Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

oh shut it down, shut it down says crying joe Scarborough. It doesn't make sense...how could she be spying on White house when she wasn't in the white house to do it. Well...that's when you get the previous president to let them set it up...with his knowledge. Joe's trying to cover for the Kenyan Prince's butt.


Bring out the handcuffs.

You know....we might just get to see them .....LOCK HER UP.

I bet the Clintons are gonna be taking an unscheduled trip to europe...rather quickly.
If Trump was supported 'by the people'......why did he lose every popular vote of every Election he's ever been a part of?

Because he ran to win STATES, not the popular vote. If the popular vote was what decided elections, he would have had a different campaign.
It's Sooo OBVIOUS!

With the noose tightening around Trump's neck, desperate Trumpsters are trying to distract and comfort themselves by resurrecting old bogus claims against Clinton...trying to relive their "glory" days.

ALL of this has to do primarily with the ALFAbank server in the Trump Tower

A server that the Trump people claimed was only ever used for advertising e-mails

Even Trump himself recognized that. He said the Left wasn’t really after him…..it was just that he was standing in the way of what they wanted to do to the country.

Lisa, that is a true statement that you made.

People need to see it from the political side, and what the DNC seen to understand-----------------> Trump got millions of votes registered because of him before the election of 2016. People who hadn't voted in years re-registered across the country, just to vote for him! Those numbers alone scared the hell out of the DNC, and to be honest, the rino's in the GOP.

From a purely political standpoint, it set the country on its head. And then, I go back to the rallys. What President gets 30, 40, 50,000 people to show up looooooong after he is installed as Commander and Chief, to basically listen to him repeat the same thing, over, and over?

What you seen after he was elected up through today, is 100% political fear by the ruling class. I am not going to tell anyone that Trump is the greatest, he is absolutely brilliant, or even the greatest thing since sliced bread was invented. But what I am going to tell you is--------> he has the support of regular people, and that doesn't work in Washington. They all know better than you do, and I am not going to agree, nor disagree on that point.

But, if the America public want the Souther border shut down to illegals, who you gonna call? Joe Biden! If you want wars to stop for us, if you want America 1st.......whatever that means to anyone, if you want cheaper fuel, who supports all of that!

I am not going to tell you he is correct, or incorrect, but I am here to tell you, that is what the American public want! And that is why, all of this was done to him, and continues on to this very day!
There’s no ideology involved. There is just a raw power grab. Donald Trump wants to be president of the United States and he doesn’t care who has to die to make that happen.

Trump has no ideology whatsoever. He has no plans for what he’s going to do when he’s in power other than to seek revenge against those who oppose him.

Why would you want to empower a racist dictator like Trump? Look at the mess he made the last time he was in power.

Or maybe, for you, destroying the USA is the real reason why you support Trump.

No ideology nor principles. And the republican party has followed that lead.

Family values? They grabbed those by the pussy.

Government transparency. They took the 5th.

Fiscal responsibility? They exploded deficits.

Law and Order? Insurrection anyone?

Constitutionalism? They argued that the VP alone decides the election.....mentioned no where in the constitution.

The Biden Rule? Tell that to Amy.

The Presidential Records Act? They literally shit on it.

What do republicans stand for now? Loyalty to Trump over anything.....and grievance.
because he didn't need the popular vote to win. You do realize campaigns run on winning the way the system is designed right? Or maybe your just another ignorant leftist.

So wouldn't 'the people' be with whom ever did get the popular vote?

You can't claim the vote of 'the people' when you lost the popular vote. Ever.
Look another lying left winger. Please tell us how you know this, do you have insider access to the special counsel investigation or are you just talking out your ass like most left wingers.

It’s not hard to figure out.

1. Dunham and Barr investigated with the full resources, power and authority of the US Department of Justice for more than three years.

2. Dunham convened a Grand Jury after 3 years of gathering evidence from all over the world, and the only indictment he obtained on the evidence presented, was a charge against a lawyer who lied to the FBI about the name of his client.

3. This charge was filed just ahead of the statute of limitations running out with respect to the matters under investigation.

4. With all of this time, money and resources at their disposal, Dunham found no vast conspiracy by the Obama Administration to spy on Donald Trump or his campaign.

5. No dishonest or illegal dealings on the part of anyone involved in the Clinton Campaign. No spying on Trump or his campaign. Nothing.

6. A lawyer in the same firm that worked on the Clinton Campaign gave the FBI some information that his hacker clients stumbled on. When asked where he got the data from he lied.

That’s all Dunham has. 3 years and how much money??

Mueller got 122 charges, 9 convictions, and $40 million in fines for the Russian Investigation which you still call a “witch hunt”

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