Duh wake up folks... Medicare is privatized!

There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
I thought you could buy pens for when you had allergic reactions. I am thinking if you do have severe reactions you need on to keep at home.
There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
I thought you could buy pens for when you had allergic reactions. I am thinking if you do have severe reactions you need on to keep at home.
Have you not kept up on the cost of Epipens? Replacing a small six dollar a bottle of Epinephrine and a syringe once a year would be sufficient for an event that has only occurred three times in my lifetime vs paying hundreds for an Epipen that must be tossed almost once a year. As an adult with adult grands I am pretty sure I am qualified to make my own medical decisions in such matters.
Here's a question. How can medicare not cover everything but I "buy" an advantage plan that covers the gap for zero money? My father, who has had the plan for many years, pays no premium. He has had his knee replaced and if we paid 1000 dollars to have that done I would be surprised. He has also had several stays in the hospital and many tests and again the co-pays are small and very reasonable.

So, if the for profit company can make a profit off of medicare patients with better benefits with no added cost then why can't medicare do it themselves? Of course medicare isn't free, it cost at least 108/month going up as a person's income goes up. Which seems to me to be unfair but that is the way it works.
You may not like the answer.

First, Medicare Supplements are more pure insurance. They cover all the gaps in Medicare, from doctor visits to long-term hospital stays. So these people are paying $200 to $400 per month whether they go in or not, but everything is covered if they do. You still have Medicare, and the plan pays for the holes (and there are many) in your coverage.

Medicare Advantage plans, on the other hand, are more like an HMO - tighter, smaller networks and you pay as you go, if you go. You may pay $10 to see a doc, $100 a day while in the hospital. And yes, many of them have $0 premiums. The insurer is being reimbursed by the government every month (PMPM - Per Member, Per Month) for your coverage, and it completely takes over for Medicare. So the government may be paying, say, $800 monthly to your insurance company to handle all of your Medicare coverage for you, but you can shop for the best plans.

So, why would a healthy retiree who uses the system very little sign up for a medicare supplement plan? The advantage plans are pay as you go but the pay as you go isn't as high as the primiums for the supplement plans.

And no, as my provider told me yesterday I do not still have medicare, I have a medical advantage plan (HMO). I signed up with the largest provider in our area. They own the only hospital in 20 miles and they contract with the most doctors.

I am not sure why you said I wouldn't be happy. I pay 122/month and as I said the plan is zero premium. Now I would question the supplement plans. Does their premium include the 122/month sent to SS? Or is it above that payment? A lot of people might forget about the 122 because it is taken right out of their social security payment.

What I did was go to a broker and they advised me on the best least cost plan. I am not sure they were not just shilling for the plan I did sign up for. So far I am happy with what I did.
I'm not criticizing you at all. In fact, I wish every American had the excellent choices you have.

Medicare Supplements are best for two kinds of people: Those who know they will be utilizing a lot of care and those who aren't put off by the costs and just want to keep things simple - no co-pays, etc.

Otherwise, yeah, Medicare Advantage plans are freakin' great. I wish I could get one.

I only said that you may not like the answer because my guess is that you're a small government guy and the government is paying the insurer for your coverage, that's all.

My argument is that all Americans should be under your system.

A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
I thought you could buy pens for when you had allergic reactions. I am thinking if you do have severe reactions you need on to keep at home.
Have you not kept up on the cost of Epipens? Replacing a small six dollar a bottle of Epinephrine and a syringe once a year would be sufficient for an event that has only occurred three times in my lifetime vs paying hundreds for an Epipen that must be tossed almost once a year. As an adult with adult grands I am pretty sure I am qualified to make my own medical decisions in such matters.

There you go! Way to think about it!!!
You may not like the answer.

First, Medicare Supplements are more pure insurance. They cover all the gaps in Medicare, from doctor visits to long-term hospital stays. So these people are paying $200 to $400 per month whether they go in or not, but everything is covered if they do. You still have Medicare, and the plan pays for the holes (and there are many) in your coverage.

Medicare Advantage plans, on the other hand, are more like an HMO - tighter, smaller networks and you pay as you go, if you go. You may pay $10 to see a doc, $100 a day while in the hospital. And yes, many of them have $0 premiums. The insurer is being reimbursed by the government every month (PMPM - Per Member, Per Month) for your coverage, and it completely takes over for Medicare. So the government may be paying, say, $800 monthly to your insurance company to handle all of your Medicare coverage for you, but you can shop for the best plans.

So, why would a healthy retiree who uses the system very little sign up for a medicare supplement plan? The advantage plans are pay as you go but the pay as you go isn't as high as the primiums for the supplement plans.

And no, as my provider told me yesterday I do not still have medicare, I have a medical advantage plan (HMO). I signed up with the largest provider in our area. They own the only hospital in 20 miles and they contract with the most doctors.

I am not sure why you said I wouldn't be happy. I pay 122/month and as I said the plan is zero premium. Now I would question the supplement plans. Does their premium include the 122/month sent to SS? Or is it above that payment? A lot of people might forget about the 122 because it is taken right out of their social security payment.

What I did was go to a broker and they advised me on the best least cost plan. I am not sure they were not just shilling for the plan I did sign up for. So far I am happy with what I did.
I'm not criticizing you at all. In fact, I wish every American had the excellent choices you have.

Medicare Supplements are best for two kinds of people: Those who know they will be utilizing a lot of care and those who aren't put off by the costs and just want to keep things simple - no co-pays, etc.

Otherwise, yeah, Medicare Advantage plans are freakin' great. I wish I could get one.

I only said that you may not like the answer because my guess is that you're a small government guy and the government is paying the insurer for your coverage, that's all.

My argument is that all Americans should be under your system.

A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
See even the idiot MSM has no clue about how "privatized" Medicare is already!!!

Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?
Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?

These idiots don't realize that as I've proven above, Medicare is already "privatized"!!!

Some of the smart people like moi, didn't join an Advantage Plan, and I enc everyone not to. For the moment we are not made to join one , at least till Ryan gets his way.
See even the idiot MSM has no clue about how "privatized" Medicare is already!!!

Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?
Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?

These idiots don't realize that as I've proven above, Medicare is already "privatized"!!!

Some of the smart people like moi, didn't join an Advantage Plan, and I enc everyone not to. For the moment we are not made to join one , at least till Ryan gets his way.
Actually I must thank you then! As your $104/month payment is covering my payment that my MA pays... Plus you are paying
the doctor 20% out of your pocket which again doesn't bother me just you maybe just a little naive!
So, why would a healthy retiree who uses the system very little sign up for a medicare supplement plan? The advantage plans are pay as you go but the pay as you go isn't as high as the primiums for the supplement plans.

And no, as my provider told me yesterday I do not still have medicare, I have a medical advantage plan (HMO). I signed up with the largest provider in our area. They own the only hospital in 20 miles and they contract with the most doctors.

I am not sure why you said I wouldn't be happy. I pay 122/month and as I said the plan is zero premium. Now I would question the supplement plans. Does their premium include the 122/month sent to SS? Or is it above that payment? A lot of people might forget about the 122 because it is taken right out of their social security payment.

What I did was go to a broker and they advised me on the best least cost plan. I am not sure they were not just shilling for the plan I did sign up for. So far I am happy with what I did.
I'm not criticizing you at all. In fact, I wish every American had the excellent choices you have.

Medicare Supplements are best for two kinds of people: Those who know they will be utilizing a lot of care and those who aren't put off by the costs and just want to keep things simple - no co-pays, etc.

Otherwise, yeah, Medicare Advantage plans are freakin' great. I wish I could get one.

I only said that you may not like the answer because my guess is that you're a small government guy and the government is paying the insurer for your coverage, that's all.

My argument is that all Americans should be under your system.

A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
See even the idiot MSM has no clue about how "privatized" Medicare is already!!!

Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?
Will Republicans Try to Privatize Medicare in 2017?

These idiots don't realize that as I've proven above, Medicare is already "privatized"!!!

Some of the smart people like moi, didn't join an Advantage Plan, and I enc everyone not to. For the moment we are not made to join one , at least till Ryan gets his way.
Why would you not join an advantage plan?
There was a 500 dollar co-pay for using the emergency room.
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
I thought you could buy pens for when you had allergic reactions. I am thinking if you do have severe reactions you need on to keep at home.
Have you not kept up on the cost of Epipens? Replacing a small six dollar a bottle of Epinephrine and a syringe once a year would be sufficient for an event that has only occurred three times in my lifetime vs paying hundreds for an Epipen that must be tossed almost once a year. As an adult with adult grands I am pretty sure I am qualified to make my own medical decisions in such matters.
Geez I was just asking, i don't care what you actually do. Maybe some Ritalin is in your future?
Interesting. It was a hundred bucks for that emergency shot after a severe allergic reaction. Now all the sudden in the last ten years its gone up to $600.00 verses $100.00.
They really don't want you using the emergency room and we are the ones paying. Those not paying are more then welcomed.
If I could have just bought my own shot the emergency room would not have been needed.
I thought you could buy pens for when you had allergic reactions. I am thinking if you do have severe reactions you need on to keep at home.
Have you not kept up on the cost of Epipens? Replacing a small six dollar a bottle of Epinephrine and a syringe once a year would be sufficient for an event that has only occurred three times in my lifetime vs paying hundreds for an Epipen that must be tossed almost once a year. As an adult with adult grands I am pretty sure I am qualified to make my own medical decisions in such matters.
Geez I was just asking, i don't care what you actually do. Maybe some Ritalin is in your future?
I am sure you don't but the AMA has made it impossible for people to just get what they know they need without spending several hundred dollars on a doctor's prescription. I was just pointing out that as a person who knows what needs to be done in an emergency for myself I can't just go spend a few bucks on what I need.
I'm not criticizing you at all. In fact, I wish every American had the excellent choices you have.

Medicare Supplements are best for two kinds of people: Those who know they will be utilizing a lot of care and those who aren't put off by the costs and just want to keep things simple - no co-pays, etc.

Otherwise, yeah, Medicare Advantage plans are freakin' great. I wish I could get one.

I only said that you may not like the answer because my guess is that you're a small government guy and the government is paying the insurer for your coverage, that's all.

My argument is that all Americans should be under your system.

A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.
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A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.

You are very naive about "health care insurance administration costs". You obviously NEVER heard of this signed by Bill Clinton in 1996...
The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) establishes, for the first time, a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).
Sounds all so well and good and great!
Built into this law was the administrative requirement that ALL health care transactions must be done using EDI transaction sets.
Again you have no idea what that is do you?
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.

You are very naive about "health care insurance administration costs". You obviously NEVER heard of this signed by Bill Clinton in 1996...
The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) establishes, for the first time, a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).
Sounds all so well and good and great!
Built into this law was the administrative requirement that ALL health care transactions must be done using EDI transaction sets.
Again you have no idea what that is do you?
What in the world does this have to do with the costs to companies for health insurance and health insurance administration?

You don't think EDI eliminates that, do you?

Are you drunk? Or are you just spouting off stuff, trying to sound like an expert on this?

I made my point about expanding Medicare to all. If you want to address that, great.
A. ) Medicare Advantage plans are NOT supplements. Supplements are for traditional medicare beneficiaries that the "supplement" insurance pays
the difference...i.e. no co-pays as traditional Medicare requires. Under my MA there are no co-pays unless I see a specialist.
B.) Yes I'm a small government person and yes as my original post stated ALL Medicare claims are actually managed by "for-profit" contractors.
C) Finally there never were 46 million "uninsured Americans" as you and millions believed Obama's gigantic lie!
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something
they didn't want! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

What should have happened is the $270 billion a year lawyers make should have been taxed 10% LIKE Obamacare taxes tanning salons.
Using that $27 billion would provide a $5,000 a year premium for each of the less then 5 million that truly want and need health insurance.
The 10% tax would reduce proportionately as the $800 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which would lead to lower premiums.
This $800 billion in wasted health expenses comes from here!

90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because they fear being sued by lawyers!
As a result almost $500 to $800 BILLION a year is the estimated WASTED health expenses in insurance claims!
But doctors under federal contracts DON"T order, DON"T FEAR because of the 1946 Tort Reform.
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.
Medical care is a benefit for companies to attack talent.

Medical care cost sharing is helps the employee.

Whomever provides the health care insurance it cost about 800 a month, it is just who pays it that is the question. Those on medicare are paid for by a monthly premium and direct taxes.

Those who have company provided health care usually pay a part of the 800 dollars.

So let's say the company gets out and now who pays the 800 dollars? The employee? Who may or not be able to afford the increase? Direct tax? Which just spreads the cost out.

Regardless of what happens the money that a company spends is a benefit, take that obligation away from the company do you think the employees will see a difference in their pay checks?
WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.

You are very naive about "health care insurance administration costs". You obviously NEVER heard of this signed by Bill Clinton in 1996...
The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) establishes, for the first time, a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).
Sounds all so well and good and great!
Built into this law was the administrative requirement that ALL health care transactions must be done using EDI transaction sets.
Again you have no idea what that is do you?
What in the world does this have to do with the costs to companies for health insurance and health insurance administration?

You don't think EDI eliminates that, do you?

Are you drunk? Or are you just spouting off stuff, trying to sound like an expert on this?

I made my point about expanding Medicare to all. If you want to address that, great.

WHY expand to less then 5 million people? 18 million don't want health insurance why force them?
10 million were illegals and 14 million are covered but don't know it by Medicaid?
For what purpose then is the expansion to all? What value? Look at single payer countries around the world starting with
Cuba! Canada. Castro didn't have a doctor from Cuba. Canadians come to the USA for health care cause they have to wait!
Single payer health systems don't work especially with a heterogeneous population like the USA. May work fine in Sweden, etc.
but they are a small, homogeneous population.
Again why did ACA come into existence? There never was a problem! And you want to expand it??
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.

You are very naive about "health care insurance administration costs". You obviously NEVER heard of this signed by Bill Clinton in 1996...
The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”) establishes, for the first time, a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).
Sounds all so well and good and great!
Built into this law was the administrative requirement that ALL health care transactions must be done using EDI transaction sets.
Again you have no idea what that is do you?
What in the world does this have to do with the costs to companies for health insurance and health insurance administration?

You don't think EDI eliminates that, do you?

Are you drunk? Or are you just spouting off stuff, trying to sound like an expert on this?

I made my point about expanding Medicare to all. If you want to address that, great.

WHY expand to less then 5 million people? 18 million don't want health insurance why force them?
10 million were illegals and 14 million are covered but don't know it by Medicaid?
For what purpose then is the expansion to all? What value? Look at single payer countries around the world starting with
Cuba! Canada. Castro didn't have a doctor from Cuba. Canadians come to the USA for health care cause they have to wait!
Single payer health systems don't work especially with a heterogeneous population like the USA. May work fine in Sweden, etc.
but they are a small, homogeneous population.
Again why did ACA come into existence? There never was a problem! And you want to expand it??
What? I want to expand something I just said I'm strongly against?

What I want is completely different than the ACA. Holy crap.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Never mind.
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Correct, MA's are not supplements, although they are often confused with each other. That's why I specifically separated and explained them.

No, I did not believe "Obama's gigantic lie", no one here is more anti-ACA than I am, and I pointed out precisely what I want in post 29.

Covering everyone under this plan would increase access to preventive and diagnostic care, saving significant dollars in the long run by catching issues far earlier. It would also no doubt create a massive cottage industry of clinics that specialize in preventive and diagnostic care, helping avoid long lines at doctor's offices.

Covering everyone under this plan would take a massive cost away from American employers, allowing them to concentrate on what they actually do and participate more efficiently in the intensely competitive global market.

Covering everyone under this plan would put a final and merciful end to this amazingly stupid seven-headed (ACA, group health, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, Worker's Comp and indigent care) joke of a health care delivery/payment "system" we currently have, in which NONE of the seven heads communicate seamlessly with the other, increasing efficiencies even more.

The only reason not to do this is political.

WHAT MASSIVE COST to Employers??? The number one tax deduction by employers is: READ the facts OK???

One Look At This Chart, And You'll Instantly Get Why We Can't Fix The Tax Code
$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!
$138 billion for employees pensions!
$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions
$24 billion for child care credit
$33 billion charitable contributions
$27 billion deductions of health care items
$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)
NOTICE that 1, 2, 3,4,5 items are for individuals... i.e. employee insurance ..deduction... employee pensions.. etc...

Now if it is a deduction of $171 billion that businesses have right now for insurance.
Take that deduction away from businesses and they pay more taxes. More taxes to do WHAT??? Pay for health insurance???

Look.. The stupidity in most people is dealing with reality!
A) 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 don't WANT or NEED health insurance!
B) 10 million are NOT citizens
C) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid.

So why was there EVER a need to cover less then 5 million when the simple tax on lawyers would have
A) paid the premium for each of the 5 million $27 billion..
B) The tax would reduce as the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs decline which again you seem to be ignoring what 90% of
physicians are telling you that the do out of fear of lawsuits! Please read this study!
C) Once this gigantic waste of money reduces say even by $100 billion a year do you understand what happens then???
Called "Medical loss ratio" that the average health insurance pays i.e. about 80% of premium goes in to paying claims!
So reduce the amount of wasted duplicate tests, referrals all because doctors fear lawsuits and guess what?
Insurance companies MUST lower premiums because EACH STATE reviews any premium increases and based on what the
company has built in reserves and CLAIMs experiences allows or REDUCES premiums!
D) Hospitals reduce operating costs because of EMTALA. Called "unreimbursed expenses" but with AUHIC that CAN'T OVER charge like
for CAT scan when the bill insurance companies $3,000 for a test that cost them $60!!! They do it as the hospital CEO when asked
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? "Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers".

Do you understand then... by taxing lawyers 10%, defensive medicine costs drop, claim expenses drop, premiums drop!
Pretty damn simple and the ONLY reason this will work under Trump is HE IS NOT A LAWYER!!!
Obama and 47% of congress are lawyers so they would never tax lawyers!
American Uninsured Health Insurance Co. AUHIC!

It will work. It is a for profit for bid with the government to handle the $27 billion funding. When people go to the emergency room
today a 1986 act known as EMTALA is at work. Look it up! So hospitals are means testing "uninsured" today and if the patient qualifies
the claims are sent to AUHIC! That simple.
Defensive medicine could easily be addressed with my plan.

Corporate tax deductions are merely deductions. The money must still be spent, resources must still be utilized.

A healthier populace is good economics.

Medicare recipients like their plans, and want to protect them. Let's just expand that to all.
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to
make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
Also no question preventative services reduce more costs down the road BUT you want another very very obvious way
to cut health expenses?
Penalize ANY company including hospitals/health insurance plans that promote dangerous lifestyles!
Here is a great example.
Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder.
The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim!
How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs!
Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities!
GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
A) the tax deductions for health plans is $171 billion in tax revenue that could be added...BUT then someone has to make up that $171 billion somewhere. Are you saying the companies should pay that and NOT get a tax deduction?
No, I made pretty clear that the plans would be portable, and that they would no longer be the responsibility of employers. No health insurance costs for employers, no health care insurance administration costs, none of it. It's all off their backs. Gone.

Have you seen that commercial where a mother tries to slam dunk (in front of her daughter no less!!) and falls hurting her shoulder. The next scene is her calling her health insurance company to pay the claim! How dumb are these people to promote dangerous stupid activities that simple add to health care costs! Or those commercials about people sky diving, or climbing mountains and promoting that as healthy activities! GEEZ at some point some people get injured and submit claims. Who pays? We all do with higher costs!
Yes, and educating the public & promoting healthier lifestyles would be a part of my plan, too. And even better, since everyone would have access to basic preventive and diagnostic care, there would be no excuse for not taking advantage of them so that we can all save money in the long run.
Medical care is a benefit for companies to attack talent.

Medical care cost sharing is helps the employee.

Whomever provides the health care insurance it cost about 800 a month, it is just who pays it that is the question. Those on medicare are paid for by a monthly premium and direct taxes.

Those who have company provided health care usually pay a part of the 800 dollars.

So let's say the company gets out and now who pays the 800 dollars? The employee? Who may or not be able to afford the increase? Direct tax? Which just spreads the cost out.

Regardless of what happens the money that a company spends is a benefit, take that obligation away from the company do you think the employees will see a difference in their pay checks?
It's up to the company to decide what it would do with the cost savings. I'm pro-business. And if they want to attract/retain/motivate good people, there are many benefits they can offer besides health insurance, such as a more robust retirement plan, non qualified deferred compensation, profit sharing and creative bonus systems. I wrote a book on it, the 2nd edition is going to press this week (maybe).

We currently have seven (7) different health care delivery/payment systems. None of them communicate directly with the other. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are apparently just fine with that. I think that's madness. It is simply (and this is a word I don't often use) stupid.

The Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system works. It's efficient, it's effective, it's flexible, it's personal, it's portable, it allows for dynamic market competition and innovation, and it could easily be scaled up and tweaked as needed.

The only reason it's not happening is politics.
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