Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

That's not the point. People have a Constitutional right to freedom and expression. You start selectively banning things and you open Pandora's box.
Fly it on your own property if you want to show your "southern pride" taking it off public property in no way infringes on the 1st amendment.

Then no Pride flags on public property, they offend me....see where this is going? You've opened Pandora's box
A loser flag for losers. High time it gets thrown in the rag bag. Republicans will fight to keep it there because they willingly accepted the dixiecrats into their tent and therefore willingly inherited their legacy.

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present

And who engaged in that armed insurrection and hanged people because they were black....democrats....under that flag....
Shut the fuck up with that shit. No one, not even you, believes it.
Today is the anniversary of the tragic deaths of three young civil rights workers, on the night of June 21 and 22 in Neshoba County, Mississippi, whose deaths brought the attention of the nation to the issue of voting rights,

You don't even realize that flag wasn't the Confederate National flag, it was used in battle, never flew over Confederate government buildings and never flew over slave ships. You're just running around, waving your arms and squawking
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present

And who engaged in that armed insurrection and hanged people because they were black....democrats....under that flag....
Shut the fuck up with that shit. No one, not even you, believes it.

Shut the fuck up with that shit. No one, not even you, believes it

I stated the truth...the democrats fought to keep slavery under the democrat flag.....you can't refute that fact, that truth or that reality...so you tell me to shut the fuck up........it is the truth, the fact and the reality that the democrats actually killed people under that flag to keep slavery...not Republicans....

Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

That's not the point. People have a Constitutional right to freedom and expression. You start selectively banning things and you open Pandora's box.
Fly it on your own property if you want to show your "southern pride" taking it off public property in no way infringes on the 1st amendment.

Then no Pride flags on public property, they offend me....see where this is going? You've opened Pandora's box
Start a petition then and see how far you get.
Today is the anniversary of the tragic deaths of three young civil rights workers, on the night of June 21 and 22 in Neshoba County, Mississippi, whose deaths brought the attention of the nation to the issue of voting rights,

and the people who murdered those innocent civil rights workers......they were democrats..again....democrats who killed those innocent young men...simply because they wanted the same rights as all other Americans......

Democrats committed murder to keep blacks from voting...not Republicans....
I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

That's not the point. People have a Constitutional right to freedom and expression. You start selectively banning things and you open Pandora's box.
Fly it on your own property if you want to show your "southern pride" taking it off public property in no way infringes on the 1st amendment.

Then no Pride flags on public property, they offend me....see where this is going? You've opened Pandora's box
Start a petition then and see how far you get.

You're still missing the point. Unlike YOU I realize people have the RIGHT to freedom of speech and expression. The difference is you want to act like a Nazi and I act like a freedom loving American
Gays did not fight a war to defend slavery....the Confederates did .....now the GOP loves the Confederate flag...whats with that dude ?
Everyone knows that blue states like NY and California is where all the Dixie flags are flying....woooo hooooo

And how are the minorities in those democrat run states doing...in say..New York city, Chicago, Detroit, D.C., Los Angeles....all democrat run cities....
Why are you defending it? The thing was popularized by the KKK in the 1920s during their heyday of wide social acceptance, practically everyone concerned with this issue knows it's history at this point.

I defend the rights of people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. I can't stand the sight of a gay pride flag, it offends me. Should they be banned?
Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present.

Nope, it was never associated with armed insurrection and racist hate groups who used to hang people at nice picnics with children present

And who engaged in that armed insurrection and hanged people because they were black....democrats....under that flag....
Shut the fuck up with that shit. No one, not even you, believes it.

Shut the fuck up with that shit. No one, not even you, believes it

I stated the truth...the democrats fought to keep slavery under the democrat flag.....you can't refute that fact, that truth or that reality...so you tell me to shut the fuck up........it is the truth, the fact and the reality that the democrats actually killed people under that flag to keep slavery...not Republicans....

Yeah just keep saying that and maybe you can actually convince yourself that today's democratic party is exactly the same as the Jim Crow dixiecrats who's children now vote almost exclusively republican and sound eerily similar.
Gays did not fight a war to defend slavery....the Confederates did .....now the GOP loves the Confederate flag...whats with that dude ?

Not so much loving the flag.......but I agree, it needs to go, the democrat symbol of racism against blacks needs to be taken down.....
The crazed dude is actually putting forth the proposition that liberals by embracing the Dixie flag are going to sweep the GOP confederate states...seriously...I am not kidding dude insists the Confederate Flag is supported by Democrats ...no its real follow the thread...LOL
Gays did not fight a war to defend slavery....the Confederates did .....now the GOP loves the Confederate flag...whats with that dude ?

Not so much loving the flag.......but I agree, it needs to go, the democrat symbol of racism against blacks needs to be taken down.....

where does that symbol fly

In states that are red or GOP states _____

In States that are blue of Democrat States______

The crazed dude is actually putting forth the proposition that liberals by embracing the Dixie flag are going to sweep the GOP confederate states...seriously...I am not kidding dude insists the Confederate Flag is supported by Democrats ...no its real follow the thread...LOL

The democrats fought to keep slavery under that flag...they killed people to keep slaves under that flag...it should be taken down...democrat racism has hurt the country enough already....
Charles Manson was a liberal. So was Stalin.

Manson wanted to start a race war, like Dylann Roof, notorious conservative mass murderer.
Is there any likelihood that a rational person would follow his insanity? No.
Millions of Christian German conservatives followed Hitler's insanity so why not. Before you start in about the NAZI's being socialists, as implied by the name, consider that most Germans probably were probably not members of the Nazi Party. However, they shared the Nazi ideology and strong SOCIAL CONSERVATISM in regards to the Jews and other so-called non-Aryans.

Manson, Like Roof, embrace Nazi symbols and regalia because that is what galvanizes their social conservatism. Can a person who is both an atheist and a hedonist be a social conservative? That paradox seems to be quite common among poor white trash who overwhelmingly identify themselves as "conservatives.' German Christians did the same thing when economic constraints and austerity, imposed by having to pay war reparations, brought the country to the brink of despair.
Suddenly, socialism and "conservatism" melded in a homogenous society where all the "aliens' were politically, socially and
physically neutralized. Notably, Nazism was not Communism. The former promised Shangri-La for "White Aryans" where the rest of humanity would serve them as slaves or be eliminated. Soviet Communism differed in that all adherents would be slaves of the state, including White people.
OK so the Democratic party here in 2015 is the real Racist party...

How did they elect a Black President and almost all the Black Congressional members are Democrats .....

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