mind starvation, lies, corruption, gay sex, drugs, lies, lies, lies.
Especially after decision of IOC to ban Russian athletes.
Russia will erect a system for Russians only, not for democrats.
RIP 'democracy' in Russia for ever!
When did all Russians become angels of the purest blood?

Where are all native folks here?Russians lived together since thousands years with small folks, but USA killed almost all native Americans within a couple of centuries. And teaches today the entirely world 'democracy'.
It is a huge hypocrisy when killers condemn honest folks.

I see, so those Ruskies have never killed or mistreated any minority people...Yeah you play that tune, not well, but you play it anyway..

All Russians minorities survived while centuries, more over Russians gave them all own statutes and Republics even if minorities were 3 or 5 percent in area.

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