E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Link what you have on the blazer. And start with the fact she couldn't even remember what year this supposedly happened.


For the time frame in official documents, the jacket was in production which started in 1995.

Dims are the ones who never stop lying.
Every time there is a finding against Dear Leader, every time he is ordered to pay civil damages, every time he is indicted, every time a court rules against him his supporters have to add another dozen or more individuals to the list of those involved in this massive conspiracy against him. Another dozen or so people who have broken the law "to get him." Hundreds if not thousands of people are now on that list...and they have to keep adding to it instead of just admitting the Orange Rapist is just a shitty human being.
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"Sex tip I learned from my dog: When in heat, chase the male until he collapses in exhaustion....then jump him!"
-E. Jean Carrol

"Would men have invented chastity belts, veils, and croks if women weren't unbelievably HOT?---Honey, you were BORN to seduce!"
-E. Jean Carrol

"There's no such thing as a slut. Only sexual geniuses."
-E. Jean Carrol

This BITCH is a fucking PSYCHOPATH!!!


So that means Trump has a right to sexualy assault her?
I'm not to worried about a billionaire trial. We don't live by the same rules. He will be just fine.
To be clear, what you're celebrating is that a billionaire isn't going to really feel the judgment of him being found liable for sexual assault and defamation? That's a hell of thing to champion there, Deplorable. If Hillary did anything right it was so precisely identifying you lot.
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The jury did find that FPOSTUS#45 sexually assaulted Ms. Carroll by grabbing her pussy and inserting his finger(s).

In most of the real world this is called "rape". However because of a technicality in the New York law that requires the insertion of the penis into the vagina to be able to call it "rape", and the fact that Ms. Carroll couldn't tell if it was FPOTUS#45's penis or his little finger, the jury found him liable for sexual abuse.

So the claim "they didn't commit" is a false premise because based on the trial and as a result of the jury verdict, ya he did commit the sexual assault.


Based on what evidence?
Based on what evidence?

The evidence presented in court to the Jury.

Remember "evidence" include testimony.
  • There was Ms. Carroll's testimony.
  • There was testimony by multiple people regarding contemporaneous communications.
FPOTUS#45 decided (a) not to present a defense, (b) not to testify, and (c) not to even appear in court for any of the proceedings.

The jury found in favor of Ms. Carroll based on a preponderance of the evidence (which is the civil standard) for liability.

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Yeah, fairy tales from a PSYCHOPATH that a TDS jury "believed".

She wasn't the only one that testified you know.

And yes, juries give a lot of weight to contemporaneous communications.

Maybe FPOTUS#45 should have provided a defense instead of blowing off the trial.

The evidence presented in court to the Jury.

Remember "evidence" include testimony.
  • There was Ms. Carroll's testimony.
  • There was testimony by multiple people regarding contemporaneous communications.
FPOTUS#45 decide (a) not to present a defense, (b) decided not to testify, and (c) decided not to even appear in court for any of the proceedings.

The jury found in favor of Ms. Carroll based on a preponderance of the evidence (which is the civil standard) for liability.

They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of the legal standard for civil cases.
They don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of the legal standard for civil cases.

There is not supposed to be a standard applied to FPOTUS#45.

He was literally found to be liable for sexual assault on 5th Avenue and they don't care. Bergdorf Goodman is on 5th Avenue for those that don't know.


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