Dyke Cop Lies, Then Arrests Elderly Black Man


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
Did she harass him because he is black, or because he is a "he"?

Most female cops are lesbians with an ax to grind with men. They're worse than male cops with an ax to grind.
Most female cops are lesbians with an ax to grind with men. They're worse than male cops with an ax to grind.

They want to be men, but the only way to make up for their weak appearance is being a "asshole" and hating on men to appear tough.
Not another small penis crowd thread.
Care to comment on the story?

In your video, the cop stated 'you swung the club at me.' That either wasn't being recorded, or conveniently left out. Probably the latter.

My 'small penis crowd thread' stands.

Anything else I can help you with?
Really? Do you think they would issue an apology to the man and dismiss the charges if the camera backed up her story? It's clear, in the dash cam, the man did not swing the golf club at her, he didn't even see her until she pulled up to him.

Really? Do you think they would issue an apology to the man and dismiss the charges if the camera backed up her story? It's clear, in the dash cam, the man did not swing the golf club at her, he didn't even see her until she pulled up to him.

Or the front facing camera didn't record him. By what I saw the guy refusing to put the golf club down shows me he has a propensity to be stupid.

Much like the guy who was behind me when I was stopped by a cop in La Mesa who was in the roadway one night a couple of years ago. He decided he knew more than the cop, drove around the cop, and only came to a stop when he drove into a sinkhole, totaling his car and injuring his Wife and kids. I hope she divorced him. It's only a matter of time before he kills them all.

What REALLY BURNS ME is a story I found calling this guy a Veteran. I'm a Veteran. All Veterans aren't STUPID!
Really? Do you think they would issue an apology to the man and dismiss the charges if the camera backed up her story? It's clear, in the dash cam, the man did not swing the golf club at her, he didn't even see her until she pulled up to him.

Or the front facing camera didn't record him. By what I saw the guy refusing to put the golf club down shows me he has a propensity to be stupid.

Much like the guy who was behind me when I was stopped by a cop in La Mesa who was in the roadway one night a couple of years ago. He decided he knew more than the cop, drove around the cop, and only came to a stop when he drove into a sinkhole, totaling his car and injuring his Wife and kids. I hope she divorced him. It's only a matter of time before he kills them all.

What REALLY BURNS ME is a story I found calling this guy a Veteran. I'm a Veteran. All Veterans aren't STUPID!
You can't just admit she was lying, can you? Did you watch the second video? Did you watch the first one, for that matter? If you can't see that camera recording the guy from half a block away (not raising the golf club off the ground) you must be one of the STUPID ones.
You can't just admit she was lying, can you? Did you watch the second video? Did you watch the first one, for that matter? If you can't see that camera recording the guy from half a block away (not raising the golf club off the ground) you must be one of the STUPID ones.

Listen to the first video. At 0:51, 0:58, 2:38, 2:53 where the cop stated that the incident happened at 11th & Pike, and 6:22.

It really would help if you can find a legitimate news source.[/QUOTE]
You can't just admit she was lying, can you? Did you watch the second video? Did you watch the first one, for that matter? If you can't see that camera recording the guy from half a block away (not raising the golf club off the ground) you must be one of the STUPID ones.

Listen to the first video. At 0:51, 0:58, 2:38, 2:53 where the cop stated that the incident happened at 11th & Pike, and 6:22.

It really would help if you can find a legitimate news source.
Then why wasn't it on the dash cam, and why did they apologize to the man and dismiss charges, and why did she get reassigned to desk duty? It would really help if you had a brain.
Interesting, this thread appears to be about "justice" but the officer is referred to as a "dyke" while the citizen is "an elderly black man" instead of an old, XXXXer. What kind of justice are we talking about?
Interesting, this thread appears to be about "justice" but the officer is referred to as a "dyke" while the citizen is "an elderly black man" instead of an old, XXXXer. What kind of justice are we talking about?
What is the point you'e trying to make?

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