Durham Investigation Expands In Resources, Scope And Timeline

I hope this isn't a Democratic-deep state strategy to prolong the investigation and run out the clock. There needs to be charges filed and arrests made soon or this thing will start looking like the BS Mueller investigation.

After the Comey report it's still about 50/50% that the end result turns out "Some people did something" and the coup plotters all walk

I don't know, Brenen and Clapper seem to be a bit nervous, Clapper saying they were just following orders from maobama. That's confirmation that this goes all the way to the top.


Funny how it's OK for one President to use our intelligence agencies against political opponents...but an impeachable offense if another President even asks for an investigation into alleged corruption!

Hypocrisy, thy name is commiecrat. Just that simple.

If I were an FBI agent who hated Trump and wanted to sabotage his election in 2016, I would DEFINITELY announce that I am investigating Hillary 11 days before the election while not announcing that I’m investigating Trump.

That’s because I’m a cool and smart deep state dude.

My question for you is a simple one, Laugher...why wasn't the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election? It's obvious that she broke the law. It's obvious she willfully destroyed evidence of criminal acts. It's obvious she lied to Congress. It's obvious that she used monies from her "Foundation" to help pay for the salaries of some of her campaign staff after conducting a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department! Quite frankly it's disgusting how higher ups in the FBI conspired to protect Hillary Clinton.
They investigated her until right before the DNC Primary, in July of 2016 and opened another with announcement in October '16

no it isn't

no it is not evident at all

no, she did not lie to congress, and please spare me the Tray Gowdy, planned campaign ad video with Comey,it simply is not true

She got permission from ethics, to pay her personal asst... nothing was under cover or hidden about it

dummy, the FBI played ZERO favorites with her... they hurt her... she lost BECAUSE of their 2 illegal announcements and diatribe to the public!


Yeah, don't believe your lying eyes and ears. LMAO

Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

HIs letter said obstruction was not off the table, which meant that it was Barr's call at that point. He never said Barr was wrong after that.

it was no ones call to make, but Congress's.... mueller made that clear in his volume 2 report... the OLC law/opinion to not indict a president...
and our Constitution, put it in to the hands of Congress to decide, with impeachment.

So why haven't they done it? Mueller isn't even in the news cycle anymore after his disastrous testimony.


If I were an FBI agent who hated Trump and wanted to sabotage his election in 2016, I would DEFINITELY announce that I am investigating Hillary 11 days before the election while not announcing that I’m investigating Trump.

That’s because I’m a cool and smart deep state dude.

Except Comey said Trump WAS NOT being investigated at that time. Facts don't support your propaganda comrade.


Trump was under investigation at that time. The crooked deep state who hated Trump didn't leak that for some reason.

Weird, huh?

So you're saying Comey lied?


He didn’t announce the Trump investigation. You’re a weird fucker. The deep state is a fucking RW nutbag myth. Period. Nobody from the FBI hurt Trump’s campaign. They hurt Hillary’s. Period.

When Comey verified a counterintelligence investigation it included the Trump campaign, not Trump himself. But hey, rewrite history all you want, it doesn't change the facts. BTW I've never said a damn thing about the deep state, so stop trying to put words in my mouth, it's intellectually dishonest.

If I were an FBI agent who hated Trump and wanted to sabotage his election in 2016, I would DEFINITELY announce that I am investigating Hillary 11 days before the election while not announcing that I’m investigating Trump.

That’s because I’m a cool and smart deep state dude.

Except Comey said Trump WAS NOT being investigated at that time. Facts don't support your propaganda comrade.


Trump was under investigation at that time. The crooked deep state who hated Trump didn't leak that for some reason.

Weird, huh?

So you're saying Comey lied?


He didn’t announce the Trump investigation. You’re a weird fucker. The deep state is a fucking RW nutbag myth. Period. Nobody from the FBI hurt Trump’s campaign. They hurt Hillary’s. Period.

The only person who hurt Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Addressing people when drunk on her ass, passing out before she could even make it back to her van, calling half of American voters deplorable. Telling people she had conversations with the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt.

If the deep state is such a myth, how is it some CIA agent who was in cahoots with a Democrat presidential campaign runner, the so-called whistleblower of the Trump call? Like Obama who used the FBI to help defeat a political opponent, now they have people in the CIA trying to do the same thing.

Definition of Deep State:

The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities. The Deep State supposedly controls state policy behind the scenes, while the democratically-elected process and elected officials are merely figureheads.

What Does Deep State Mean? | Politics by Dictionary.com

A clandestine network intrenched inside the government. Hmmm, clandestine is the foundation of this so-called inquiry, isn't it?
If I were an FBI agent who hated Trump and wanted to sabotage his election in 2016, I would DEFINITELY announce that I am investigating Hillary 11 days before the election while not announcing that I’m investigating Trump.

That’s because I’m a cool and smart deep state dude.

My question for you is a simple one, Laugher...why wasn't the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election? It's obvious that she broke the law. It's obvious she willfully destroyed evidence of criminal acts. It's obvious she lied to Congress. It's obvious that she used monies from her "Foundation" to help pay for the salaries of some of her campaign staff after conducting a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department! Quite frankly it's disgusting how higher ups in the FBI conspired to protect Hillary Clinton.

They were investigating her for months. Idiot.
And she didn’t lie to Congress nor use foundation funds inappropriately. Ya lying sack of shit.

She didn't lie to Congress? They asked for all relevant documents and emails regarding Benghazi. Clinton told them she'd handed over everything. That was a blatant lie because she hadn't handed over ANY of the emails that were on the two private servers she had hidden at her home!

Did she use Foundation funds "inappropriately"? I never claimed that was the case! What I pointed out was that she used Foundation funds to pay part of the salaries of her campaign staff...something that is totally legal. What's NOT legal was running a pay for play scheme at the State Department...collecting millions in "donations" from foreign individuals...funneling that money through the Clinton Foundation and THEN having that money to help pay part of the cost of her election staff! Hillary Clinton hid those servers from Congressional investigators because if she revealed them...she would have exposed how she was illegally conducting State Department business so as to conceal what she was doing from Congressional oversight!

You are a torrent of misinformation. You ought to be ashamed. But you’re not capable.

You don't want "information", Laugher...you want to be spoon fed propaganda! You want to believe that Hillary Clinton didn't pay for the Steele dossiers. You want to believe that she didn't install those two servers in her home and run the State Department through them for nefarious reasons! You want to believe that she didn't deliberately destroy 30,000 emails on those servers by hiring professionals to "bleach" her hard drives! You want to believe that she didn't conspire with CNN to fix her debate with Bernie Sanders! The person that ought to be ashamed of themselves is you! Anyone that's still pretending Hillary Clinton is anything but corrupt is a laughingstock!
I think Durham is suppose to be an honest ace, like Mueller... my concern is he is a special prosecutor, which means he reports to the crooked william Barr, and that means we risk Barr, putting his right wing partisan and lying spin on it, just like he did with the Mueller report and none of us will ever know, what was truly in the Durham Report, until months after Barr spin.

Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

HIs letter said obstruction was not off the table, which meant that it was Barr's call at that point. He never said Barr was wrong after that.
You Nazis are such damn liars! First of all Mueller's letter to lying scum Barr said nothing about obstruction.
Here is exactly what Mueller said about Barr's fake summery:
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.
The Witch Hunt expands because the Democrat hating HACK Durham and his Democrat hating thugs haven't been able to manufacture any crime relating to their original mandate.
Of course you have evidence of the that, right?
i have the same evidence as Tramp, so you have to accept it blindly like you do everything Tramp claims.

You've got nothing, got it.

Then it's the same nothing Tramp has.
I think Durham is suppose to be an honest ace, like Mueller... my concern is he is a special prosecutor, which means he reports to the crooked william Barr, and that means we risk Barr, putting his right wing partisan and lying spin on it, just like he did with the Mueller report and none of us will ever know, what was truly in the Durham Report, until months after Barr spin.

Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.
The Witch Hunt expands because the Democrat hating HACK Durham and his Democrat hating thugs haven't been able to manufacture any crime relating to their original mandate.
Of course you have evidence of the that, right?
i have the same evidence as Tramp, so you have to accept it blindly like you do everything Tramp claims.

You've got nothing, got it.

Then it's the same nothing Tramp has.

Well I haven't seen a commie that would address these little ditties.

Early 2014 Devon Archer joins the Berisma board.

16 April 2014 Devon Archer had a meeting in the WH with Joe Biden, the meeting went late in the night according to WH records.

18 April 2014 Hunter Biden was appointed to the Berisma board.

21 April 2014 Joe Biden announces as much as 1 billion in US aid to the Ukraine natural gas industry.

Investigation into the Berisma founder suddenly were suspended and the UK released 23 million in frozen Berisma funds.

Yeah, nobody has anything. LMAO

Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

If it had it wouldn't have been a summary, would it? Now show where Mueller said Barr mischaracterized anything that was covered in the summary.

The Witch Hunt expands because the Democrat hating HACK Durham and his Democrat hating thugs haven't been able to manufacture any crime relating to their original mandate.
Of course you have evidence of the that, right?
i have the same evidence as Tramp, so you have to accept it blindly like you do everything Tramp claims.

You've got nothing, got it.

Then it's the same nothing Tramp has.

Well I haven't seen a commie that would address these little ditties.

Early 2014 Devon Archer joins the Berisma board.

16 April 2014 Devon Archer had a meeting in the WH with Joe Biden, the meeting went late in the night according to WH records.

18 April 2014 Hunter Biden was appointed to the Berisma board.

21 April 2014 Joe Biden announces as much as 1 billion in US aid to the Ukraine natural gas industry.

Investigation into the Berisma founder suddenly were suspended and the UK released 23 million in frozen Berisma funds.

Yeah, nobody has anything. LMAO

Nothing but Russian propaganda.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

If it had it wouldn't have been a summary, would it? Now show where Mueller said Barr mischaracterized anything that was covered in the summary.

the perpetual dumb act!
Of course you have evidence of the that, right?
i have the same evidence as Tramp, so you have to accept it blindly like you do everything Tramp claims.

You've got nothing, got it.

Then it's the same nothing Tramp has.

Well I haven't seen a commie that would address these little ditties.

Early 2014 Devon Archer joins the Berisma board.

16 April 2014 Devon Archer had a meeting in the WH with Joe Biden, the meeting went late in the night according to WH records.

18 April 2014 Hunter Biden was appointed to the Berisma board.

21 April 2014 Joe Biden announces as much as 1 billion in US aid to the Ukraine natural gas industry.

Investigation into the Berisma founder suddenly were suspended and the UK released 23 million in frozen Berisma funds.

Yeah, nobody has anything. LMAO

Nothing but Russian propaganda.

Yeah, you commies always say that when you can't refute what's said.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

If it had it wouldn't have been a summary, would it? Now show where Mueller said Barr mischaracterized anything that was covered in the summary.

the perpetual dumb act!

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "summary". LMAO

In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

If it had it wouldn't have been a summary, would it? Now show where Mueller said Barr mischaracterized anything that was covered in the summary.

the perpetual dumb act!

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "summary". LMAO

Perhaps you should stop paying dumb.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.
If I were an FBI agent who hated Trump and wanted to sabotage his election in 2016, I would DEFINITELY announce that I am investigating Hillary 11 days before the election while not announcing that I’m investigating Trump.

That’s because I’m a cool and smart deep state dude.

My question for you is a simple one, Laugher...why wasn't the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton MONTHS before the election? It's obvious that she broke the law. It's obvious she willfully destroyed evidence of criminal acts. It's obvious she lied to Congress. It's obvious that she used monies from her "Foundation" to help pay for the salaries of some of her campaign staff after conducting a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department! Quite frankly it's disgusting how higher ups in the FBI conspired to protect Hillary Clinton.
They investigated her until right before the DNC Primary, in July of 2016 and opened another with announcement in October '16

no it isn't

no it is not evident at all

no, she did not lie to congress, and please spare me the Tray Gowdy, planned campaign ad video with Comey,it simply is not true

She got permission from ethics, to pay her personal asst... nothing was under cover or hidden about it

dummy, the FBI played ZERO favorites with her... they hurt her... she lost BECAUSE of their 2 illegal announcements and diatribe to the public!

How come n your world the left is 100% right and honest and the right is 100% wrong and liars all the time?
Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level.

The important news of the day — far beyond the inevitable tedious impeachment jousting — is that John Durham’s investigation of the provenance of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded, according to several administration officials.
In all fairness this article is a crap opinion piece along the lines of 2ht we read in here daily.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

The only scandals with Trump are the ones the commies are making up.

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