Easter Break Isn't Going Well For This FL Teabagger


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013

CONSTITUENT: You’ve voted to repeal it approximately 50 times. Had zero votes on a replacement. So my question is, why do you think it is so good to deny seniors on Part D to make them pay more, about $4,000 more for medicine, and people with pre-existing conditions get denied insurance, have 26-year-olds have a harder time getting insurance because they can’t get on their parents’? Why do you think those are good ideas?
ROSS: I don’t. I think one of the most unfortunate things my party did the last three years was not offer an alternative to health care. I’ve always felt that way. I think it’s absurd when I tell people that this isn’t what you should do, but I don’t have an alternative for you.
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Liberals always ASSume those who fail to worship Their New Messiah (hereinafter "TNM") are sexually aberrant, probably because of their fixation on "ass".
As more and more people get affordable health care insurance, the GOP is going to look increasingly irrelevant and insane. Both of which are not good for a poltical party.
ROSS: I don’t. I think one of the most unfortunate things my party did the last three years was not offer an alternative to health care. I’ve always felt that way. I think it’s absurd when I tell people that this isn’t what you should do, but I don’t have an alternative for you.

Confirming the fact that the right’s opposition to the ACA is purely partisan, having nothing to do with the facts and merits of the Act, and everything to do with the current occupant in the WH.

Oh, you're not allowed to call it Obamacare.

We understand.

We still laugh but we DO understand.

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