During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

1. it is according to Loving v Virginia
2. not until reagan let the religious right have a seat at the table during the 80's
3. guns only equal 'pro america' to far right extremists. what says 'pro america' to the rest of us is protecting everyone else's rights like we'd want our own protected. (you know, even muslims and gays).
5 being "accountable" isn't something addressed in the constitution. it's nice... but kindly don't think you should enforce my morality.

not that you aren't lovely, but i've never met anyone better able to make moral choices for me than i am...

and THAT is accountability... not tossing pregnant girls out into the street or denying them lawful abortions.
If you get sick and have no insurance, just go to the hospital and tell them you're and illegal alien.

They still might not treat ya..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JehjqlzXwIQ]Alien - Extended Chestburster - YouTube[/ame]
Poor behavior does not excuse other poor behavior ;)

Yes, TPers should stop this poor behavior.

Well its more the right wing pundits that give obama grief about everything he says and the far right. The teaparty only griefs him over economic issues, not social issues.

But yes, those on the far right who act just like those on the far left did with bush...that is no matter what decision he makes (obama for the righties, bush for the lefites) its wrong before they even review it is piss poor behavior that should stop.

Hell people were trash talking obama on his speech before he gave it! Thats ludicris. However, it turns out they were right and obama's new "jobs bill" is just more of what we have been doing since he took office, more of the same fail.

Oh im ranting.

Im just trying to say yes....those on the right who give obama a hard time no matter what he says/does are just as wrong as the people in this thread are being about these couple of individuals being idiots in the crowd.

The TPers are the birthers, that is not an economic issue. They slam Obama every chance they get and every word that comes out of his mouth is an opportunity for them to attack.

I want the TP back under the rocks they crawled out from.
Once, family health insurance was somewhat affordable. Once, every employer offered health insurance. Now, young couples face difficult economic choices when it comes to insurance

Do you pay your college loans? The rent check? Utilities? How do you pay that $2000 repair bill on the car you need to get to work?

You have a $500 monthly bill on that family insurance policy. You feel healthy and think you can get by for a few years until you are in better financial shape.

Do you deserve to die for that decision?

Bullshit, you drive a lesser vehicle if you have to, and I know it's unheard of today, but maybe even fix it yourself! Live in a smaller apartment or house. You don't go partying or eating out, work 3 jobs, whatever it takes you do to support, and protect your family.
I know it's easier to run and stick your hand out for uncle Sam to pay your way when you gamble with your families well being, and lose, but life isn't easy, and no amount of pie in the sky handouts will make it so.

You have a $2000 repair bill because you drive a lesser vehicle. God knows, I have been there many times. Do you junk the car and buy another clunker or do you pay for the repair and hope that is the last big maintenance bill?
Fix it yourself went out in the 80s when everything became computer controlled.
Believe it or not, young families do struggle today. They are not lazy and do not live extravagantly. But they do have to make tough economic decisions and unfortunately, healthcare is one of them.

Believe it or not... being hard to do does not shift the responsibility to somebody else
Yes, TPers should stop this poor behavior.

Well its more the right wing pundits that give obama grief about everything he says and the far right. The teaparty only griefs him over economic issues, not social issues.

But yes, those on the far right who act just like those on the far left did with bush...that is no matter what decision he makes (obama for the righties, bush for the lefites) its wrong before they even review it is piss poor behavior that should stop.

Hell people were trash talking obama on his speech before he gave it! Thats ludicris. However, it turns out they were right and obama's new "jobs bill" is just more of what we have been doing since he took office, more of the same fail.

Oh im ranting.

Im just trying to say yes....those on the right who give obama a hard time no matter what he says/does are just as wrong as the people in this thread are being about these couple of individuals being idiots in the crowd.

The TPers are the birthers, that is not an economic issue. They slam Obama every chance they get and every word that comes out of his mouth is an opportunity for them to attack.

I want the TP back under the rocks they crawled out from.

I thought you were being sincere but I guess you just wanted to bash and lie about the teaparty.

The birthers are no more tea partiers than the truthers are liberal democrats.
Honestly they haven't allowed the republicans to do that. However, the media does not portray things accurately as far as the tea party goes and its this constant hammering that has changed public perception.

Yes the perception is wrong but its still there.

Well, here's what I've seen (feel free to correct me - I'm hoping I'm wrong):

Initially, the Tea Party form as it became clear the Republicans would never nominate Ron Paul, or make limited government a real priority. Initially, there was a strong recognition that we can't run a worldwide military empire and enjoy the benefits of limited government. That's perhaps the single biggest shift I've seen. Early on, the TP had a solid focus on stopping the Iraq war and reversing the expanding police state at home. Short of RP, I don't hear that kind of talk from most TP'ers these days.

Stop pointing fingers at the Teaparty.... its the left that all the hatred.

Her comment pointing it out only for the tea party and not for both sides is an example of the left wing hatred for conservatives.

Yes, I do not sit on the fence taking potshots at everyone so that I am always right like you do Pilgrim.

I'm a Democrat.

I only take "potshots" at inaccurate, uninformed, or hateful comments.....and they are more corrections than potshots.

Your comments in this thread evidence that you have a blind hatred for the teaparties that is not based in the reality of who the teaparties are, it is based on fabrications and lies about the teaparty which you perpetuate. This makes you a hateful and negative person in this specific area.
Just so we're clear, Repubs say you don't deserve life unless you can pay for it :eusa_eh: :clap2: :lol:

Just so we clear if you dont care for your personal health go on buy that I-phone ......Democrats will force working stiffs to cover your slack on the big-boy items .
Yes, TPers should stop this poor behavior.

Well its more the right wing pundits that give obama grief about everything he says and the far right. The teaparty only griefs him over economic issues, not social issues.

But yes, those on the far right who act just like those on the far left did with bush...that is no matter what decision he makes (obama for the righties, bush for the lefites) its wrong before they even review it is piss poor behavior that should stop.

Hell people were trash talking obama on his speech before he gave it! Thats ludicris. However, it turns out they were right and obama's new "jobs bill" is just more of what we have been doing since he took office, more of the same fail.

Oh im ranting.

Im just trying to say yes....those on the right who give obama a hard time no matter what he says/does are just as wrong as the people in this thread are being about these couple of individuals being idiots in the crowd.

The TPers are the birthers, that is not an economic issue. They slam Obama every chance they get and every word that comes out of his mouth is an opportunity for them to attack.

I want the TP back under the rocks they crawled out from.

Of course you do. They won't roll over for the failure known as obummer and it burns your ass.
Thank the good lord for the tea party!
I know you have been a loyal Tea Party member from the beginning and respect your views on curbing spending

However, your Tea Party movement was long ago taken over by a certain cable news network and the ultra conservative wing of the Republican party

One just has to look at the Iowa Tea Party and the pledges they make candidates sign up to. Those are not no tax pledges but also include anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro gun and other social issues

I'd love to see the Tea Party take a more independent stand. I can't say I'm opposed to their goal of transforming the Republican party, but it's become increasingly difficult to tell who is transforming who. The Tea Party started with a solid goal that could have (and still can) appeal to a broad range of voters. As they've allowed the Republicans to water down their aims, and import more and more traditional authoritarian, 'big conservative' values, they've compromised their integrity, imho.

Honestly they haven't allowed the republicans to do that. However, the media does not portray things accurately as far as the tea party goes and its this constant hammering that has changed public perception.

Yes the perception is wrong but its still there.

Honestly they haven't allowed the republicans to do that. However, the media does not portray things accurately as far as the tea party goes and its this constant hammering that has changed public perception.

Yes the perception is wrong but its still there.

Well, here's what I've seen (feel free to correct me - I'm hoping I'm wrong):

Initially, the Tea Party form as it became clear the Republicans would never nominate Ron Paul, or make limited government a real priority. Initially, there was a strong recognition that we can't run a worldwide military empire and enjoy the benefits of limited government. That's perhaps the single biggest shift I've seen. Early on, the TP had a solid focus on stopping the Iraq war and reversing the expanding police state at home. Short of RP, I don't hear that kind of talk from most TP'ers these days.

When was the teaparty ever focused on Iraq in the first place? I think your confusing the libertarian party's public platform with the tea party's public platform.

Yes Iraq is part of the deficit, alarming debt, and the govt spending which the tea party does focus on but the tea party groups have never really been out talking about anything in iraq or about doing what Ron Paul suggests doing with the military.

I myself have advocated those things however.
By Sam Steinstein

A bit of a startling moment happened near the end of Monday night's CNN debate when a hypothetical question was posed to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? "Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked.

"Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out.

Video: GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

He circled around the question too. At first Ron was agreeing that he should die then he gets on a rant where he says churches should pay..

I think we should let the Tea Party die, they are not contributing to society either.

No he didn't he said the man should do whatever he wants to do an assume responsibility for himself. That if the man wants to forgo insurance then he must assume the risk that goes along with it. When asked by Blitzer if he (Paul) thinks the man should be left to die, Paul clearly says no. He also gave some history on himself and clearly stated that charity/churches provided for the less fortunate and the hospitals he worked for never turned anyone away.

He never agreed that the man should die; that's nothing but a flat out lie.
[B said:
The TPers are the birthers, that is not an economic issue[/B]. They slam Obama every chance they get and every word that comes out of his mouth is an opportunity for them to attack.

I want the TP back under the rocks they crawled out from.

Yes it is....
They want to know if he's constitutionally eligible to be our President. With the way our economy is, how much worse it's gotten since he's become president...it is an issue.
With his muslim background, his compassion for Islam, his poor treatment of Israel, his past associations (Ayers, Rev Wright, etc)...it can make you wonder what he's up to! It can make people wonder if this was all a plan.

We got attacked on 9/11 and that was what got this ball rolling. Islam wants us DEAD. Our whole world changed. They had 8 years to plan on getting someone that on their side into our government. He had ALOT of help, and all of his background on the colleges he went to is hidden. He was a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER! My God, how did he get where he is??? He was a senator for a very short time, and accomplished nothing. How did he become the President of the United States with that background???
1 marriage isn't a protected right
2 anti abortion has always been a Republican issue
3. PRO Gun are you kidding? That is as PRO America as you can get.
4.Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

1. it is according to Loving v Virginia
2. not until reagan let the religious right have a seat at the table during the 80's
3. guns only equal 'pro america' to far right extremists. what says 'pro america' to the rest of us is protecting everyone else's rights like we'd want our own protected. (you know, even muslims and gays).
5 being "accountable" isn't something addressed in the constitution. it's nice... but kindly don't think you should enforce my morality.

not that you aren't lovely, but i've never met anyone better able to make moral choices for me than i am...

and THAT is accountability... not tossing pregnant girls out into the street or denying them lawful abortions.

it is according to Loving v Virginia

There is no constitutional right to marriage .

being "accountable" isn't something addressed in the constitution. it's nice... but kindly don't think you should enforce my morality.

I don't know how you missed what I said Jill we are both saying the samething.
Being socialy responable is part of individual liberty's you're free to do as you please but you also need to accept and be accountable for your actions

not until reagan let the religious right have a seat at the table during the 80's

Reagan even let Nancy's " mistic adviser" have a seat at the table.

and THAT is accountability... not tossing pregnant girls out into the street or denying them lawful abortions

I am not my brothers keeper because my brothers keeper killed his brother. You are accountable for your on action. People know what will happen when you have unprotected sex and even protected sex. You should be prepared to accept what comes with it.

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