Due to Obama Weakness- 'unusual level of air activity'-Russians


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO- Not since the cold war has Russia violated NATO airspace. To put into context, not since the Reagan presidency has Russia had the nerve to do this. And why would Russia wait until now to flex its muscles after 26 years? Massive bomber drills not seen since the 50's?




Nato jets intercept Russian warplanes following 'unusual level of air activity'
Bombers and fighters shadowed during unusual burst of flights over Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Black Sea, says alliance


Nato aircraft have been scrambled to shadow Russian strategic bombers over the Atlantic and Black Sea and fighter planes over the Baltic in what the western alliance called an unusual burst of activity as tensions remain elevated because of the situation in Ukraine.

In all, Nato said, its jets intercepted four groups of Russian aircraft in about 24 hours since Tuesday and some were still on manoeuvres late on Wednesday afternoon.

“These sizeable Russian flights represent an unusual level of air activity over European air space,” the alliance said.

A spokesman stressed there had been no violation of Nato air space, unlike a week earlier when a Russian spy plane briefly crossed Estonia’s border. But so many sorties in one day was unusual compared with recent years.

In the biggest exercise four Tupolev Tu-95 strategic bombers, the 1950s equivalent of the US B-52, flew out over the Norwegian Sea in the early hours of Wednesday, accompanied by four refuelling tanker aircraft.
The Ruskies are testing our reactions..

Yes, but why now? Why after almost 30 years?

In life there are consequences for every decision we make. The optimal goal is to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. Unarguably, Putin is flexing his muscles because he knows there are never 'negative' consequences from Obama. Instead, Obama even sends messages that he would be more 'flexible' after his re-election. Maybe we just found out what that really means.

The Ruskies are testing our reactions..

Yes, but why now? Why after almost 30 years?

In life there are consequences for every decision we make. The optimal goal is to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. Unarguably, Putin is flexing his muscles because he knows there are never 'negative' consequences from Obama. Instead, Obama even sends messages that he would be more 'flexible' after his re-election. Maybe we just found out what that really means.

Because they want to see how far they can really go. They have managed to conquer land in TWO different nations. Two!

Russia is not going to stop until they find the limit of what we and the rest of the world are willing to take. We should have understood this when they went into Ukraine. Somehow this escaped us.
Russian leader Pootin is pushing limits to see what he can get away with, same with the Chinese...What will be fun to watch is when the Chinese and the Russians go at each other as they have in the past over land occupation...
We need to bomb those fucking Russians

Only way they will respect us
awwww, the RW's old pal Pootin is getting ready to bomb us. Does this mean you're taking his shirtless picture down and breaking up ?
awwww, the RW's old pal Pootin is getting ready to bomb us. Does this mean you're taking his shirtless picture down and breaking up ?

No, it means Obama is a big pussy not to mention, a failure

Life's good

We need to bomb those fucking Russians

Only way they will respect us
Interesting that you, a HARD leftie, happen to be the ONLY one that has said this. Nice job with the asinine and major fallacy.
See Rabbi Rules #2.

The Obama apologists show up. But even they can't defend his shitty foreign policy record. He is the worst president in history.
We need to bomb those fucking Russians

Only way they will respect us
Interesting that you, a HARD leftie, happen to be the ONLY one that has said this. Nice job with the asinine and major fallacy.
See Rabbi Rules #2.

The Obama apologists show up. But even they can't defend his shitty foreign policy record. He is the worst president in history.
I am glad you are not redundant and stuck in a rut...But the Soviets did the same thing during several presidents, I guess their foreign policy was bad too M'kay...
Obama's "Flexibility" just meant that he'd bend over for his Soviet elder brothers in Communist Faith

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