Dump Your Home Owners Insurance ---They Won't Pay

I don't live in a flood plain and I'm glad. Why would anybody buy a house in a flood plain? When we were first married we were looking at a house in the Auburn valley but my mother talked us out of it because of the dam. Turns out she was right, that dam is now in danger of breaking, or at least it was last year, I don't know if they did anything to fix it. I'm pretty sure when we get that big earthquake the dam will be history and all those people will be in a boatload of trouble.

Floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, drought's, hurricanes, blizzard's, ice storms. There is NO place you can live where you are exempt from natural disasters, so your point is meaningless.

Floods are the worst. You have to deal with the government & or sewer didtrict on those. Or government, sewer & private insurance arbatration. If you have no flood insurance, you have to fix the flood damage before insurance will fix the wind damage.

"Worst" is a subjective term. ALL disasters are "worst" for the people involved and none of them are immune to insurance and/or government bureaucracy issues.
I don't live in a flood plain and I'm glad. Why would anybody buy a house in a flood plain? When we were first married we were looking at a house in the Auburn valley but my mother talked us out of it because of the dam. Turns out she was right, that dam is now in danger of breaking, or at least it was last year, I don't know if they did anything to fix it. I'm pretty sure when we get that big earthquake the dam will be history and all those people will be in a boatload of trouble.

Floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, drought's, hurricanes, blizzard's, ice storms. There is NO place you can live where you are exempt from natural disasters, so your point is meaningless.

While it is true that there is no place you can live that's not exempt from natural disasters, my point is not exactly meaningless. Flooding IS something you can usually avoid. Earthquakes and storms not so much.
No, actually it is the drenching rains that first soften up the ground, and then a strong wind comes along and topples the tree.

Hey, here's an idea: have any trees that might, you know, FALL AND CRUSH THE HOUSE removed or trimmed. Personal responsibility, have you heard of it?!?!

You should do that, then! :lol:

Already long since done. And hey, had the idiot who owns the house you posted a pic of done it, he'd still have a house!
Hey, here's an idea: have any trees that might, you know, FALL AND CRUSH THE HOUSE removed or trimmed. Personal responsibility, have you heard of it?!?!

You should do that, then! :lol:

Already long since done. And hey, had the idiot who owns the house you posted a pic of done it, he'd still have a house!
Hey dumbass: I haven't posted any photos, and I didn't start this thread.

No wonder you are so confused. :lol:

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