Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

"If we had had confidence that former president Obama clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."

How does that one fit, moonbats?
Oh it's on now .

: US Attorney John Durham is investigating an unprecedented abuse of legal authority at the very top of a wide swath of the Obama Administration. From the State Department to the CIA, to the DOJ and the White House and the Oval Office itself. An array of senior government officials is directly implicated in staging an unconstitutional attempted coup d’etat against the President of the United States, Donald Trump. A cabal of senior officials is directly implicated in the illegal use of NSA programs to spy on an array of prominent Americans for at least 4 years.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

You don't actually believe your op link is News of any kind, do you?

HOW do you even find these fake, totally wacko, un-sourced, biased, unreliable and unbelievable news sites?

I wish you would have actually used a news source... so we could discuss it

What is the evidence you have that proves there was no corruption by the Obama admin with regards to Trump?

You should probably send it to Durham
The Senate intelligence committee

in July, the Senate Intelligence Committee — whose leadership has maintained a vastly more united and bipartisan front than the fractious panel in the House — issued a declassified summary of a months-long assessment that found the ICA to be a "sound intelligence product." The committee said it had reviewed "thousands of pages of source documents and conducted interviews with all the relevant parties — including agency heads, managers, and line analysts — who were involved in developing the analysis and drafting the assessment."

"In all the interviews of those who drafted and prepared the ICA, the Committee heard consistently that analysts were under no politically motivated pressure to reach any conclusions," the summary said. "All analysts expressed that they were free to debate, object to content, and assess confidence levels, as is normal and proper for the analytic process."

Justice Dept review of intel in Russia probe fuels fears of politicization

Good reply. Seems we will now be reviewing that review.

I would like to see the FISA warrant application and I want to know why every FBI investigator was a HIllary supporter and Trump hater.
They were not Hillary supporters either, several of the emails between Stzrok and Page were negative on Hillary as well from what I have read on it.... they were not happy or did not like, in the political sense, many of our elected or appointed, officials... pretty brutal, about most of them, in their personal conversations.

We've seen the FISA on Page, except it was redacted for us... but not redacted for Schiff or Nunes..... and I believe Nunes might have sent Gowdy to read it, in his place, if memory serves?

Really, the lead prosecutor, Weinstein, was at the bitches "victory" party, 13 of the prosecutors were donors to the bitch. I'd call them supporters.

Oh it's on now .

: US Attorney John Durham is investigating an unprecedented abuse of legal authority at the very top of a wide swath of the Obama Administration. From the State Department to the CIA, to the DOJ and the White House and the Oval Office itself. An array of senior government officials is directly implicated in staging an unconstitutional attempted coup d’etat against the President of the United States, Donald Trump. A cabal of senior officials is directly implicated in the illegal use of NSA programs to spy on an array of prominent Americans for at least 4 years.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

You don't actually believe your op link is News of any kind, do you?

HOW do you even find these fake, totally wacko, un-sourced, biased, unreliable and unbelievable news sites?

I wish you would have actually used a news source... so we could discuss it

I just read through it.
Some Hyperbole to gain attention, for sure -
The facts are all in there - Outside of the bubble a lot of that is not even new news.

Did you actually have a refutation to any of the facts?
Oh it's on now .

: US Attorney John Durham is investigating an unprecedented abuse of legal authority at the very top of a wide swath of the Obama Administration. From the State Department to the CIA, to the DOJ and the White House and the Oval Office itself. An array of senior government officials is directly implicated in staging an unconstitutional attempted coup d’etat against the President of the United States, Donald Trump. A cabal of senior officials is directly implicated in the illegal use of NSA programs to spy on an array of prominent Americans for at least 4 years.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

You don't actually believe your op link is News of any kind, do you?

HOW do you even find these fake, totally wacko, un-sourced, biased, unreliable and unbelievable news sites?

I wish you would have actually used a news source... so we could discuss it
The Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation was a Fact.
FISA Abuse is a FACT
Filing False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional FISA Court is a FACT and did occur.
Biased FBI Agents too many to count that had to be fired from Mueller's Team and then Fired from The FBI is a fact.
The FBI, CIA and DOJ under Obama intentionally leaking classified information, even private phone calls between The President and Foreign Heads of State in an attempt to try to embarrass The President is a fact.
Strozk, Page, and McCabe vowing to stop Trump from taking office is a fact.
Ohr mailing himself Democrat Propaganda and removing the headers from it to make it look like legitimate intelligence is a fact.
There is too much to mention here, like Mueller Knowing for a Fact before he even took the SC job that Russian Collusion was a Hoax and a Political Smear paid for by Obama and Clinton is a FACT.

FACT: Obama and Clinton tried to take Down The President and over throw our Democracy.
You don't create a 'Resistance" movement for any other reason but that, after you were rejected by The Voters.

Oh it's on now .

: US Attorney John Durham is investigating an unprecedented abuse of legal authority at the very top of a wide swath of the Obama Administration. From the State Department to the CIA, to the DOJ and the White House and the Oval Office itself. An array of senior government officials is directly implicated in staging an unconstitutional attempted coup d’etat against the President of the United States, Donald Trump. A cabal of senior officials is directly implicated in the illegal use of NSA programs to spy on an array of prominent Americans for at least 4 years.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

You don't actually believe your op link is News of any kind, do you?

HOW do you even find these fake, totally wacko, un-sourced, biased, unreliable and unbelievable news sites?

I wish you would have actually used a news source... so we could discuss it
The Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation was a Fact.
FISA Abuse is a FACT
Filing False Affidavits in an Unconstitutional FISA Court is a FACT and did occur.
Biased FBI Agents too many to count that had to be fired from Mueller's Team and then Fired from The FBI is a fact.
The FBI, CIA and DOJ under Obama intentionally leaking classified information, even private phone calls between The President and Foreign Heads of State in an attempt to try to embarrass The President is a fact.
Strozk, Page, and McCabe vowing to stop Trump from taking office is a fact.
Ohr mailing himself Democrat Propaganda and removing the headers from it to make it look like legitimate intelligence is a fact.
There is too much to mention here, like Mueller Knowing for a Fact before he even took the SC job that Russian Collusion was a Hoax and a Political Smear paid for by Obama and Clinton is a FACT.

FACT: Obama and Clinton tried to take Down The President and over throw our Democracy.
You don't create a 'Resistance" movement for any other reason but that, after you were rejected by The Voters.
Or as MSDNC phrases it, it's all a conspiracy theory created by Trump, Hannity and Barr.

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