Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

One reason is that they're trying to force this on the public, people are being forced to go along with insanity. For example, in some places they're creating legislation that would make it illegal to fail to use someone's "preferred pronouns." So this affects everyone.

Also, people are being bullied for having a differing view on "transgenderism" and for not going along with the insanity. I mean seriously, have you been living in a cave, or are you just trying so hard to be hip and "inclusive" that you turn a blind eye to everything that's going on?

When people are forced to accept lies as truth, it affects everyone. Ever read the book 1984? Actually, a better example might be the children's story The Emperor's New Clothes. Guess who you are in that story?

Do you understand how this becomes widespread? By people posting the video.
Do you understand how this becomes widespread? By people posting the video.

It's already become widespread because the powers-that-shouldn't-be and the media and pop culture that they control have been shoving it down everyone's throats for the last few years.

People are just talking about it here. And if people don't talk about it, then next thing you know you're gonna be losing your job for not calling a he a "she" or whatever.
It's already become widespread because the powers-that-shouldn't-be and the media and pop culture that they control have been shoving it down everyone's throats for the last few years.

People are just talking about it here. And if people don't talk about it, then next thing you know you're gonna be losing your job for not calling a he a "she" or whatever.

It's on Tik Tok. I don't have it. Do you?
I'm much more concerned that public school teachers would tell kids that men can indeed get pregnant, based on disinformation on the internet.
No teacher is teaching that.

Why would they? I've already noted why not.
That stupid little twink is never going to be pregnant, furthermore no biological male is ever going to be pregnant.

It's just that simple so stop pushing the BS

Of course they are not, and they know it also.

What they want is attention, and you all give it to them.
No teacher is teaching that.
There is technically a way for him to get pregnant and have a baby, however, the process is a complicated one and the risks are extremely high.

There have been uterus transplants in cases where it helps women have babies. He could have a uterus transplanted into his abdomen and then get an invitro fertilization. Finally, he would have to have a c-section.

Each and every step of the process is fraught with possible complications:

1. As a man, he doesn't have the blood vessels needed to keep the uterus alive even before it is fertilized so he'll have to have them grafted from somewhere else in his body. It is possible that those grafts won't withstand the stresses of pregnancy, risking rupture and hemorrhage.

2. There is the very real possibility that the uterus will be rejected.

3. In-vitro fertilization has it's own well-documented complications.

4. He will not produce the necessary hormones that a pregnant woman will produce, though the uterus itself produces many of them, and his transplanted one might.

5. The hormones that he's taking to suppress his maleness can have a detrimental affect on the infant.

6. And the of course a c-section is major surgery with it's additional complications.

All that being said, it's technically possible.

I have heard at least one other man who wants to get pregnant say that this was the way he could do it.
One reason is that they're trying to force this on the public, people are being forced to go along with insanity. For example, in some places they're creating legislation that would make it illegal to fail to use someone's "preferred pronouns." So this affects everyone.

Also, people are being bullied for having a differing view on "transgenderism" and for not going along with the insanity. I mean seriously, have you been living in a cave, or are you just trying so hard to be hip and "inclusive" that you turn a blind eye to everything that's going on?

When people are forced to accept lies as truth, it affects everyone. Ever read the book 1984? Actually, a better example might be the children's story The Emperor's New Clothes. Guess who you are in that story?
It's denial, born of a seriously bad case of normalcy bias.....He has a major case of both.

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