Early family formation is the human norm; why have we made it so exceptional?

Sadly we are no longer having children at the same rate that our grandparents did. Boebert is right.

---Young people have internalized the idea that responsible sex is not necessarily the kind that takes place within the socially and religiously sanctioned bond of marriage but the one that postpones it. When marriage is delayed indefinitely, celibacy is an uphill battle---

"religiously sanctioned bond of marriage"............:heehee:
---The world’s farming population is growing older. As young people increasingly chose city life, who is going to grow our food?---

Well, the Right can make another typical move....pass laws FORCING people to stay on farms to work.
Children are a person's investment in their own genetic future. If they choose to opt out for material gain, personal comfort, or selfish indulgence; so be it. Darwin works in many ways...

And they will rely on the children of others to care for them late in life.

I sincerely believe the child tax credit should expand throughout the life of the parent for that reason
There are a lot of responsibilities of adulthood, having offspring is only one of them.

Not everyone CAN have children, but devoting one's life to irresponsibility and self-gratification is childish and NOT how a real man comports himself. Those who post here 'boasting' about never getting married and/or having children out of choice are NOT men.
Young people aspire to more in this life than just get married, have kids, work incessantly, chase after the kids, was, rinse, repeat. They're careers are providing them with other possibilities that are more appealing. I applaud them because they are entitled to NOT have kids if they desire. Some wackos believe that it's the young females DUTY to have kids for the good of the nation. That's ummm wrong.
That's more NAZI-like behavior from the Right.
I fully disagree with the article. Get educated, work into you mid to late 30s then have kids. At that point one has been able to secure finances and can properly afford kids. Also there'd be a lot less abortions as well. No downsides.

There are downsides.
Why don't you write your representative and ask them to pass legislation capping the number of Children parents can have, like '1 per child' as China did?

If you mention China's previous policy and that it would be great for Global Warming I am sure Biden would live it. He might even bypass Congress and make it an edict.
Why don't you write your Representative and ask them to pass legislation FORCING people to have multiple children.
Not everyone CAN have children, but devoting one's life to irresponsibility and self-gratification is childish and NOT how a real man comports himself. Those who post here 'boasting' about never getting married and/or having children out of choice are NOT men.

I am sure they will be crushed to know that some dude on the internet thinks of them!
Well, the Right can make another typical move....pass laws FORCING people to stay on farms to work.

It's the democrats who have historically forced Americans into concentration camps where they were forced to farm.
Not everyone CAN have children, but devoting one's life to irresponsibility and self-gratification is childish and NOT how a real man comports himself. Those who post here 'boasting' about never getting married and/or having children out of choice are NOT men.
No...it's just another choice. What is it about you that you have such a bee in your bonnet about those who CHOOSE to not have children?

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