Durham report released

Hillary needs to.be charged wirh Election Interference.

Laughing....no, she doesn't. Nor could you ever make such a claim stick.

As demonstrated elegantly by Durham not touching such a charge against Hillary with a 10' pole.

Comey and McCabe, at tbe very least, need to be indicted / charged on Conspiracy, Obstruction, Election Interference, and TREASON!


Nope. Treason is war against the United States. Typing it in all caps doesn't change a thing about it, or its definition in the Constitution.

The legal meaning of treason would require a constitutional amendment to change. And nothing you described is even remotely close to it.

You're gonna need MUCH better pseudo-legal gibberish to satisfy your murder fantasies.
I remember when Republicans used to be against Russia, and Democrats where the peaceniks.

Ah, the good old days.
Wel the demented LEFT had Marxist anti-American CRAP pumped into their soft minds for DECADES, and they lapped it all up.
Now the demented LEFT are self-loathing assholes that HATE our Constitution and the very founding of this country.
Ain't it great?!?!????
When you point your finger at someone else, Gipper, there’s 4 pointing back at you.

You recognize corruption in the Democrats and completely deny it in the Republicans. Republicans have yet to produce a scrap of evidence of Democrat’s corruption. They just tell us it’s there, and we’re supposed to believe them, after all their lies and fake investigations.

Evidence. Every investigation produces evidence against Republicans, and none against Democrats.

I believe the evidence. What are you believing?
Lol. Point out where I’ve ignored R corruption? You like so many here, think everyone is stuck in the duopoly matrix as you are. Well sister, I’m not. I know you both are a bunch lying fools.

It’s you who ignores OBVIOUS and EXPOSED corruption by the the Ds.

The most important and telling takeaway from Durham is that in spite of the obvious hyper-politicization, weaponization, and corruption his report identifies, he doesn’t call for heads to roll. If you were a victim of these offenses would you tolderate this? If Americans widely knew all that went on, would they tolerate this? In what other profession would this be acceptable?
Except no one Framed Trump.

Trump brought a lot of this down on himself when he got in front of a crowd and asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails and release them. Or when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Diplomat that their campaign knew the Russians were going to leak the DNC Emails before they did.

This is the kind of thing that SHOULD have been investigated.
Except no one Framed Trump.

Trump brought a lot of this down on himself when he got in front of a crowd and asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails and release them. Or when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Diplomat that their campaign knew the Russians were going to leak the DNC Emails before they did.

This is the kind of thing that SHOULD have been investigated.
Who said Trump was framed?

You unwittingly are supporting the establishment’s election interference. If this had gone against your side, you’d be rightfully upset.

It’s the way of the duopoly.

In your mind, Trump saying those words about Russia finding Hillary’s emails implicates him. That’s entirely idiotic.
Lol. Point out where I’ve ignored R corruption? You like so many here, think everyone is stuck in the duopoly matrix as you are. Well sister, I’m not. I know you both are a bunch lying fools.

It’s you who ignores OBVIOUS and EXPOSED corruption by the the Ds.

The most important and telling takeaway from Durham is that in spite of the obvious hyper-politicization, weaponization, and corruption his report identifies, he doesn’t call for heads to roll. If you were a victim of these offenses would you tolderate this? If Americans widely knew all that went on, would they tolerate this? In what other profession would this be acceptable?

It’s not that you ignore Republican corruption, Gipper. It’s that you continue to believe that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats.

You continue to stand with Republicans and falsely accused Democrats of crimes that never happened.

You continue to claim that the main stream media is biased, and cannot be trusted, and you continue to buy into the lies that the right wing media has publicly admitted to broadcasting.

It’s just a complete fallacy to say that both parties are the same when one of them is provably, not the same as the other.

If you’re not holding the liars’ feet to the fire, and siding with the facts, you’re helping Republucans gaslight their voters.
It’s not that you ignore Republican corruption, Gipper. It’s that you continue to believe that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats.

You continue to stand with Republicans and falsely accused Democrats of crimes that never happened.

You continue to claim that the main stream media is biased, and cannot be trusted, and you continue to buy into the lies that the right wing media has publicly admitted to broadcasting.

It’s just a complete fallacy to say that both parties are the same when one of them is provably, not the same as the other.

If you’re not holding the liars’ feet to the fire, and siding with the facts, you’re helping Republucans gaslight their voters.

BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME! You think otherwise because you’re a duopoly dupe. You somehow accept magical thinking that Ds are better. They aren’t. They are owned by the every same big corporations and billionaires who also own the Rs.

This is as evident as the nose on your face.

I’ll grant you the Ds use to be for the less fortunate and working class. That changed long ago, but you somehow cling to the cultist belief its still true.
You unwittingly are supporting the establishment’s election interference. If this had gone against your side, you’d be rightfully upset.
I’m still trying to understand what the “election interference” refers to. The investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign was kept secret during the election.

What was election interference specifically?
BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME! You think otherwise because you’re a duopoly dupe. You somehow accept magical thinking that Ds are better. They aren’t. They are owned by the every same big corporations and billionaires who also own the Rs.

This is as evident as the nose on your face.

I’ll grant you the Ds use to be for the less fortunate and working class. That changed long ago, but you somehow cling to the cultist belief its still true.

I’m not the one who’s being duped here. I’m an outside observer watching what’s happening within your country.

You only need to look at the indictments and convictions for members of both parties over the last 50 years to see that they’re not remotely the same.

This bullshit line that both parties are the same is the last refuge of the Republican Party. The Democrats are getting away with it. They’re just like us. The Democrats aren’t getting arrested or going to jail.

And you parrot that lie.
I’m not the one who’s being duped here. I’m an outside observer watching what’s happening within your country.

You only need to look at the indictments and convictions for members of both parties over the last 50 years to see that they’re not remotely the same.

This bullshit line that both parties are the same is the last refuge of the Republican Party. The Democrats are getting away with it. They’re just like us. The Democrats aren’t getting arrested or going to jail.

And you parrot that lie.
Lol. You think a corrupt government just exposed for election interference, will indict and convict only those deserving.


Rs don’t claim both parties are the same. Lol. This proves you know nothing. Stop posting.

Stick to the authoritarian tyrannical acts of your government.

You can’t be serious.
Trump brought a lot of this down on himself when he got in front of a crowd and asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails and release them.

You mean the emails that were on the server that the government already had in storage?
It's hard to hack a server that isn't even plugged in.
It’s not that you ignore Republican corruption, Gipper. It’s that you continue to believe that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats.

You continue to stand with Republicans and falsely accused Democrats of crimes that never happened.

You continue to claim that the main stream media is biased, and cannot be trusted, and you continue to buy into the lies that the right wing media has publicly admitted to broadcasting.

It’s just a complete fallacy to say that both parties are the same when one of them is provably, not the same as the other.

If you’re not holding the liars’ feet to the fire, and siding with the facts, you’re helping Republucans gaslight their voters.

You continue to claim that the main stream media is biased, and cannot be trusted,

Well, duh!
Lol. You think a corrupt government just exposed for election interference, will indict and convict only those deserving.


Rs don’t claim both parties are the same. Lol. This proves you know nothing. Stop posting.

Stick to the authoritarian tyrannical acts of your government.

You can’t be serious.

You think that the Durham report exposed election interference? It did nothing of the kind!!

Durham’s report is at odds with the 3 other Republican investigations of Russian interference, wherein Trump sought to “expose” Democrats corruption

Donald Trump fired the Inspector General who exposed the FBI dweeb who change the FISA application, because he said that Comey was right in not charging Hillary, but that discussing the email investigations publically damaged the Clinton campaign.

That’s the ONLY election interference exposed. All of Crumps attempts to prosecute Democrats failed, because of the complete lack of any evidence that Democrats interfered with his campaign, and every investigation of the 2016 election says the same thing.

Barr hired Durham and closely supervised the investigation, travelling around the world with Durham to talk to security agencies about what they knew.

Three Senior investigators left the Durham investigation, citing pressure and interference from the White House and William Barr.

But here you are claiming that everything in Durham’s report is just God’s honest truth, and we should believe him on no evidence.

The Republican Party is now a minority party in the USA. They cannot win elections, where there is a fair and honest vote. This is why they’ve been passing voter suppression laws, and gerrymandering.

In Virginia, the gerrymandered state districts gave Republicans a super majority in the state House. In the federal election, the districts were drawn by a non-partisan commission. The 14 House seats in Congress were split evenly between Democrats and Republicans.

Now Republicans are saying democracy has failed in the USA needs to try something else to preserve the republic.

And you still say, both parties are the same.

Anything less than a democracy is the end of your Republic.
You think that the Durham report exposed election interference? It did nothing of the kind!!

Durham’s report is at odds with the 3 other Republican investigations of Russian interference, wherein Trump sought to “expose” Democrats corruption

Donald Trump fired the Inspector General who exposed the FBI dweeb who change the FISA application, because he said that Comey was right in not charging Hillary, but that discussing the email investigations publically damaged the Clinton campaign.

That’s the ONLY election interference exposed. All of Crumps attempts to prosecute Democrats failed, because of the complete lack of any evidence that Democrats interfered with his campaign, and every investigation of the 2016 election says the same thing.

Barr hired Durham and closely supervised the investigation, travelling around the world with Durham to talk to security agencies about what they knew.

Three Senior investigators left the Durham investigation, citing pressure and interference from the White House and William Barr.

But here you are claiming that everything in Durham’s report is just God’s honest truth, and we should believe him on no evidence.

The Republican Party is now a minority party in the USA. They cannot win elections, where there is a fair and honest vote. This is why they’ve been passing voter suppression laws, and gerrymandering.

In Virginia, the gerrymandered state districts gave Republicans a super majority in the state House. In the federal election, the districts were drawn by a non-partisan commission. The 14 House seats in Congress were split evenly between Democrats and Republicans.

Now Republicans are saying democracy has failed in the USA needs to try something else to preserve the republic.

And you still say, both parties are the same.

Anything less than a democracy is the end of your Republic.
We can’t debate if you refuse to get informed.

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