Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

This is Faun that you are addressing.

He's already long established as being much, much more stupid than this conversation shows.

Thanks for letting me know I scarred you for life.
Males getting pregnant is never going to be mainstream.
The same was said of pedophelia [sic]....Now their enablers have changed the nomanclature [sic] to "minor attracted persons".....This is what gutless failure to push back looks like.

And now, the efforts to normalize and legitimize pedophilia are out in the open, for everyone to see.
If when the insanity started with gays we had stood our ground then this wouldnt [sic] be happening now so ya paying attention and trying to stop something the majority of you ignored is important.
Should have stood up and kept those uppity blacks out of the diner also.


Because being black is exactly comparable to being a fucked-up sexual pervert.
People are just talking about it here. And if people don't talk about it, then next thing you know you're gonna be losing your job for not calling a he a "she" or whatever.

Probably not a risk for pknopp. He's too much of a fucking coward to stand up for truth at any cost or risk to himself. He'll happily tell any lie that he thinks he must to protect his job, his social standing, or whatever else might be on the line.
The stupid Moon Bats that post on this forum would probably arrange a shower for him.
That noted, they did not teach that a male can get pregnant. No male got pregnant at that school.

From the article:

The email was sent following a transgender male teacher making a pregnancy announcement. Parents of children in the "Manatee Class" were told that teacher Tristan Powell, who was born female and now uses he/him pronouns, is pregnant after "a hopeful plan for at least a decade." Students have not yet been made aware, and Powell will teach through December or January.
The River School says that for kids "who may have associations with pregnancy and a certain gender," language previously used by Powell is helpful. Powell typically tells students, "some boys have bodies that can have babies, and I have the kind of body that can have a baby, isn't that cool?"

So, we do, indeed, have a fucked-up, mentally-defective, surgically mutilated woman claiming to be a man, telling very young children that “…some boys have bodies that can have babies…“.

Fucked-up freaks like that need to be kept away from children. Children do not need to be exposed to that fucked-up shit, ever.
Well such womb transplants within 10 years will probably be possible somewhere in the world for M To F transgender woman. I am hoping for these poor woman that they get the chance to experience what biological females like us get to experience. I don't understand why anyone that is for personal freedom would be against such.

Lol, it's you loons that are encouraging this mental illness. Even bringing 8 year olds into it.

And younger. The article mentioned earlier made mention of children a young as a year and a half.

A Washington D.C. private school with students as young as 18 months sent families pointers for discussing transgender pregnancies with their children, according to an email leaked on social media.

And don't forget that we have a fucked-up freak on this very forum, who openly speaks in disgustingly sexual terms about children as young as three.

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