Duggar sisters on deflection tour, break cringe-meter

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
You KNOW their publicist put them up to this to save their rw xstain :eusa_pray: empire. Whats left of it anyway.

Duggar Daughters With Megyn Kelly Scared and Angry

Here at the ol’ Duggar Scandal Ranch, we were gettin’ mighty sick of hearing how many ways our buddy Jim Bob and his adoring wife Michelle could re-brand their son Josh as an upstanding young man whom God has forgiven, so why can’t you?

But just when we thought the branding iron had been put away, that Megyn Kelly, the straight-shootin’ Annie Oakley of Fox News, came galloping in on her high horse with pistols blazing on Friday night. She’d lassoed two more Duggars, sisters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald, and got them talking.

Fox N00z was only too happy to give the apologists a platform :thup:
I feel sorry for them. Victims usually are victimized again, by media, courts, attorneys.

Those kids were first victimized by their own parents when they decided to pimp them out for $40K an episode. Michelle Duggar is quite literally a "cash cow".

I hope the Duggars can stop clawing for money at the expense of their children and pay attention to what Josh may well be doing to his own children. And of course, Josh is another possible victim and obviously needs real therapy instead of the kiddie pornographer his parents sent him to.
I didn't think the left could crawl much lower. but I was wrong

now they are hating on the VICTIMS in this case.

way to go little girl.

I hope people are taking notes. they already kicked these people (left/libs/commies/democrats) out of power in congress because of this kind of stuff

now onto the Presidential elections
I didn't think the left could crawl much lower. but I was wrong

now they are hating on the VICTIMS in this case.

way to go little girl.

Does this really surprise you? It shouldn't.

no. and I'm thinking: the people needs to shun this thread.
they can't seem to find anything else but these people to hate on. let them act the fool on their own
I didn't think the left could crawl much lower. but I was wrong

now they are hating on the VICTIMS in this case.

way to go little girl.

Does this really surprise you? It shouldn't.

no. and I'm thinking: the people needs to shun this thread.
they can't seem to find anything else but these people to hate on. let them act the fool on their own

They like whipping out the controversy for post count. They don't actually care about this shit.
I feel sorry for them. Victims usually are victimized again, by media, courts, attorneys.

Those kids were first victimized by their own parents when they decided to pimp them out for $40K an episode. Michelle Duggar is quite literally a "cash cow".

I hope the Duggars can stop clawing for money at the expense of their children and pay attention to what Josh may well be doing to his own children. And of course, Josh is another possible victim and obviously needs real therapy instead of the kiddie pornographer his parents sent him to.

Playing Devil's Advocate, but if "victims" don't feel victimized, identify as victims, etc. isn't society brow-beating them into thinking of themselves as such the real abuse?
I feel sorry for them. Victims usually are victimized again, by media, courts, attorneys.

Those kids were first victimized by their own parents when they decided to pimp them out for $40K an episode. Michelle Duggar is quite literally a "cash cow".

I hope the Duggars can stop clawing for money at the expense of their children and pay attention to what Josh may well be doing to his own children. And of course, Josh is another possible victim and obviously needs real therapy instead of the kiddie pornographer his parents sent him to.

Playing Devil's Advocate, but if "victims" don't feel victimized, identify as victims, etc. isn't society brow-beating them into thinking of themselves as such the real abuse?

Its absolutely a cultural taboo. Lloyd deMause describes a culture where it is normal and accepted that young boys orally masturbate their elders.

He also talks about children being "poison containers" for the faults and foibles of adults.
i wonder how long before this story falls off the radar. more important issues to discuss. Like Hillary!

Sorry you can't handle more than one subject at a time. It may help you if you leave this thread and go start one lying about Hillary.

Personally, I believe the welfare of children to be one of, if not the most important issue to our society. Or at least, it should me. IMO.
Having the girls run around trying to defend a child molester just shows how fucking sick and twisted this good "Christian" family actually is. Used then, used now, and it won't work, the family is fucked. They fucked themselves with their Holier Than Thou bullshit circus act, which was, of course, a complete lie.
I didn't think the left could crawl much lower. but I was wrong

now they are hating on the VICTIMS in this case.

way to go little girl.

I hope people are taking notes. they already kicked these people (left/libs/commies/democrats) out of power in congress because of this kind of stuff

now onto the Presidential elections
Feeling sorry for them is............................"hating on them" in Stephanie's American Spring World.
I was amused how the sisters blamed the media for making their lives miserable over what they considered a "closed issue". And how do I know this? Because they agreed to tell the media all about how the media is making their lives miserable. Somewhere in all this, I see reflections of Palin!
Naw... The libs are just mad that the " apologists" were given A platform to tell their story because they "care".
You KNOW their publicist put them up to this to save their rw xstain :eusa_pray: empire. Whats left of it anyway.

Duggar Daughters With Megyn Kelly Scared and Angry

Here at the ol’ Duggar Scandal Ranch, we were gettin’ mighty sick of hearing how many ways our buddy Jim Bob and his adoring wife Michelle could re-brand their son Josh as an upstanding young man whom God has forgiven, so why can’t you?

But just when we thought the branding iron had been put away, that Megyn Kelly, the straight-shootin’ Annie Oakley of Fox News, came galloping in on her high horse with pistols blazing on Friday night. She’d lassoed two more Duggars, sisters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald, and got them talking.

Fox N00z was only too happy to give the apologists a platform :thup:

They dare not go off the reservation since they have to "live" with those "people"
I was amused how the sisters blamed the media for making their lives miserable over what they considered a "closed issue". And how do I know this? Because they agreed to tell the media all about how the media is making their lives miserable. Somewhere in all this, I see reflections of Palin!

I didn't think the left could crawl much lower. but I was wrong

now they are hating on the VICTIMS in this case.

way to go little girl.

I hope people are taking notes. they already kicked these people (left/libs/commies/democrats) out of power in congress because of this kind of stuff

now onto the Presidential elections

No one is hating.

People feel sorry for them. That's not hate.

you want to hate so bad, you can't see that.

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