Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

That’s all Dunham has. 3 years and how much money??

Mueller got 122 charges, 9 convictions, and $40 million in fines for the Russian Investigation which you still call a “witch hunt”
These dumbfuck Trumpers are immune to irony. Your mistake is thinking they remember what they said 5 minutes ago.
Because he ran to win STATES, not the popular vote. If the popular vote was what decided elections, he would have had a different campaign.

So much for the 'by the support of the people', argument. Trump was never elected by the people, nor did he represent most of them.

Like I said, this concerns a DNS lookup from 2016 that went nowhere.
oh shut it down, shut it down says crying joe Scarborough. It doesn't make sense...how could she be spying on White house when she wasn't in the white house to do it. Well...that's when you get the previous president to let them set it up...with his knowledge. Joe's trying to cover for the Kenyan Prince's butt.

….oh what a tangled web we weave….

I’m making popcorn.
And don’t say that Biden does, either. The harvested ballots from people too dumb or interested to vote on their own don’t count.
Why shouldn’t I say Biden does?

Who are you to determine which American “counts” and which American doesn’t “count”?


Lifting the value of some Americans over others is a particularly fascist way of looking at things. Fascism thrives on distinctions of real patriots and the lower humans.
Caught red handed the left are in full DENIAL mode. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I was wondering how they managed to get their hand on the DNS lookup records. The feds gave it to a school for research. Apparently the Tech 1 guy knew somebody with access and probably got a copy of the lookup tables to mine.

Was it against the law? I don't know.
Your dipshittery about Trump winning the election in 2020, of course. Your Big Lie.
Nope, that's not a lie.

So riddle me this: what was the *actual* vote count, per your Big Lie? And what evidence do have to back those specific numbers?

Dunno. We just know that Dim election swindlers added just enough to win the key battleground states.

This is a basic, square one kinda question. And no Big Liar has an answer.

Only a full audit can answer that question. You're another one of those sleazy morons who believes only convictions in court count as "evidence."
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So wouldn't 'the people' be with whom ever did get the popular vote?

You can't claim the vote of 'the people' when you lost the popular vote. Ever.
I know you have to tell yourself that. Whatever works for you.

As incorrect as it may be.
Like I said, this concerns a DNS lookup from 2016 that went nowhere.

Then why is Sussman, and Elias been severed from Perkins Coie. They were supposedly high earner partners deeply involved with the DNC and Hillary's campaign.
Then there's the indictment of Danchenko and his links to Sussman, the DNC and Hillary.
The question remains, Will Sussman, Elias and Danchenko all fall on their swords to protect Hillary, Obama and the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats?
We get it. You'd do such a thing yourself, being that you're a corrupt party hack. You can't even imagine that normal people aren't corrupt like yourself. Try to understand that we are not like you. We put country over party.

We know how this ends -- the same way every other scandal you repeated ends. Nothing happens. Your party masters made up stupid propaganda, and you mindlessly embraced it, literally not caring that it was all faked. They make the propaganda up to keep you constantly hysterical, which keeps you obedient. In a few days, they'll make up something else. You'll fall for it just as hard, and this faceplant will go down the memory hole with all the others.

That's why normal people are sometimes jealous of Trump cultists. Trump cultists are completely free of the curse of long-term memory. They never have anything bothering their conscience, because they literally can't remember what they did yesterday.
Normal. That’s not you.
Sussmann and Joffe knew they were engaged in illegal activity when they spied on Trump at the behest of Hillary Clinton
There was nothing illegal done. Durham has not said any of that following of the pings that was illegal.

Sussman is charged with LYING to the fbi, not for anything else???
Why shouldn’t I say Biden does?

Who are you to determine which American “counts” and which American doesn’t “count”?


Lifting the value of some Americans over others is a particularly fascist way of looking at things. Fascism thrives on distinctions of real patriots and the lower humans.
Who are YOU to say Trump didn‘t represent the will of the people, when elected? He won the most electoral votes, and that is what counts.

And get off your leftist high horse. I didn’t say some humans have more value than others. But to imply that Biden represents the will of the people by counting in people who either were too dumb or too uninterested to vote - until the paid activists harvested their votes - is a very different type of voter than those of us who knows what’s going on.

And before you start throwing out accusations of fascism, take a look at what the Left is doing in Canada to dissenters. I fear that the American Left is not fat behind.
So wouldn't 'the people' be with whom ever did get the popular vote?

You can't claim the vote of 'the people' when you lost the popular vote. Ever.

Good try, but ummmmmmmmmmm, no!

Ya see, that is not how the system works, and just taking California as an example............with their jungle primary, if your GOP candidate did not get into the runoff, why would you come out and vote? Millions of GOP voters in California have this terrible option every year, they may be 45 to 47% of a congressional district, but only have 2 Leftists to vote for. Guess what they do. Stay home, and I do not blame them. Voting for terrible and worse than terrible, is NOT a good option.

So, how many of those people who know they can never carry the district, let alone the state, would come out to vote if it meant something? You might not want to know, lol. Same goes for New York City! Now Chicago, you have a slam dunk there, so I won't even address it, lol.
fartfun colfax said:
Never saw a day in prison. Just another felon Pardoned by Trump.

shows how much both you guys know. He spent time in prison for something no democrat has had to face or a repunk for that matter either. he was not pardoned, lamebrain. More injustice by a corrupt fed and democrat activist judges.

Your day is coming.
Lisa said:
….oh what a tangled web we weave….

I’m making popcorn.

well it's gonna be fun...as much fun as watching the truckers counter Turdeau's every move. Now even his own lefty civil rights org is telling him to Truck off.

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