During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!"

This is the same Party that opposes ABORTION because it believes in the "sanctity" of life?

Can you draw the parallel of self-accountabilty between the two examples ?
And what point is that?

Decisions to stop care are made every day. They are usually made on the basis of having a decent chance of recovery after the procedure, age, other medical conditions etc

It shouldn't be made on the basis of how much you can pay

So what about a billionaire who wants to spend his own money for a really expensive procedure that only stands a slight chance of extending his life? Should he be denied?

you still here rw? :eusa_whistle:
During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!"

This is the same Party that opposes ABORTION because it believes in the "sanctity" of life?

Can you draw the parallel of self-accountabilty between the two examples ?

Can you explain the hypocrisy of the neo-cons of..............

Their outrage at abortion and being pro-life yet yelling out "let them die" when talking about adults?

Their desire to wanting government to be involved in our private lives/decisions as far as abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia is concerned? Yet wrongly claim to be the party of freedom?

How fucking phony can one get? Fuck them. Stay out of our private lives and decisions. It's none of your damned business. :nono:

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Decisions to stop care are made every day. They are usually made on the basis of having a decent chance of recovery after the procedure, age, other medical conditions etc

It shouldn't be made on the basis of how much you can pay

So what about a billionaire who wants to spend his own money for a really expensive procedure that only stands a slight chance of extending his life? Should he be denied?

you still here rw? :eusa_whistle:

Yea....who gives a fuck?
I think they are just showing off. If a relative of theirs was dying and had no insurance, they would sing a different tune.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

Terry Schiavo. You left wingers talk to me about compassion when we sit down and have a real chat about starving and dehydrating a woman to death.

Otherwise, fuck off.
Oh and you lying son of a bitch, the audience did not start cheering wildly.

Every report had one person who yelled it.

But then you are a lying motherfucker to beat all lying motherfuckers.
Oh and you lying son of a bitch, the audience did not start cheering wildly.

Every report had one person who yelled it.

But then you are a lying motherfucker to beat all lying motherfuckers.

God you are so abrasive.
He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

You know, this is really the crux of it. I think a lot of people hear these words and translate it to "he should die". The assumption seems to be that if the government doesn't it do something, it will never happen; that we can do nothing as a community without forcing on people via state coercion.

You must know how poor churches are these days. There aren't enough of them to pay hospital bills for 30 million uninsured.

30 million uninsured people are in the hospital?

Get real, these GOP congressmen, including TPers are beholden to big corporations in general but especially to big insurance.

Make sense people. Even TPers can if you try.

The Dems just gave big insurance another 30 million bodies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkhX5W7JoWI]Money - Pink Floyd + Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

Terry Schiavo. You left wingers talk to me about compassion when we sit down and have a real chat about starving and dehydrating a woman to death.

Otherwise, fuck off.
:eek: You're a big government type, after all. You think the government should decide if and when someone should die, lofuckingl!
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

Terry Schiavo. You left wingers talk to me about compassion when we sit down and have a real chat about starving and dehydrating a woman to death.

Otherwise, fuck off.

I have NO problem talking about Terri (with an I) Schiavo.

The issue was whether or not the GOVERNMENT (in this case George W Bush and the Congressional Republicans) has the right to overule the wishes of the family (in her case her husband) and the doctor.

Terri was in a persistant vegetative state. Her doctor gave her no hope of recovery. And as the autopsy showed the doctor was 100% correct.

But the Conservative memmbers of Congress and George W Bush thought that the GUBMINT knew better than her doctor and sought to overule the her husband's wishes, effectively exercizing government control over a decision best made by the family.

There was even a "Schiavo Memo" that suggested the Schiavo case offered "a great political issue" that would appeal to the party's base (core supporters) and could be used against Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat from Florida who was up for reelection in 2006, because he had refused to co-sponsor the bill . As a result it was shown that the GOP was only interested in this case for political gain, not because of some great moral victory.

Schiavo memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I hope you'll be honest enough to now admit that you want a big, activist government making decisions that truly belong to the family and their doctor? You can't have it both ways, my friend.

Why the hell is this trolls thread still going? A couple of morons shouted some stupid shit. Big damn deal. It happens in every walk of life.

Paul was obviously fr the man not getting care because he did not pay for it.

The people who appualded and cheered agreed.

Now replace the 30 year old with his 2 year old daughter as the one lying in a hospital bed.

No insurance and she needs to stay in a comma for a couple of months to recover.

Let her die is the answer of anyone who is insistant that it is horrible for make people contribute to their own healthcare costs even when they dont want to.

We all pay because they deside to gamble with not needing care.

You know how to bring dwon the costs so everyone can afford care?

take the profit out of the equation.

Why do you think it's alright to take someone elses time and money without compensation and without them volunteering it?
Why the hell is this trolls thread still going? A couple of morons shouted some stupid shit. Big damn deal. It happens in every walk of life.

Like the town hall meetings of the summer of 2009. Or a State of the Union address when immigration is mentioned.

The Conservative ostrich. Move along, folks! Nothing to see here!

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