Durham Investigation Expands In Resources, Scope And Timeline

Durham is known for his straight forward approach. He would only increase his staff if he found criminal misconduct and he need to collect the evidence before it could be destroyed.

Someone is in deep shit here and he is going after them.

I don't know. It seems to me no matter what the Democrats do, no matter how obvious the evidence, no matter how much proof of evidence there is, they always get away scot free. For months we were told about the FBI filing a lying application to the FISA court for surveillance warrants, which I think should be pretty easy to find and prove, and nothing.

That is until they lose their asses in the 2020 election at which time the shit hits the fan and they'll be powerless to stop it.

Yes, if Congressional leadership goes back to the GOP. That would kill Ginsburg as she's trying to make it to 2020 making sure Trump doesn't replace her. I believe it's the only reason she's alive today. She can't hold out another four years after 2020.
I wish she would retire with dignity and enjoy the rest of her life. She deserves that. If she would die in office, I wouldn't put it past Democrats to hide her body, like that movie Psycho.
They need to get Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, Lynch and Obama behind bars with the charges they have right now. They can continue to investigate and add more charges later.
Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

HIs letter said obstruction was not off the table, which meant that it was Barr's call at that point. He never said Barr was wrong after that.
You Nazis are such damn liars! First of all Mueller's letter to lying scum Barr said nothing about obstruction.
Here is exactly what Mueller said about Barr's fake summery:
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”
well considering the people you are calling NAZIs are NOT NAZIs, who's the "damn liar"?

your overuse of extreme words and phrases indicated your emotional investment in these issues. you want to dance on the extreme edge of stupidity and to be fair, that's quite a waltz you've got going on. but you and others like you don't want to resolve issues and find common ground, you want to be emotionally validated and don't care how you do it along the way.

such as calling people NAZIs so YOU feel better about things, but we both know it's bullshit.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.
The Witch Hunt expands because the Democrat hating HACK Durham and his Democrat hating thugs haven't been able to manufacture any crime relating to their original mandate.
Of course you have evidence of the that, right?
i have the same evidence as Tramp, so you have to accept it blindly like you do everything Tramp claims.

Who is this tramp character you're talking about, some dog catcher in your area? If you're trying to talk about the president, I'd like to know when you got access to everything he has, because I don't remember seeing you in the meeting.
Mueller never denied what Barr's conclusion was, and Mueller was as crooked as they can get with hiring all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on his team.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

Question: when Mueller testified before Congress, what did he say Barr lied about?
Durham is known for his straight forward approach. He would only increase his staff if he found criminal misconduct and he need to collect the evidence before it could be destroyed.

Someone is in deep shit here and he is going after them.

I don't know. It seems to me no matter what the Democrats do, no matter how obvious the evidence, no matter how much proof of evidence there is, they always get away scot free. For months we were told about the FBI filing a lying application to the FISA court for surveillance warrants, which I think should be pretty easy to find and prove, and nothing.

That is until they lose their asses in the 2020 election at which time the shit hits the fan and they'll be powerless to stop it.

Yes, if Congressional leadership goes back to the GOP. That would kill Ginsburg as she's trying to make it to 2020 making sure Trump doesn't replace her. I believe it's the only reason she's alive today. She can't hold out another four years after 2020.
I wish she would retire with dignity and enjoy the rest of her life. She deserves that. If she would die in office, I wouldn't put it past Democrats to hide her body, like that movie Psycho.
weekend at ginsburgs.
sure he did.

He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

Question: when Mueller testified before Congress, what did he say Barr lied about?
Was he asked outright if Barr lied???
He did? When did he ever say Barr's conclusion of his investigation was inaccurate?
In his letter. What planet have you been on???

In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

Question: when Mueller testified before Congress, what did he say Barr lied about?
Was he asked outright if Barr lied???

I think it strange he wasn't, given how desperate the democrats were to find something, anything they could pin their hopes on.
In his letter he never said Barr mischaracterized anything, he complained how the press was playing it.

Another lying Nazi.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,”

If it had it wouldn't have been a summary, would it? Now show where Mueller said Barr mischaracterized anything that was covered in the summary.

the perpetual dumb act!

Perhaps you should look up the definition of "summary". LMAO

Perhaps you should stop paying dumb.

Perhaps you should give up the commie talking points and think for yourself.

Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level.

The important news of the day — far beyond the inevitable tedious impeachment jousting — is that John Durham’s investigation of the provenance of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded, according to several administration officials.
In all fairness this article is a crap opinion piece along the lines of 2ht we read in here daily.
John Durham's investigation of the provenance of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded.

Durham is reviewing the days leading up to the 2016 election and through the inauguration.

Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources. The timeline has grown from the beginning of the probe through the election and now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.


Dirty Bob Mueller who testified under oath he was "not familiar" with Fusion GPS after years investigating a supposed scandal instigated by that company. This eye-rolling lie is far more significant than anything he has prosecuted others for. This is the same Dirty Bob Mueller who also lied, denying, again under oath, he interviewed for the FBI job before becoming special counsel.

Dirty Bob Mueller, USMC, sits in front of his commander in chief being interviewed for FBI director knowing he is going to investigate the president and never says a word.

Comey and Mueller--two extremely pompous liars. What has Durham found in concert with his superior AG William Barr, that necessitated expansion of his work?

Horowitz is not able to interview those no longer working for the government--most of the potential miscreants having slipped away--but Barr and Durham have no such restriction. They can follow leads anywhere.

The search into the crimes committed by the crimnial cabal that inhabited high offices during the corrupt Obama Administration has taken them to Italy to speak with intelligence officials. They have spoken with their peers in Australia and the UK. With information obtained during those phase, Durham's mission has expanded, "adding agents and resources.".

This strikes fear in the hearts of the Democrats who participated in this vast array of crimes. The Department of Justice can indict people. The Democratic Congress is desperately trying to misuse their impeachment power to avoid criminal liability.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.

The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.
Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level.

The important news of the day — far beyond the inevitable tedious impeachment jousting — is that John Durham’s investigation of the provenance of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded, according to several administration officials.
In all fairness this article is a crap opinion piece along the lines of 2ht we read in here daily.
John Durham's investigation of the provenance of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded.

Durham is reviewing the days leading up to the 2016 election and through the inauguration.

Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources. The timeline has grown from the beginning of the probe through the election and now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.


Dirty Bob Mueller who testified under oath he was "not familiar" with Fusion GPS after years investigating a supposed scandal instigated by that company. This eye-rolling lie is far more significant than anything he has prosecuted others for. This is the same Dirty Bob Mueller who also lied, denying, again under oath, he interviewed for the FBI job before becoming special counsel.

Dirty Bob Mueller, USMC, sits in front of his commander in chief being interviewed for FBI director knowing he is going to investigate the president and never says a word.

Comey and Mueller--two extremely pompous liars. What has Durham found in concert with his superior AG William Barr, that necessitated expansion of his work?

Horowitz is not able to interview those no longer working for the government--most of the potential miscreants having slipped away--but Barr and Durham have no such restriction. They can follow leads anywhere.

The search into the crimes committed by the crimnial cabal that inhabited high offices during the corrupt Obama Administration has taken them to Italy to speak with intelligence officials. They have spoken with their peers in Australia and the UK. With information obtained during those phase, Durham's mission has expanded, "adding agents and resources.".

This strikes fear in the hearts of the Democrats who participated in this vast array of crimes. The Department of Justice can indict people. The Democratic Congress is desperately trying to misuse their impeachment power to avoid criminal liability.
Dirty Bob Mueller..

Opinion piece.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.

The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.


You are the one spewing extreme right-wing talking points. "Commies"? How about "socialist"? This all sounds like rush bimbo. You just love your hootchie-daddy, the reality show guy who so morally and manly screwed his way across Manhattan instead of going to Vietnam, and figured out a way to defraud just about everybody. Next thing you'll say is that Jesus sent him.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.


You are the one spewing extreme right-wing talking points. "Commies"? How about "socialist"? This all sounds like rush bimbo. You just love your hootchie-daddy, the reality show guy who so morally and manly screwed his way across Manhattan instead of going to Vietnam, and figured out a way to defraud just about everybody. Next thing you'll say is that Jesus sent him.
and none of all your colorful talk is left wing based?
He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore.

Right, and what are you going to say if he finds no provable wrongdoing? Are you on the left going to hail him a hero? Are you going to praise him up and down, saying what an intelligent and honest guy he is?

After all, when Mueller hired a bunch of anti-Trump and pro-Hillary lawyers, you on the left couldn't say enough nice things about him, that was until he uttered the words "No American conspired with the Russian government." Then he was back to public enemy number one.
The Durham investigation is getting more resources to expand his investigation up to the appointment of Robert Mueller. Durham is a no nonsense prosecutor that wouldn't ask for additional resources if there was no there, there.

Read more at the link.

Durham investigation into origins of 2016 Trump campaign surveillance expands its scope


How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.


You are the one spewing extreme right-wing talking points. "Commies"? How about "socialist"? This all sounds like rush bimbo. You just love your hootchie-daddy, the reality show guy who so morally and manly screwed his way across Manhattan instead of going to Vietnam, and figured out a way to defraud just about everybody. Next thing you'll say is that Jesus sent him.

Wow, the irony runs deep in this one, should we discuss all the commiecrats who avoided service in Vietnam for various reasons? Neither party has a monopoly on folks that have never served. You're probably one of them.

How valid is Durham?He was appointed by Barr, whom we know is corrupt and has corrupted the Justice Department. This "investigation" is a taxpayer-funded fraud designed to deflect attention away from the corruption scandals of the orange whore currently in the Oval Office.

Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.


You are the one spewing extreme right-wing talking points. "Commies"? How about "socialist"? This all sounds like rush bimbo. You just love your hootchie-daddy, the reality show guy who so morally and manly screwed his way across Manhattan instead of going to Vietnam, and figured out a way to defraud just about everybody. Next thing you'll say is that Jesus sent him.

Wow, the irony runs deep in this one, should we discuss all the commiecrats who avoided service in Vietnam for various reasons? Neither party has a monopoly on folks that have never served. You're probably one of them.


Bill Clinton sure was, and nobody on the left likes when we bring that up.
Yeah, ain't it funny how well respected prosecutors and a former AG can suddenly become corrupt when they start investigating commie corruption. I wonder what your tune will be if indictments start dropping.


He was appointed by Barr, whom we know to be corrupt and not to be trusted with anything. He is a submissive to the orange whore. What the hell is this "commie" shit about? None of this has to do with communism.

Blah, blah, blah, if all you're going to do is spew leftist extreme talking points, just move along. You've been brainwashed and are a waste of time and bandwidth.


You are the one spewing extreme right-wing talking points. "Commies"? How about "socialist"? This all sounds like rush bimbo. You just love your hootchie-daddy, the reality show guy who so morally and manly screwed his way across Manhattan instead of going to Vietnam, and figured out a way to defraud just about everybody. Next thing you'll say is that Jesus sent him.

Wow, the irony runs deep in this one, should we discuss all the commiecrats who avoided service in Vietnam for various reasons? Neither party has a monopoly on folks that have never served. You're probably one of them.


Bill Clinton sure was, and nobody on the left likes when we bring that up.

Biden is another, the list is long, commie hypocrites don't even care about Uniformed service unless they think they can use it like a club.


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