During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

He circled around the question too. At first Ron was agreeing that he should die then he gets on a rant where he says churches should pay..

I think we should let the Tea Party die, they are not contributing to society either.

No he didn't he said the man should do whatever he wants to do an assume responsibility for himself. That if the man wants to forgo insurance then he must assume the risk that goes along with it. When asked by Blitzer if he (Paul) thinks the man should be left to die, Paul clearly says no. He also gave some history on himself and clearly stated that charity/churches provided for the less fortunate and the hospitals he worked for never turned anyone away.

He never agreed that the man should die; that's nothing but a flat out lie.

You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled. He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.
When was the teaparty ever focused on Iraq in the first place? I think your confusing the libertarian party's public platform with the tea party's public platform.

I attended some of the early Tea Party rallies (circa 2007-2008) and curtailing the war machine was definitely at the top of the agenda.
You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled. He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.

Listening is the order of the day, to be sure. Why don't you give it another try?
He circled around the question too. At first Ron was agreeing that he should die then he gets on a rant where he says churches should pay..

I think we should let the Tea Party die, they are not contributing to society either.

No he didn't he said the man should do whatever he wants to do an assume responsibility for himself. That if the man wants to forgo insurance then he must assume the risk that goes along with it. When asked by Blitzer if he (Paul) thinks the man should be left to die, Paul clearly says no. He also gave some history on himself and clearly stated that charity/churches provided for the less fortunate and the hospitals he worked for never turned anyone away.

He never agreed that the man should die; that's nothing but a flat out lie.

You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled.
He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.

Another lie. I listened to him several times and typed what he said as I listened.

Blitzer asks him if the man should be left to die. @:59 in . . Paul says 'no' then goes on with his history and how the hospitals he worked for -- pre-medicaid -- never turned anyone away. He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

But do go on with your Tea Party hate fest . . .
No he didn't he said the man should do whatever he wants to do an assume responsibility for himself. That if the man wants to forgo insurance then he must assume the risk that goes along with it. When asked by Blitzer if he (Paul) thinks the man should be left to die, Paul clearly says no. He also gave some history on himself and clearly stated that charity/churches provided for the less fortunate and the hospitals he worked for never turned anyone away.

He never agreed that the man should die; that's nothing but a flat out lie.

You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled.
He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.

Another lie. I listened to him several times and typed what he said as I listened.

Blitzer asks him if the man should be left to die. @:59 in . . Paul says 'no' then goes on with his history and how the hospitals he worked for -- pre-medicaid -- never turned anyone away. He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

But do go on with your Tea Party hate fest . . .

I will thanks. Don't need your permission to post here.

You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled.
He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.

Another lie. I listened to him several times and typed what he said as I listened.

Blitzer asks him if the man should be left to die. @:59 in . . Paul says 'no' then goes on with his history and how the hospitals he worked for -- pre-medicaid -- never turned anyone away. He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

But do go on with your Tea Party hate fest . . .

I will thanks. Don't need your permission to post here.

Never claimed you did.

You need to listen better, Ron Paul agreed at first then he backpedaled.
He was all over the place talking about churches paying for the guy etc..

Paul is going to get that same old nutter label he always gets if he isn't more careful.

Another lie. I listened to him several times and typed what he said as I listened.

Blitzer asks him if the man should be left to die. @:59 in . . Paul says 'no' then goes on with his history and how the hospitals he worked for -- pre-medicaid -- never turned anyone away. He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

But do go on with your Tea Party hate fest . . .

I will thanks. Don't need your permission to post here.

And people do not need permission to point out your habitual lying for partisanship sake
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.
31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.
35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
These GOP/Tea Party supporters are nothing more than a group of PRIESTS and LEVITES "going down from Jerusalem to Jericho."
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He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

You know, this is really the crux of it. I think a lot of people hear these words and translate it to "he should die". The assumption seems to be that if the government doesn't it do something, it will never happen; that we can do nothing as a community without forcing on people via state coercion.
If the same 30 y/o man knocks up some skeeze you need fund the vacuming of his offspring from her womb.

The only thing he is accountable for is WoW credits.
America- only modern country where a full time worker can be poor and without health insurance. The unemployed get medicaid. Terminally DUMB, dittoheads. Thank god for Obamacare, brainwashed ones.
He then talks about being responsible for ourselves/each other, rather than having uncle take care of us.

You know, this is really the crux of it. I think a lot of people hear these words and translate it to "he should die". The assumption seems to be that if the government doesn't it do something, it will never happen; that we can do nothing as a community without forcing on people via state coercion.

You must know how poor churches are these days. There aren't enough of them to pay hospital bills for 30 million uninsured.

Get real, these GOP congressmen, including TPers are beholden to big corporations in general but especially to big insurance.

Make sense people. Even TPers can if you try.
Some things simply should not be for profit...national security, education and HEALTH CARE...

Why Charity Isn't Enough

4,000 Pastors Respond: Private Charity Isn't Enough

you'd be in a pickle cause abortion doctors work for profit.

Policemen, firemen and military personnel all work for profit as well and yet no one, except maybe Ron Paul, have said these should be private enterprises where help or protection is only given those with an ability to pay for them. Health care should be no different.

In a UHC system, there is still PLENTY of room for private companies to make a profit.

Oh, and I don't need an abortion, thanks. I planned all four of my pregnancies...spit doesn't make babies.
If the same 30 y/o man knocks up some skeeze you need fund the vacuming of his offspring from her womb.

The only thing he is accountable for is WoW credits.
These GOP/Tea Party supporters are nothing more than a group of PRIESTS and LEVITES "going down from Jerusalem to Jericho."
Obviously "OODA_Loop" is not a big supporter of "The Parable of the Good Samaritan," or "Lov(ing) your neighbor as yourself."
I guess they'll have to change one of their mottos from,

"Choose life"


"Choose life as long as it doesn't cost me anything"

Irony 101

Republicans are more than willing to simply let the uninsured maker of bad decisions die from whatever ails him, because they shouldn't have to foot the bill to keep him alive. However, if he was terminal anyway and wanted to accelerate the inevitable, they'd be more than happy to foot the bill to keep him from doing so and to put anyone who helps him commit suicide behind bars.
During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!"

This is the same Party that opposes ABORTION because it believes in the "sanctity" of life?

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