Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

My point is on topic. Why should I care when people say foolish things? Does it affect me? I suppose some more than others but how does this affect me?

If not posted here, I wouldn't even have known about it. Why does one want to publicize further things they find foolish?
Pop culture is the leading edge of politics.....That foolhardiness accepted as "mainstream" will get pandering politicians chasing after it.

Anyone with their head screwed on straight should be terrified of the mainstreaming of this sort of literal insanity.
One never has, you poor, crazed con.
What a Fckn loon

Before any leftist even starts. The dude is never going to be pregnant. Never, that's the reality in the made up BS
I want to spit webbing out of my hand and swing like Spiderman.
Are you offended by that?
Pop culture is the leading edge of politics.....

I disagree. I agree that some make everything about politics though.

That foolhardiness accepted as "mainstream" will get pandering politicians chasing after it.

Anyone with their head screwed on straight should be terrified of the mainstreaming of this sort of literal insanity.

Males getting pregnant is never going to be mainstream.
Holy wow another poster with common sense. It's called IGNORE but some just live to find stories like this. It's not worth the effort to fight little tiny stuff that has no effect on anything


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I disagree. I agree that some make everything about politics though.
Disagree all you want, the axiom has been proven over time.
Males getting pregnant is never going to be mainstream.
The same was said of pedophelia....Now their enablers have changed the nomanclature to "minor attracted persons".....This is what gutless failure to push back looks like.
Disagree all you want, the axiom has been proven over time.

The same was said of pedophelia....Now their enablers have changed the nomanclature to "minor attracted persons".....This is what gutless failure to push back looks like.

One can say whatever they want but it's still illegal. Not that we can't take money from those who pursue it.

comparing sexual abnormal behavior to race is ignorant and stupid but then no one ever called you a rocket scientist, did they?

I'm not so why would they?

12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb:

Matthew 19:12
I'm curious as to why. This is a discussion board right?

I'm just curious as to why you're so curious about why others care.

I'm much more concerned that public school teachers would tell kids that men can indeed get pregnant, based on disinformation on the internet.


If these lies from people purporting to be experts and professionals would stop or would be given the ridicule they deserve, I would not care about some silly idiot. Still don't really. But I understand why others do.
Used to people like that would have been locked away for the good of a normal society. Now we let the few freakzoid tranny fag mental patients talk to the entire world and encourage them the thrive and applaud their delusions.

I'm just curious as to why you're so curious about why others care.

I noted why. This is a discussion board.

I'm much more concerned that public school teachers would tell kids that men can indeed get pregnant, based on disinformation on the internet.

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If these lies from people purporting to be experts and professionals would stop or would be given the ridicule they deserve, I would not care about some silly idiot. Still don't really. But I understand why others do.

No teacher is teaching that.
So back to my question. Why should I care? For some reason no one will address this.

One reason is that they're trying to force this on the public, people are being forced to go along with insanity. For example, in some places they're creating legislation that would make it illegal to fail to use someone's "preferred pronouns." So this affects everyone.

Also, people are being bullied for having a differing view on "transgenderism" and for not going along with the insanity. I mean seriously, have you been living in a cave, or are you just trying so hard to be hip and "inclusive" that you turn a blind eye to everything that's going on?

When people are forced to accept lies as truth, it affects everyone. Ever read the book 1984? Actually, a better example might be the children's story The Emperor's New Clothes. Guess who you are in that story?

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