"Dukes of Hazzard" yanked from TV Land

You know someone isn't a real Indian when they cheer something like this.

If anyone knows how this government stepped on, broke their promises and took away from the American Indians.... they would never be for something like this
So it's OK to show two girls kissing on the "ABC Family" network, but it's bad to show the Confederate flag?

Liberals are taking away all the good things in America, and replacing them with bad things.
So it's OK to show two girls kissing on the "ABC Family" network, but it's bad to show the Confederate flag?

Liberals are taking away all the good things in America, and replacing them with bad things.

they think they'll be left out of the government clamps heading our way. (because they are the chosen ones or something). but eventually something they want or like will be on the list. so they might not want to beat their chest too hard.

So it's OK to show two girls kissing on the "ABC Family" network, but it's bad to show the Confederate flag?

Liberals are taking away all the good things in America, and replacing them with bad things.

they think they'll be left out of the government clamps heading our way. (because they are the chosen ones or something). but eventually something they want or like will be on the list. so they might not want to beat their chest too hard.

These assholes are already whining to ban Jefferson and Washington. Bastards.
Well at least now there's no reason what-so-ever for me to keep cable.
Well at least now there's no reason what-so-ever for me to keep cable.

They already tell us we have to have all kinds of other crap we don't ever watch with a hefty price. NOW they are going to start BANNING shows for a gawddam flag. We're looking for other avenues. from outside Antennas, etc
So it's OK to show two girls kissing on the "ABC Family" network, but it's bad to show the Confederate flag?

Liberals are taking away all the good things in America, and replacing them with bad things.

they think they'll be left out of the government clamps heading our way. (because they are the chosen ones or something). but eventually something they want or like will be on the list. so they might not want to beat their chest too hard.

Another American spring?
There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.

The latest victim of the growing controversy over the Confederate flag is the 1980s TV series “The Dukes of Hazzard.”

A TV Land spokesperson confirmed Tuesday that the network has pulled reruns of the series from its schedule, which had been airing twice a day.

The network declined to comment on why the episodes were removed, but the southern-set show has come under fire recently for its depiction of the Confederate flag, which is emblazoned on the hood of the Duke Boys’ signature 1969 orange Dodge Charger.

Warner Bros., which owns “The Dukes of Hazzard,” last week halted production on toy replicas of the car dubbed the General Lee. That followed moves by other retailers such as Walmart and eBay to stop selling items bearing the Stars and Bars after the deadly church shooting in Charleston, SC, in June.

More: TV Land pulls reruns of Dukes of Hazzard - Fox News

This must be really sad for some folks.
Oh the hypocrisy of Hollywood never ceases to amaze me. I mean what will the Dukes be replaced with now, uh maybe the movie "Hostel" or "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or hey for the after schoolers maybe some Rin and Stimpy or Beavus and Butthead ? If that don't do it, then how about some Nintendo chocked full of bang bang shoot'em up and/or kill anything that moves with grandma included ? How about some good Ole evil looking cartoons for them to watch, therefore teaching them some knew and more deadly forms of expressing themselves just like we have seen over the years in other things..

Now Hollywood wants to sever it's ties with one of it's own because it is in the raw spotlight eh ? So that's how the beast continues to survive, where as just disown something once it becomes a hot potato or the concept has reached critical mass, and so once it has done it's works long enough, and it is coupled with hate by people who want to tie it into a hate campaign of theirs, then Hollywood of course must shed itself quickly of it before Hollywood itself gets fingered into the deal as the leading culprit, the enabler or the pot stirrer in it all...

If any show is banned or stopped, then Hollywood should have to give a statement as to why it is banned or why it is being stopped. I mean the Dukes of Hazard didn't seem to be a bad show with a bad message really, so what was it that was'nt liked about it in total ? It wasn't only just the flag on display I don't think, but rather it was something else bigger than that all in total of, but what was it in total of ? It could have been a combination of things also, but what were they ? Got me interested. Was the flag enough to ban the whole series ? I mean with technology these days, couldn't they re-edit the series in a way that would change the flag on the hood to the American Flag if nothing else was wrong with the show ?
Negroes destroy our cities
Kill twice as many whites
commit violent assaults against us

And yet we're suppose to kiss their ass? This isn't going to solve shit and in fact will just piss people off.
There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.


Then why did the Native Americans ally themselves to the Confederacy and fly a look alike flag? Run Shitting Bull, run!!!!!!!!

In many cases different Native tribes also allied with whites against other tribes. This idea that the natives were one people and the white man came here unwelcome is a lie. Many natives welcomed and worked with whites.

Of course our lying educational system doesn't teach that.
Well at least now there's no reason what-so-ever for me to keep cable.

They already tell us we have to have all kinds of other crap we don't ever watch with a hefty price. NOW they are going to start BANNING shows for a gawddam flag. We're looking for other avenues. from outside Antennas, etc

That's why I own several TV series that I like on DVD. I can then watch them whenever I want.

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