Eagles owner calls for gun safety legislation

Someone should tell the ultra-liberal Mr. Lurie that anyone wanting gun safety and gun training should join the NRA. That's what they do and Liberal pukes hate the NRA. :dunno:
So he does not have a right to his opinion? I thought you MAGA types and Libertarians want everyone to be able to speak their opinion. I suppose that is true, except of their opinion does not agree with the MAGA/Libertarian opinion.

Then it is "stick to the sports." You are a hypocrite of the greatest degree.
Why would DeSantis do that? Is he a groomer too, like Mickey Mouse?

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Everyone wants gun violence to slow, if not stop.

Legislators at every level have been working on this problem for generations - city councils, state legislatures, Presidents, mayors, governors, and Congress have passed scores of laws, regulations, executive orders, you name it. Nothing changes.

And still, every time there is a mass shooting, politicians, pundits, and other prominent persons take to the microphones to imply that "we" simply lack the courage to do what is right - do what is needed to stop these mass shootings.

It's all bullshit.

If anyone knew what the solution was, it would have been done a long time ago. Nobody does.

Politicians are horrible; Leftists are evil. Nothing more you need to know.
Everyone wants gun violence to slow, if not stop.

Legislators at every level have been working on this problem for generations - city councils, state legislatures, Presidents, mayors, governors, and Congress have passed scores of laws, regulations, executive orders, you name it. Nothing changes.

And still, every time there is a mass shooting, politicians, pundits, and other prominent persons take to the microphones to imply that "we" simply lack the courage to do what is right - do what is needed to stop these mass shootings.

It's all bullshit.

If anyone knew what the solution was, it would have been done a long time ago. Nobody does.

Politicians are horrible; Leftists are evil. Nothing more you need to know.
Explain why other Democratic countries don't see best the number of mass shooting as the US

Simple...they don't have the NRA or the repub party.
Everyone wants gun violence to slow, if not stop.

Legislators at every level have been working on this problem for generations - city councils, state legislatures, Presidents, mayors, governors, and Congress have passed scores of laws, regulations, executive orders, you name it. Nothing changes.

And still, every time there is a mass shooting, politicians, pundits, and other prominent persons take to the microphones to imply that "we" simply lack the courage to do what is right - do what is needed to stop these mass shootings.

It's all bullshit.

If anyone knew what the solution was, it would have been done a long time ago. Nobody does.

Politicians are horrible; Leftists are evil. Nothing more you need to know.
Explain to me why other democratic nations don't see the level of mass shootings as the US.

Answer: They don't have the NRA or their check cashing repub party.
Everyone wants gun violence to slow, if not stop.

Legislators at every level have been working on this problem for generations - city councils, state legislatures, Presidents, mayors, governors, and Congress have passed scores of laws, regulations, executive orders, you name it. Nothing changes.

And still, every time there is a mass shooting, politicians, pundits, and other prominent persons take to the microphones to imply that "we" simply lack the courage to do what is right - do what is needed to stop these mass shootings.

It's all bullshit.

If anyone knew what the solution was, it would have been done a long time ago. Nobody does.

Politicians are horrible; Leftists are evil. Nothing more you need to know.
The solution is to drop relative morality and go back to objective morality but no one wants to do that. They would rather bend objective morality to their own proclivities and then act holier than thou. Radical feminist dogma needs to be obliterated because that has emasculated boys. The nation needs to go back to a more patriarcal society because it is way too feminine now.
Explain to me why other democratic nations don't see the level of mass shootings as the US.

Answer: They don't have the NRA or their check cashing repub party.
Wrong answer again proggy. Ya'll just spout off whatever they tell you without questioning anything.
The NRA doesn't rank anywhere close to the top when it comes to lobbying.
Other democratic countries like Switzerland & Israel also have high rates of gun ownership but lower gun violnce rates.
How is it possible if the fault just lies with gun ownership?

Yeah, desantis is punishing private entities for expressing their opinion on his lame decisions. Kinda reminds you of Poootin, huh?
Huh I didn’t realize taking away special tax breaks was a punishment.
desantis punishes anyone who disagrees with him. Sound familar?

Billionaires trying to take guns away from the middle class.

Serfdom isn't far behind.

Look at the so called progressive morons supporting their enslavement.
Huh I didn’t realize taking away special tax breaks was a punishment.
Desantis did the same think to Disney. "You disagree with me and I am going to take away a perk. Cause I don't want to hear you opinion if it differs from mine."

desantis is just a miniature trump who is vengeful and psychotic. Evidently freedom of speech applies only if it is the same as MAGA?
Billionaires trying to take guns away from the middle class.

Serfdom isn't far behind.

Look at the so called progressive morons supporting their enslavement.
How about we take guns away from crazies? You want another 18 year old to buy two assault rifle....while federal law says he can't buy.a pistol. That is crazy!
Desantis did the same think to Disney. "You disagree with me and I am going to take away a perk. Cause I don't want to hear you opinion if it differs from mine."

desantis is just a miniature trump who is vengeful and psychotic. Evidently freedom of speech applies only if it is the same as MAGA?
Should the government give private corporations special tax breaks? Especially ones as big and wealthy as Disney? There likely was a time when it made sense that time likely has passed. And if it does when it ends them is that a punishment? If Florida were requiring Disney to pay more then other companies operating in Florida then I would see your point. But that’s not what happened. Disney just has to “pay it’s fair share” now right? Should their opposition to that bill been the catalyst for that? Probably not but ultimately repealing those special privileges is probably the right call. Are you mad that the privleges were revoked or who revoked them?
Desantis did the same think to Disney. "You disagree with me and I am going to take away a perk. Cause I don't want to hear you opinion if it differs from mine."

desantis is just a miniature trump who is vengeful and psychotic. Evidently freedom of speech applies only if it is the same as MAGA?
says the chump who puts people on ignore,or so he claims,for disagreeing with him....you are just like the ones you whine about jimmy....

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