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E TuTu Toast?


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012

"Lasciate Ongni Speranza Voi Che Entrate!"

Deep in the woods
I came upon
A tiny crevice

And entered
A deep ravine.
There I heard

The howling of
Human souls in
The most agonizing

Tones I have ever
Heard, so I inquired
And I stepped in...

The rock
Behind me shut
It's opening quickly like

Molten lava flying
And instantly became
Solid with no hope of escape.

Suddenly I heard
A tiny squeaky
Effeminate voice

Calling out! Pbel!
Pbel! I am ToastMann

I am to act
As your guide trough
This ZioNazi Hell!

Pbel, I am told
By my Master to
Confess to all our ZioNazi sins

To you against the Palestinians
And bring you face
To face

With death and dishonor.

I couldn't believe my eyes,
There stood a Toy soldier
Dressed in a pink

Tutu…Why are
You dressed like that
I Inquired?

Since I must obey
My Master's command
I will answer

You truthfully.
I was a molester

In life

And my role
In ZioNazi Hell
Is to service all

The Child molesters
Dressed in this

Form forever. I will
Guide you to
Their lair

And you will
See Roudy, very

My biggest tormentor,
For you shall see them all
The perverts, sodomites and

The masturbator,
For those are the wishes
Of my ZioNazi Master

In this ZioNazi hell!


With a lot of trepidation
I followed little pink tutu toy soldier
Through the smoky ruins with no elation...

"Do not worry Pbel"
As we walked by each fiery boulder,
"Nothing can hurt you in this ZioNazi hell...

For this is a spirit world
And cannot hurt you of flesh,
Only ZioNazi's here are hurled

Through fire their teeth they smash,
Each in their-own circle
Paying for their crimes in this clash"

We headed down
In a circular motion
Following the Tutu clown...

We passed much commotion
With agonized spirits in a frown,
And I tried to keep my own emotion

Steady and not give
Any indication of unreasonable fear,
So I followed footprints of this little queer.

Suddenly I heard singing
From a lower level of this hell...
The shrieking sound my ears were ringing:

"No one can see my face
No one can sense this bitter soul mine…

Though I walk down the street, smile and I greet...
No one can see and No one sense my ZioNazi Crime!"

Who is that? Floating in that fire
I asked my pink tutu-ed toy soldier?
Do not be afraid Sire,

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,

Its very wrinkled and the color of clay!

As We left this
Circle of fire
And went deeper

Into the earth,
The TuTu-ed toy soldier
continued our tour...

"He continued by
Saying: Baba Yaga as
Marg(e) was

Also known to suck
The lifeblood out of Palestinian children
With bullets

Rather than fighting with Water!

So, we continued into
The next Circle
Of hell

Just then: we entered
A Circle called "Plastic City!"
The repose of souls

On ice and fire,
So let's sit back and
Watch some scenes of Plastic

Hopes and dreams
Of dreams in turmoil and
Desire: of human beings on

Fire...of fingers
Snapping up their tune
of lonely faces and

Screeching cries, that always permeate this room!

Where are we, I asked the Pink TuTu-ed
Toy Soldier? "We are
In the lair

Of Ol’ Hossfly

A West Virgini
Moonshiner known as


He is my ZioNazi
Lover, said Toy." In

Why were you
Paired with him I asked
The Pink TuTu-ed

Toy soldier? "I am
A member of his band
I play the ukulele and we

Used to
Tiptoe through
The tulip gardens together...

As you can
See all members of
This Circle are queer,

Please, let's move on to the next circle my dear...


As we rounded
Past the lair of ol’ Hossfly
We could hear

The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered

By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody

From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see

The scums Jillian along
With the perv. Roudy
Pulling the triggers

In delight...

Why is this scene
Being played over and over
On these jagged walls

Like a giant screen?
The Pink TuTu-ed Toy soldier
Replied: "We are moving down into

The lowest level of our ZioNazi Hell
And this horrible scene
Is to prepare us

For one
Of the most horrific
Sinners in this


And we are all ashamed! "
I could hear the shrieking
Horrid sound along with the clanking

Of metal rolling and crunching
And screams again, again!
It was BubbazMom being

Run over by a Bulldozer, blood
Splatting, flesh splitting
But she arose completely

Whole and then the Dozer would
Repeat running her over
In time, like a metronome!

As we moved closer
I could see a child crying
So I asked:

What goes on TuTu soldier?

IRose had
No sympathy
For Rachel

Corrie's Mom,

And said Rachel deserved
To Die
But even Our ZioNazi Master

Was not evil enough
To put Bubba
Under the Dozer

To make the punishment
Fit the crime
It is Bubba who watches his mother die,

Over and over!

As we turned
Into a very narrow
Circle the pink

TuTu-ed toy soldier
Declared: I can go no further
Because you are about

To meet my Master
And none of the ZioNazis
Here have met or seen his face

For it is forbidden.
You can not talk just keep walking
And you will be in the woods


So alone, I turned
Towards the last circle
Of this hell

And there I felt
The presence of
The evil ZioNazi Master...

And I could not
Believe my eyes
It was

Adolph Hitler smiling
And waving as though as
He was the ringmaster in this

Evil Circus...He had Sniffer clutched
In one hand and MJ
in the other...

Twisting snarling, he pointed towards
The light and I gratefully
Nodded and finally exited this


" E quindi uscimo, a rivedir le stelle! "
Dante, et al,

All hope abandon ye who enter here leave!

And we emerged to gaze upon the stars again...


"Lasciate Ongni Speranza Voi Che Entrate!"

" E quindi uscimo, a rivedir le stelle! "

I marvel at your work...

Very Respectfully,
This silly poem was made up by Pazzo Phillip years and years ago with a few new lines thrown in (of course he thinks he is another Dante), and also he has brought some current posters along with old posters. Pbel, when is your next session with your therapist? You must be one of his most mentally ill patients and he is really in a quandary as to what to do with you. Perhaps have you committed??? By the way, Phillip, I don't think it was Toy Soldier (a poster of long, long, long ago), but you who prances around in a pink tutu and you project that fact onto posters you hate. Time for new ballerina slippers, Phillips, since the ones you have on now are wearing out with all that prancing about.
You'l like your inclussion as a West Virgini Hillbilly moonshiner? But we will pen one just for you...duplicity on demand!
The Unworldly Odor Of Pee Balls

Pbel Douchebag was not yet in the room
But rather like a sonic boom
a special scent announced his approach
Our lives have been blighted
By the smell he ignited
And I really must tell you
I won’t pull my punch
When Pbel opens his mouth
I can smell the shit he eats for lunch

So now it is time for reproach
Pee Balls, please take a shower
And relieve us of your power
To ruin our day
With a smell that just won't go away
You'l like your inclussion as a West Virgini Hillbilly moonshiner? But we will pen one just for you...duplicity on demand![/QUOTE]
Just be sure you don't miss your next appointment with your therapist. Be sure to tell him that you post poems dragging in the names of posters whom you hate, and even dragging in posters who stopped posting years and years ago but in your sick mind you still hate and will never forgive them for having a different viewpoint than you. Go ahead, sicko, and make one up about me to really verify to the readers how mentally ill you are as well as being very childish. No wonder you are known in your town as the Boston Village Idiot.
This silly poem was made up by Pazzo Phillip years and years ago with a few new lines thrown in (of course he thinks he is another Dante), and also he has brought some current posters along with old posters. Pbel, when is your next session with your therapist? You must be one of his most mentally ill patients and he is really in a quandary as to what to do with you. Perhaps have you committed??? By the way, Phillip, I don't think it was Toy Soldier (a poster of long, long, long ago), but you who prances around in a pink tutu and you project that fact onto posters you hate. Time for new ballerina slippers, Phillips, since the ones you have on now are wearing out with all that prancing about.

You'l like your inclussion as a West Virgini Hillbilly moonshiner? But we will pen one just for you...duplicity on demand!
Just be sure you don't miss your next appointment with your therapist. Be sure to tell him that you post poems dragging in the names of posters whom you hate, and even dragging in posters who stopped posting years and years ago but in your sick mind you still hate and will never forgive them for having a different viewpoint than you. Go ahead, sicko, and make one up about me to really verify to the readers how mentally ill you are as well as being very childish. No wonder you are known in your town as the Boston Village Idiot.

It is unfortunate that the moderators dragged my political satire to the genteel writing board and not leaving it in the Middle East discussion thread…

Hossfly, I don’t remotely hate you or anyone one who posts on these boards…for you to think that personal hate exists is scary…we are in America…As I’ve shown the names are props and interchangeable. The UN resolutions and public opinion has condemded all the atrocities that I noted in my Trilogy.

For the Heck of it, I will pen an ode to Ol’ Hossfly, called Duplicity on Demmand.
At least one of the purported 'atrocities' is a proven fake

And the fact that l'il Philsy states everyone's IDs are 'props and interchangeable' just underlines his dehumanization of whoever doesn't share his particular views.

It's always so amusing to me to watch the bigots repeat how they don't 'hate' the people whose humanity they continually deny.

L'il Philsy may have some small talent - but he's degrading and destroying it to use it as he has here.
Though I walk down the street, smile and I greet...
No one can see and No one sense my ZioNazi Crime!"

Who is that? Floating in that fire
I asked my pink tutu-ed toy soldier?
Do not be afraid Sire,

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,
At least one of the purported 'atrocities' is a proven fake

And the fact that l'il Philsy states everyone's IDs are 'props and interchangeable' just underlines his dehumanization of whoever doesn't share his particular views.

It's always so amusing to me to watch the bigots repeat how they don't 'hate' the people whose humanity they continually deny.

L'il Philsy may have some small talent - but he's degrading and destroying it to use it as he has here.

Come on, we all know Mohammed al Dura really was a Palestinian boy who Israel really killed, don't you ever get tired of spewing out all of the same old Zionist Hasbara lies?

And Israel really did carry out horrible human rights abuses in Jenin in 2002, like bulldozing people alive in their own houses, as documented by Amnesty!

Dont you ever get tired of defending child massacres, pretending they never happened?
No, we don't all know that lying shit you claimed.

I can't 'defend' what didn't happen.
Though I walk down the street, smile and I greet...
No one can see and No one sense my ZioNazi Crime!"

Who is that? Floating in that fire
I asked my pink tutu-ed toy soldier?
Do not be afraid Sire,

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,
Looks like Phillip is up to his old nonsense again, Marg, so it really is best to close your eyes to his ridiculous, childish poems. That is why so many of the readers on an old forum had no respect for him because he would drag up these ridiculous poems ad nauseam if someone went against his viewpoint. Only sick anti-Semites would enjoy these silly poems.
Though I walk down the street, smile and I greet...
No one can see and No one sense my ZioNazi Crime!"

Who is that? Floating in that fire
I asked my pink tutu-ed toy soldier?
Do not be afraid Sire,

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,
Looks like Phillip is up to his old nonsense again, Marg, so it really is best to close your eyes to his ridiculous, childish poems. That is why so many of the readers on an old forum had no respect for him because he would drag up these ridiculous poems ad nauseam if someone went against his viewpoint. Only sick anti-Semites would enjoy these silly poems.

Duplicity on Demand, a hired gun by the IDF Blog Brigade!
Though I walk down the street, smile and I greet...
No one can see and No one sense my ZioNazi Crime!"

Who is that? Floating in that fire
I asked my pink tutu-ed toy soldier?
Do not be afraid Sire,

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,
Looks like Phillip is up to his old nonsense again, Marg, so it really is best to close your eyes to his ridiculous, childish poems. That is why so many of the readers on an old forum had no respect for him because he would drag up these ridiculous poems ad nauseam if someone went against his viewpoint. Only sick anti-Semites would enjoy these silly poems.

Duplicity on Demand, a hired gun by the IDF Blog Brigade!
Why, Phillip, all you are is a hired Dhimwit for the radical Muslims. Let's see how far you get wandering around in one of the areas in which they are operating. By the way, Phillip. are you denying that you make up ridiculous poems about posters whose viewpoints differ from yours, and then drag up these poems for years on end, even though many of the posters in your poems are no longer posting and have not posted for years.
Ode to Ol’ hossfly

To the Tune “the night they tore Ol’ Dixie down.”

The night
Ol’ Hossfly

Blog Squad: the

Was brewing, and

He yelped: give me
More servings,
I need more for

My pain, while

Sitting here a lying
Like a dog all day:
I need more and

More of the same

Give me White
Power, I mean Lightning:
To hide my shame.

To be continued…
That's your problem, not even a coprophalic(what ever that means) wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot poll, Marg(e)....

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,

Its very wrinkled and the color of clay
Ode to Ol’ hossfly

To the Tune “the night they tore Ol’ Dixie down.”

The night
Ol’ Hossfly

Blog Squad: the

Was brewing, and

He yelped: give me
More servings,
I need more for

My pain, while

Sitting here a lying
Like a dog all day:
I need more and

More of the same

Give me White
Power, I mean Lightning:
To hide my shame.

To be continued…
Thank you very much, Phillip, for showing the readers how mentally ill you are. People surmised as much on another forum, but you keep on verifying this for the readers who had never seen you in action before. Don't worry, folks, if these boards are up ten years from now, the fool Phillip will be dragging up his new poem about me, the one he has made up about Marg, and of course the one that he made up practically ten years ago with the names of posters who are no longer posting, for Phillip has a long sick memory of those he couldn't stand because they thought differently from this sicko. Be sure and not skip your next therapist appointment, Phillip. I doubt if you will be completely cured, but maybe, maybe you can improve a little with enough sessions.
That's your problem, not even a coprophalic(what ever that means) wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot poll, Marg(e)....

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,

Its very wrinkled and the color of clay
Roses are red, violets are blue
Terrorist worshipping Monkeys like Pbel should be kept in the zoo.
Don't feel so angry, you will find me there too
Not in a cage but laughing at you.
That's your problem, not even a coprophalic(what ever that means) wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot poll, Marg(e)....

Just follow behind my shoulder...
For that is Marg(e)
A former Nazi performer,

Who used poor Polish
Workers as slave labor to this day...
Hides her face because, its not dollish,

Its very wrinkled and the color of clay
This one's for your girlfriend Sherri-Thing.

Twinkle twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
The Mental hospital is not so far.

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