Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

The entire democrat party is made up of racist groups...openly racist groups...la raza, the nation of islam, the naacp, the southern poverty law center and they honor the old white racists like j. william fulbright, al gore senior, and robert byrd....

kinda like this:
American Power Dylann Roof Southern Democrat Throwback is Drug-Addled Wannabe Emo Anarchist with Androgynous Haircut

Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut

It turns out the suspect, Dylann Roof, is an ideological amalgam of old-line Southern segregationist Democrat KKK white supremacy combined with 21st century emo-progressive-anarchist sensibilities. Top that off with a horrendous androgynous emo bowl cut and a drug arrest, and you've got a poster child for new age leftist counter-culture abomination.

The guy is a product of the Democrat Party and contemporary moody emo-oriented pop-cultural leftism. As commenter firstHat points out at Althouse:
Sorry, that isn't the hair cut of a good ole boy. It's the haircut of an wannabe Emo Anarchist more interested in how he looks to the world than anything else. Waiting for the next shoe to drop (somewhere outside the earshot of the Main Scream Media no doubt).All these pro-Obama leftists online whining about white supremacy need to take a good look in the mirror and face the logical outgrowth of their decades-long ideological agitation and hatred. From 1960s-era racial segregation to modern racist, Israel-bashing ideological extremism, the dude Roof is perfectly at home on the far-left of the political spectrum. He's a product of the left. He's a Democrat terrorist, just like the Klan terrorists of the Democrat Party South.

admit it libertards, he is one of your own. :up:
The momentum is building to take the confederate flag off the statehouse in SC, let's see who lines up to defend this "democrat" symbol.

It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
The democrats need to be wrapped in their flag......it is their flag...no the Republican flag.....
You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Yeah its the Battle Flag of the Defeated slave mongers so what is it doing flying around in the open..trash that piece of shit...
The flag Republicans fought under when they fought and freed the slaves...

The flag the democrats fought under when they tried to keep blacks as slaves....

The entire democrat party is made up of racist groups...openly racist groups...la raza, the nation of islam, the naacp, the southern poverty law center and they honor the old white racists like j. william fulbright, al gore senior, and robert byrd....

kinda like this:
American Power Dylann Roof Southern Democrat Throwback is Drug-Addled Wannabe Emo Anarchist with Androgynous Haircut

Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut

It turns out the suspect, Dylann Roof, is an ideological amalgam of old-line Southern segregationist Democrat KKK white supremacy combined with 21st century emo-progressive-anarchist sensibilities. Top that off with a horrendous androgynous emo bowl cut and a drug arrest, and you've got a poster child for new age leftist counter-culture abomination.

The guy is a product of the Democrat Party and contemporary moody emo-oriented pop-cultural leftism. As commenter firstHat points out at Althouse:
Sorry, that isn't the hair cut of a good ole boy. It's the haircut of an wannabe Emo Anarchist more interested in how he looks to the world than anything else. Waiting for the next shoe to drop (somewhere outside the earshot of the Main Scream Media no doubt).All these pro-Obama leftists online whining about white supremacy need to take a good look in the mirror and face the logical outgrowth of their decades-long ideological agitation and hatred. From 1960s-era racial segregation to modern racist, Israel-bashing ideological extremism, the dude Roof is perfectly at home on the far-left of the political spectrum. He's a product of the left. He's a Democrat terrorist, just like the Klan terrorists of the Democrat Party South.

admit it libertards, he is one of your own. :up:
The momentum is building to take the confederate flag off the statehouse in SC, let's see who lines up to defend this "democrat" symbol.

It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.
The flag Republicans fought under when they fought and freed the slaves...

The flag the democrats fought under when they tried to keep blacks as slaves....

You T Party types took our Nation back...about 150 years as a matter of fact...

The Flag the Democrats support in 2015

The Flag of the GOP in 2015
kinda like this:
American Power Dylann Roof Southern Democrat Throwback is Drug-Addled Wannabe Emo Anarchist with Androgynous Haircut

Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut

It turns out the suspect, Dylann Roof, is an ideological amalgam of old-line Southern segregationist Democrat KKK white supremacy combined with 21st century emo-progressive-anarchist sensibilities. Top that off with a horrendous androgynous emo bowl cut and a drug arrest, and you've got a poster child for new age leftist counter-culture abomination.

The guy is a product of the Democrat Party and contemporary moody emo-oriented pop-cultural leftism. As commenter firstHat points out at Althouse:
Sorry, that isn't the hair cut of a good ole boy. It's the haircut of an wannabe Emo Anarchist more interested in how he looks to the world than anything else. Waiting for the next shoe to drop (somewhere outside the earshot of the Main Scream Media no doubt).All these pro-Obama leftists online whining about white supremacy need to take a good look in the mirror and face the logical outgrowth of their decades-long ideological agitation and hatred. From 1960s-era racial segregation to modern racist, Israel-bashing ideological extremism, the dude Roof is perfectly at home on the far-left of the political spectrum. He's a product of the left. He's a Democrat terrorist, just like the Klan terrorists of the Democrat Party South.

admit it libertards, he is one of your own. :up:
The momentum is building to take the confederate flag off the statehouse in SC, let's see who lines up to defend this "democrat" symbol.

It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
kinda like this:
American Power Dylann Roof Southern Democrat Throwback is Drug-Addled Wannabe Emo Anarchist with Androgynous Haircut

Dylann Roof, Southern Democrat Throwback, is Drug-Addled 'Wannabe Emo Anarchist' with Androgynous Haircut

It turns out the suspect, Dylann Roof, is an ideological amalgam of old-line Southern segregationist Democrat KKK white supremacy combined with 21st century emo-progressive-anarchist sensibilities. Top that off with a horrendous androgynous emo bowl cut and a drug arrest, and you've got a poster child for new age leftist counter-culture abomination.

The guy is a product of the Democrat Party and contemporary moody emo-oriented pop-cultural leftism. As commenter firstHat points out at Althouse:
Sorry, that isn't the hair cut of a good ole boy. It's the haircut of an wannabe Emo Anarchist more interested in how he looks to the world than anything else. Waiting for the next shoe to drop (somewhere outside the earshot of the Main Scream Media no doubt).All these pro-Obama leftists online whining about white supremacy need to take a good look in the mirror and face the logical outgrowth of their decades-long ideological agitation and hatred. From 1960s-era racial segregation to modern racist, Israel-bashing ideological extremism, the dude Roof is perfectly at home on the far-left of the political spectrum. He's a product of the left. He's a Democrat terrorist, just like the Klan terrorists of the Democrat Party South.

admit it libertards, he is one of your own. :up:
The momentum is building to take the confederate flag off the statehouse in SC, let's see who lines up to defend this "democrat" symbol.

It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

Yes...we as Republicans need to wrap the democrat flag around the democrats.....
The flag Republicans fought under when they fought and freed the slaves...

The flag the democrats fought under when they tried to keep blacks as slaves....

When the democrats move to take it off all public buildings and monuments then I guess you will be right there with them supporting their actions.
The momentum is building to take the confederate flag off the statehouse in SC, let's see who lines up to defend this "democrat" symbol.

It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.
Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.

Within the last few hours someone found this little monster's manifesto.


Read it and weep, it sounds so similar to the same bullshit we have heard here everyday from our overtly racist posters I wonder if he was among us.

An opening paragraph:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?


Read it and weep, this little waste of flesh was the worst kind of conservative and he found all the moral support he needed in the pages of conservative blogs. On a related note, the conservative group he mentioned is in the process of scrubbing their site.


Dickhead...let me explain something to you. There are a lot of racist people in this country. Some on the left, some on the right. The notable quality about DR is not that he is a racist...like I said there are a lot of racists...the thing that makes DR different is he is a psychopathic murder...his mental condition is was made him so dangerous. That's not to say racist people are good people or anything, but most of them won't go into a church and randomly shoot people.

The entire democrat party is made up of racist groups...openly racist groups...la raza, the nation of islam, the naacp, the southern poverty law center and they honor the old white racists like j. william fulbright, al gore senior, and robert byrd....

there are far more racists on the left than in the conservative/libertarian/tea party movements........look at the cities controlled by the democrats...they scream racism....chicago, detroit, D.C., L.A., New Orleans.....all run by democrats....

The words "liberal" or "conservative" are just meaningless contrivances nowadays. Most people are a menagerie, in varying degrees, of Conservatism. That includes Republicans and Democrats alike. The "conservative" factions don't always get along and the extremist right is quick to throw that "liberal" tag at any "conservative" who shows racial tolerance or shows any support for abortion or so-called"entitlements" like social security. Even Black Christians and Muslims are pigeon-holed as "liberal." That is laughable and stupid. Black Christians and Muslims are the moral majority of the Black community . Their piety is central to what stability there is in Black neighborhoods and is the pillar on which the black workforce has rested since manumission.

Take your BS somewhere else. It won't stick here... we use anti-sceptic narratives to clean it up!
It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

That's not the point. People have a Constitutional right to freedom and expression. You start selectively banning things and you open Pandora's box.
I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?

As far as I am aware the gays did not go to war in order to defend the Institution of Slavery...your confederate folks did that...
That war led to the deaths of more than a half million Americans ...our worst war in terms of casualties...
It's not on the statehouse, it's on a memorial to men who died in the Civil War.
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present

And who engaged in that armed insurrection and hanged people because they were black....democrats....under that flag....
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

That's not the point. People have a Constitutional right to freedom and expression. You start selectively banning things and you open Pandora's box.
Fly it on your own property if you want to show your "southern pride" taking it off public property in no way infringes on the 1st amendment.
I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?

As far as I am aware the gays did not go to war in order to defend the Institution of Slavery...your confederate folks did that...
That war led to the deaths of more than a half million Americans ...our worst war in terms of casualties...

See how you lied by ommission....you used "Confederate" to hide the fact that it was democrats....led by democrat Jefferson Davis who went to war to keep their slaves.....and the first grand dragon of the kkk was nathan bedford forrest, another democrat...

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