Durham report released

Remember what Peter Strzok said to Lisa?


Strzok and Lisa also expressed disdain that Bernie Sanders did so well in the Democratic Primary.
And they had a point. When clowns with crazy ideas do so well, it should worry most people.

But here's the difference. Sanders didn't have people around him claiming they had a deal with the Russians. Trump did. Not to mention Trump calling on the Russians to hack Hillary's emails.
Really? I can think of a dozen far worse ones.

Worse than Order 1066?

This is no scandal. This is the FBI doing it's job.

They had reasonable suspicion that the Russians were trying to influence our elections.

How do you NOT investigate that?

Yes, worse than that.
That was out in the open.

This info will be lost on you, but -

The CIA informed the FBI that Hilliary was about to release false information tying Trump to Russia.
The FBI was entitled to "no suspicion."

The CIA informed the FBI that Carter Page worked with them.
The FBI altered that info and used it to surveil Page.

The FBI has become so corrupt - that normal people now defend the CIA, which previously was not defendable.

They lied to get FISA warrants.
They surveilled private citizens without cause.

It all started at the top with Obama trying to throw the election to Hilliary and continued for the next 4 years to harm the President of the United States and game the system to win the next election.

Since Obama was involved, your Cult will go to any lengthens to protect him.
I get that.

Treason is a hard get to get to.

But some of those people - most notably Brennan should be tried.
The campaign hired a company to do opposition research on Trump involving his foreign affairs.

That is legal for the campaign to do.

It does not break campaign finance laws.

GPS hiring a foreigner to do the opposition research overseas may or may not have broken those laws....that I am uncertain on????

Now Russian interference isn't a thing?
Yes, worse than that.
That was out in the open.

This info will be lost on you, but -

The CIA informed the FBI that Hilliary was about to release false information tying Trump to Russia.
The FBI was entitled to "no suspicion."

The CIA informed the FBI that Carter Page worked with them.
The FBI altered that info and used it to surveil Page.

The FBI has become so corrupt - that normal people now defend the CIA, which previously was not defendable.

They lied to get FISA warrants.
They surveilled private citizens without cause.

It all started at the top with Obama trying to throw the election to Hilliary and continued for the next 4 years to harm the President of the United States and game the system to win the next election.

Since Obama was involved, your Cult will go to any lengthens to protect him.
I get that.

Treason is a hard get to get to.

But some of those people - most notably Brennan should be tried.

Page was barely connected to Trump's campaign and was not wiretapped during the one and only meeting he ever attended...

You [Carter Page] were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ campaign attorney
This info will be lost on you, but -

The CIA informed the FBI that Hilliary was about to release false information tying Trump to Russia.
The FBI was entitled to "no suspicion."

Um, guy, Weird Beard spent millions of dollars and four years trying to prove Hillary did something untoward, and it ended up there with whacky conspiracy theories that she set up Benghazi and killed Vince Foster and all the other shit you've thrown at her for the last 30 years.

The CIA informed the FBI that Carter Page worked with them.
The FBI altered that info and used it to surveil Page.
Clinesmith changed ONE line on a 40 page warrant the judge probably would have signed off on anyway. Given this is the ONLY thing Durham "proved" (and he didn't, INspector General Horowitz figured this out.)

The FBI has become so corrupt - that normal people now defend the CIA, which previously was not defendable.

They lied to get FISA warrants.
They surveilled private citizens without cause.
Every other agency that gets warrants selectively includes information to strengthen their case.

At the end of the day, Manafort, Flynn, Papadaplolous were all involved in some pretty dodgy activities, and these were the people Trump surrounded himself with.

It all started at the top with Obama trying to throw the election to Hilliary and continued for the next 4 years to harm the President of the United States and game the system to win the next election.

Again, let's get real. The reason why Russia, Russia, Russia did so much damage to Trump is Trump's own fucking arrogance. EVERY president after Nixon has had to deal with these largely baseless accusations and they almost always never pan out.

The difference Trump openly obstructed Meuller's work.. and then pardoned all the guys who were caught up.

Since Obama was involved, your Cult will go to any lengthens to protect him.
I get that.

Treason is a hard get to get to.

But some of those people - most notably Brennan should be tried.
The only treason I see is Trump criminal level incompetence. The people said no, his very presense in the White House is treason.
The campaign hired a company to do opposition research on Trump involving his foreign affairs.
That is legal for the campaign to do. It does not break campaign finance laws.
GPS hiring a foreigner to do the opposition research overseas may or may not have broken those laws....that I am uncertain on????

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier."
Um, guy, Weird Beard spent millions of dollars and four years trying to prove Hillary did something untoward, and it ended up there with whacky conspiracy theories that she set up Benghazi and killed Vince Foster and all the other shit you've thrown at her for the last 30 years.

Clinesmith changed ONE line on a 40 page warrant the judge probably would have signed off on anyway. Given this is the ONLY thing Durham "proved" (and he didn't, INspector General Horowitz figured this out.)

Every other agency that gets warrants selectively includes information to strengthen their case.

At the end of the day, Manafort, Flynn, Papadaplolous were all involved in some pretty dodgy activities, and these were the people Trump surrounded himself with.

Again, let's get real. The reason why Russia, Russia, Russia did so much damage to Trump is Trump's own fucking arrogance. EVERY president after Nixon has had to deal with these largely baseless accusations and they almost always never pan out.

The difference Trump openly obstructed Meuller's work.. and then pardoned all the guys who were caught up.

The only treason I see is Trump criminal level incompetence. The people said no, his very presense in the White House is treason.

You are a lunatic
Yes. How was it an attempt to derail the election?

In their texts, Page and Strzok made several comments that were disparaging of Trump and supportive of Clinton. In the text exchange most often cited as evidence of their bias against Trump, Page asks Strzok to assure her that Trump is "not ever going to become president, right?"

"No. No he won't. We'll stop it," Strzok replied.
"Let me get this straight," tweeted Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. "Page and Strzok sent texts about an 'insurance policy' and how they’ll 'stop Trump' while part of the FBI spying on Trump campaign. Now Lisa Page is blaming the President. 1 week before Horowitz’s FISA report."

Not according to the Trump campaign, he wasn't...

You [Carter Page] were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ campaign attorney

Page found his way to the Trump team via New York State Republican Party chairman Ed Cox, who said he knew Page from his volunteer work on the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign. Page became more widely known after Trump cited him by name during a March 2016 meeting with the Washington Post editorial board. By September 2016, controversy over his Russia ties had led the Trump team to disavow him, and he left his campaign role. The FBI surveillance of him began in October, according to the memo.

Sanders didn't have people around him claiming they had a deal with the Russians. Trump did.
I'd like to see a link to that.

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