Durham report released

So Hillary chose Steele and his Russian source?

Help from Russians is ok if Fusion GPS pays them?

Was Steele part of a foreign government trying to affect our elections and was he working for them and paid by them???

It's ok to get dirt from Russian spies if they give the dirt to Steele?
The campaign hired a company to do opposition research on Trump involving his foreign affairs.

That is legal for the campaign to do.

It does not break campaign finance laws.

GPS hiring a foreigner to do the opposition research overseas may or may not have broken those laws....that I am uncertain on????
They got subpoena power 3 months ago. This thing has BARELY gotten started. The real shit will start flowing in after Biden loses the election. Thats when his protectors become his attackers. Our GOP president will ensure that the FBI and DOJ will hunt him like a dog. Those are going to be dark days for the Bidens.
2916 all over again. Y’all need a new play.
“ Lock him up!”
What about Carter Page? The FBI was investigating him but their investigation was confidential and had no impact on the election.
FBI was looking into possible links between Russian collusion and the Trump campaign.
Carter Page, who was never really a member of Trump's campaign, attending only one meeting before being tossed from the campaign. And he wasn't wiretapped at that time.
He was a Trump advisor.
Great truthiness in that. Despite the nagging fact that Durham found no crimes, way down deep in his gut (and the intestines of the entire neo-gop) knows it was phony, paid for by Clinton and Obamagate was true, just like "Dandy Donald" said
FBI was looking into possible links between Russian collusion and the Trump campaign.

He was a Trump advisor.

Not according to the Trump campaign, he wasn't...

You [Carter Page] were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ campaign attorney

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