During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Poor behavior does not excuse other poor behavior ;)

Yes, TPers should stop this poor behavior.

Well its more the right wing pundits that give obama grief about everything he says and the far right. The teaparty only griefs him over economic issues, not social issues.

But yes, those on the far right who act just like those on the far left did with bush...that is no matter what decision he makes (obama for the righties, bush for the lefites) its wrong before they even review it is piss poor behavior that should stop.

Hell people were trash talking obama on his speech before he gave it! Thats ludicris. However, it turns out they were right and obama's new "jobs bill" is just more of what we have been doing since he took office, more of the same fail.

Oh im ranting.

Im just trying to say yes....those on the right who give obama a hard time no matter what he says/does are just as wrong as the people in this thread are being about these couple of individuals being idiots in the crowd.

Sorry....but your Tea Party has been taken over by the far right Republican wing. There is no difference in their economic and social agenda.
I didn't either when I was single, but once the family came insurance was the responsible thing to do. I couldn't imagine being 30 with a family and chancing it without insurance, incredibly irresponsible.
Must be that conservative upbringing that taught me to look out for my own.

Once, family health insurance was somewhat affordable. Once, every employer offered health insurance. Now, young couples face difficult economic choices when it comes to insurance

Do you pay your college loans? The rent check? Utilities? How do you pay that $2000 repair bill on the car you need to get to work?

You have a $500 monthly bill on that family insurance policy. You feel healthy and think you can get by for a few years until you are in better financial shape.

Do you deserve to die for that decision?

Bullshit, you drive a lesser vehicle if you have to, and I know it's unheard of today, but maybe even fix it yourself! Live in a smaller apartment or house. You don't go partying or eating out, work 3 jobs, whatever it takes you do to support, and protect your family.
I know it's easier to run and stick your hand out for uncle Sam to pay your way when you gamble with your families well being, and lose, but life isn't easy, and no amount of pie in the sky handouts will make it so.

You have a $2000 repair bill because you drive a lesser vehicle. God knows, I have been there many times. Do you junk the car and buy another clunker or do you pay for the repair and hope that is the last big maintenance bill?
Fix it yourself went out in the 80s when everything became computer controlled.
Believe it or not, young families do struggle today. They are not lazy and do not live extravagantly. But they do have to make tough economic decisions and unfortunately, healthcare is one of them.
Good grief...some tosser in the audience yelled out something stupid.........................that's all..............................nothing to see here...........................!!!

Oh they're not getting off that easy. Republicans bitch about every word that comes out of Obama's mouth and never let up. This one might still get some mileage.


Ron Paul wants the uninsured to die!

That is all..

Anyone can go to these things I can go to the DNC in Charlotte next year wearing obama bullshit acting like I was an obama supporter and carry a sign saying all old people should just die so I do not have to pay for their healthcare. Who would get the blamne then?
Sorry....but your Tea Party has been taken over by the far right Republican wing. There is no difference in their economic and social agenda.

Youve got it assbackwards dummy :lol:

"Sorry....but your tea party has taken over the republican right wing. There is no social agenda."

That would have been more accurate.

And Rightwinger, way to avoid the accurate criticisms by me of how the left treats the tea party ;)
Once, family health insurance was somewhat affordable. Once, every employer offered health insurance. Now, young couples face difficult economic choices when it comes to insurance

Do you pay your college loans? The rent check? Utilities? How do you pay that $2000 repair bill on the car you need to get to work?

You have a $500 monthly bill on that family insurance policy. You feel healthy and think you can get by for a few years until you are in better financial shape.

Do you deserve to die for that decision?

Bullshit, you drive a lesser vehicle if you have to, and I know it's unheard of today, but maybe even fix it yourself! Live in a smaller apartment or house. You don't go partying or eating out, work 3 jobs, whatever it takes you do to support, and protect your family.
I know it's easier to run and stick your hand out for uncle Sam to pay your way when you gamble with your families well being, and lose, but life isn't easy, and no amount of pie in the sky handouts will make it so.

You have a $2000 repair bill because you drive a lesser vehicle. God knows, I have been there many times. Do you junk the car and buy another clunker or do you pay for the repair and hope that is the last big maintenance bill?
Fix it yourself went out in the 80s when everything became computer controlled.
Believe it or not, young families do struggle today. They are not lazy and do not live extravagantly. But they do have to make tough economic decisions and unfortunately, healthcare is one of them.

I and most I know struggled when starting out. We didn't start at the top of the pay scale in whatever line of work we got into.
My oldest and his buddies are always tearing one of their cars apart to fix something. The computer excuse doesn't fly for most common repairs.
I don't blame the kids who are full of excuses, most of them are just emulating their parents.
Sorry....but your Tea Party has been taken over by the far right Republican wing. There is no difference in their economic and social agenda.

Youve got it assbackwards dummy :lol:

"Sorry....but your tea party has taken over the republican right wing. There is no social agenda."

That would have been more accurate.

And Rightwinger, way to avoid the accurate criticisms by me of how the left treats the tea party ;)

I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

The Republican Party has lost its way, and has moved away from the teachings of our Lord. It will take a REAL "Compassionate Conservative" like Ronald Reagan to bring the GOP back into God's good graces. We have not seen that Candidate yet:eusa_pray:
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

You know I get more than a little tired of people who seem to deliberately mis-characterize what has been said and what it really means.

Ron Paul was asked about what government should do in the event someone had refused to buy health insurance and then became ill and was asked "so we should just let him die?" He wasn't asked about people who didn't have it because they couldn't afford it -but those who could but chose not to buy it! And yes -even I agree if someone can afford to buy health insurance but chooses not to -it is their right not to buy it. But they must also live with the consequences of choosing not to buy it! I actually have NO problem with that and I'm not even a libertarian. But I know where libertarians absolutely come down on this one. Its YOUR life, YOU control it, YOU have the right of self-determination and government should NEVER have the "right" to re-make your life the way some ruling elite thinks it should be. But FREEDOM HAS RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONSEQUENCES. There is no such thing as a freedom or right that doesn't also carry responsibilities and both bad and good consequences for exercising your freedoms and rights wisely and unwisely. You either believe you are the slave of government and IT is in charge of your life. Or you believe it is YOUR life, YOU own it and YOU get to decide what it will be. Libertarianism is as far right as it gets in this country -and those who favor the nanny state and believe government (a man-made creation) owns its own creators and is their master is as far left as you get.

How else do you encourage people who can afford it to go ahead and buy it if you are among the vast majority who outright REJECTS the notion that government has the right to force everyone to buy a good or service in the private sector! If government can't force people to buy it -then what should society and government do to encourage people to buy it? You let them suffer the natural consequences so others realize they should probably make a different decision.

Those audience members who were also libertarians (and big time Paul supporters) were agreeing with the libertarian position -which is YES, if someone refused to buy health insurance in order to prevent this hypothetical scenario from occurring -then he should have to accept the natural consequences of his actions.

What is it YOU don't understand about libertarians? They aren't libertarians only when it doesn't count and the consequences aren't very serious! It is a basic philosophy about the proper role of government! And they REJECT the notion that the proper role of government is to protect people from the consequences of their own bad decisions! Because only if others see what those consequences really are will other people not also make that bad decision.

Libertarians believe in minimal government with very little power to force people to do much of anything. They do not believe government should make street drugs illegal or prostitution illegal -not because they favor actually doing these things, but just that government shouldn't have the authority to tell anyone they CAN'T do these things. Because true freedom means you make of your own life what you will -FOR BETTER OR ILL. It is that last part the left rejects. But that is a fundamental libertarian belief -it is YOUR life, make of it what you will -but true freedom means no one will save you if you make bad decisions for yourself. Because you won't stop making bad decisions when someone else is stuck with the bad consequences instead of the person who made the bad decision.

There is no way any libertarian would agree that everyone else should pay for it so the person who made the bad decision didn't have to! Why would anyone in their right mind reward bad decision-making in this way and thereby encourage MORE people to also make that same bad decision? But liberals believe government should "save" people from their own bad decisions and those who didn't make those decisions should actually pay for them instead. In their world they see this as being "kind and caring" -seriously. But in practice is inflicting something far more UNFAIR because this fundamental belief put into practice can ONLY mean making those who didn't make that bad decision pay for it instead! How is THAT more "fair" or more preferable in your phony liberal world?

You either understand what real freedom is and what it really means -or you believe normal adults still need parental replacements to take "care" of them! I'm not a libertarian -but I am far closer to being one than I am a liberal because I too believe normal adults should have the FREEDOM of self-determination. If you OPPOSE freedom, then you would support the belief that the proper role of government is to run your life for you -because you can't be trusted to do so! There is NO freedom without consequences for the decisions you make! But its MY life -not government's. I don't vote for someone to "take care" of me and promise to micromanage my life -but those who will LEAVE ME ALONE to run my OWN life!

And this is one of many problems I have with the left. The left believes government should shift the negative consequences from those who make bad decisions -to those who didn't make those decisions because they wanted to avoid those consequences in the first place! But the problem is people learn to make better decisions for themselves by learning what the consequences are for not making better decisions.

Those particular audience members weren't applauding the idea of someone actually dying like they were vultures. They were libertarians applauding their basic and fundamental principle that everyone must live with the decisions they make -for better or worse. If someone chose not to buy health insurance in order to avoid this very scenario -then naturally libertarians are going to say he is going to have to accept the consequences of that decision! Because they reject the liberal belief that government should SAVE people from their own bad decisions -because the only way to do that is by making everyone else pay for it instead which is far more UNFAIR. They do and would naturally vigorously disagree that it somehow becomes government's job to SAVE someone from his own bad decisions. Including this one -so yes, libertarians would absolutely agree that if someone refused to buy health insurance, then that person is accepting the potential consequences for that decision and has NO right to expect others to take on the consequences instead.

What happens when people are saved from the consequences of their own bad decisions? It serves as an example to others that there are no bad consequences if THEY make bad decisions too -because government will make those who didn't make those bad decisions pay for it instead. And that is the very fundamental difference between a libertarian and a liberal. The libertarian believes those who make the decisions must live with the consequences -the other believes it is the role of government to shift those consequences away from the person who made the bad decisions and force those who didn't make it to pay for it instead.

It is a basic philosophy that you either get or you don't. You aren't helping anyone by rewarding them for making bad decisions and there is nothing "fair" about forcing people who didn't make that bad decision to pay for it instead. You either understand what REAL freedom is -or you don't! If you are FREE to run your own life -it means part of that freedom includes living with the consequences of your actions and inactions. When you save people from the negative consequences of their own bad decisions you GUARANTEE there will be MORE people making bad decisions too -increasing the level of UNFAIRNESS.

Libertarians believe in the PURE FREEDOM to own and run YOUR life -that you have the absolute RIGHT to make of your own life what you will -for better OR WORSE. Which means YOU will be the one who must deal with the consequences of what YOU decide for yourself - both good and bad. NOT ME.

This is not something new -our founders were pretty clear on this one too. "Land of the free" means something -and although liberals seem to think freedom means "being 'free' to kill your unwanted and unborn offspring" -it means no such thing. "Freedom" isn't something government GIVES you -but something you CLAIM and insist government may NOT take from you. It means YOU own your own life, YOU control it, YOU have the right of self-determination -and YOU must deal with the consequences of what you do with it. If you want to be saved from the bad consequences of your own poor decisions -you OPPOSE FREEDOM, you REJECT FREEDOM and believe government is your master and you favor the state slavery of the people. There is nothing "kind and caring" about a position that would mean people lose their freedom to government because that is a position that automatically means GOVERNMENT is the true owner of YOUR life. Not YOU. And I absolutely reject that.
I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

I'd love to see the Tea Party take a more independent stand. I can't say I'm opposed to their goal of transforming the Republican party, but it's become increasingly difficult to tell who is transforming who. The Tea Party started with a solid goal that could have (and still can) appeal to a broad range of voters. As they've allowed the Republicans to water down their aims, and import more and more traditional authoritarian, 'big conservative' values, they've compromised their integrity, imho.

Youve got it assbackwards dummy :lol:

"Sorry....but your tea party has taken over the republican right wing. There is no social agenda."

That would have been more accurate.

And Rightwinger, way to avoid the accurate criticisms by me of how the left treats the tea party ;)

I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions
When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".
Come on, it was like one or two people that yelled something.
"Sorry....but your tea party has taken over the republican right wing. There is no social agenda."

That would have been more accurate.

And Rightwinger, way to avoid the accurate criticisms by me of how the left treats the tea party ;)

I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

Thanks for confirming my position that the Tea Party is no longer just a cut spending/cut taxes movement
If you get sick and have no insurance, just go to the hospital and tell them you're and illegal alien.
I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

Thanks for confirming my position that the Tea Party is no longer just a cut spending/cut taxes movement

I find the anti-abortion/individual liberty stance interesting as well.


One conflicts with the other in a very major way.
I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

I'd love to see the Tea Party take a more independent stand. I can't say I'm opposed to their goal of transforming the Republican party, but it's become increasingly difficult to tell who is transforming who. The Tea Party started with a solid goal that could have (and still can) appeal to a broad range of voters. As they've allowed the Republicans to water down their aims, and import more and more traditional authoritarian, 'big conservative' values, they've compromised their integrity, imho.

Honestly they haven't allowed the republicans to do that. However, the media does not portray things accurately as far as the tea party goes and its this constant hammering that has changed public perception.

Yes the perception is wrong but its still there.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

Must be one of those "death panel" guys Palin's been talking about. No wonder she knows them so well, they're TPers!!!
"Sorry....but your tea party has taken over the republican right wing. There is no social agenda."

That would have been more accurate.

And Rightwinger, way to avoid the accurate criticisms by me of how the left treats the tea party ;)

I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

1) The tea parties never were orginally about marriage in any way
2) I got into a fight at the 2nd teapary event I went to in boston 2 years ago with some dipshit over his anti-abortion sign. I told him he should take it down because the tea party isn't about abortion, its about economics
3) This is part of the tea party in a round about way. The tea party stands for the constitution which protects all american's rights to own guns under the 2nd ammendment.
4) Yes, exactly.

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