Eat it liberals. Hillary's lie of a book never made number 1, but guess what did?

Hillary is over. She knows it. She's cancelled the balance of her book tour and has stopped accepting speaking engagements. She was reduced to comparing herself to FDR and John Quincy Adams as justification for her being president. That fell on its face.

She's not stupid. She won't run. She will sit down, shut up and let her political career die a natural death.
Keep up the fantasy world libs. Obama is plummeting in the polls and NO ONE wants to vote for his successor.
If it was no one you guys wouldn't be constantly attacking the former SOS...

That's like saying if we weren't worried about Hitler, we wouldn't constantly criticize him. (No I am no saying she is like Hilter)

That makes no sense. We criticize her because there are REASONS TO DO SO.

Number one, being she is a pathological liar. From her "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, to her "Sniper Fire" in Bosnia, to her "Video causing Benghazi, to her "Being broke after Bill left the Whitehouse."

The woman couldn't tell the truth if she tried!

Then there is her COMPLETE incompetence. What does she have to hang her hat on? Benghazi???? That embarrassing "restart" with Russia with the Staples button?

We criticize her because there are reasons to do so.

But keep rationalizing. Live in your fantasy world where everyone thinks she's the smartest most capable woman ever. No one else is joining you there.

Further evidence that the Hillary 2016 screed is pure fantasy. She's totally unlikable with anyone who isn't moonbat crazy and she has tons of baggage, not the least of which is Bill.

If you guys can't read polls I can't help you. And what's your plan, run Magic Underpants again?

The public is so sorry for not electing Romney the first time, they are clamoring for a do-over. It's unlikely that the Saul Alinsky rule for ridicule will work next time.
The only reason Conservatives are attacking Hillary with such ferocity is due to the fact that they know the time is coming that when she announces she is running for president -- it's all over for them. They are running like scared rabbits all over the place scrambling and trying to say this and that and have books published to try to show her in bad light but in the end she will become the next President of the United States and there are some folks who are so intensely scared of that fact that they are now running around with diarrhea dripping down their legs. Give 'Em Hell Hillary!! :D

right now the democrats realize hitlary is toast. they have a new wilder voice to swoon over: Elizabeth Warren, who actually might win, which scares me.

Hitlary is a monster the democrats will lose over. She gets in the news where she talks, her numbers tank.

Warren goes through the roof
Hillary is over. She knows it. She's cancelled the balance of her book tour and has stopped accepting speaking engagements. She was reduced to comparing herself to FDR and John Quincy Adams as justification for her being president. That fell on its face.

She's not stupid. She won't run. She will sit down, shut up and let her political career die a natural death.
She is welcome to do whatever she likes. She earned that long ago. And you guys seem to have missed the fable of the Phoenix? Oh well, carry on...
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The only reason Conservatives are attacking Hillary with such ferocity is due to the fact that they know the time is coming that when she announces she is running for president -- it's all over for them. They are running like scared rabbits all over the place scrambling and trying to say this and that and have books published to try to show her in bad light but in the end she will become the next President of the United States and there are some folks who are so intensely scared of that fact that they are now running around with diarrhea dripping down their legs. Give 'Em Hell Hillary!! :D

Actually no, but thanks for speaking to that which you can not know.

We fear Hillary because we see what happened when an inexperience person took over POTUS, 6 years of one disaster after another. We don't want the same with Hillary. Besides it is time to clean the threshing floor and get someone new not another Washington insider.

** She is a renowned leader with lots of damn good experience that the country will undoubtedly greatly benefit from given the chance. The country needs someone who has worked in Washington who understands the workings of it and the people who run it.

Suggestion for the future, speak for yourself.
Advice you should learn to use for yourself.
Further evidence that the Hillary 2016 screed is pure fantasy. She's totally unlikable with anyone who isn't moonbat crazy and she has tons of baggage, not the least of which is Bill.

And Benghazi!

None of which contributed to her downfall. She did herself in. Her complaints of poverty struck a chord that didn't sit well. Not even with democrats. In a week she lost 11 points. Then she tried to fix it by claiming that all the money from her speaking was donated to charity, which just happened to be her own Clinton Foundation.

Support For Hillary Drops 11 Points?Among Democrats | The Weekly Standard

This was the equivalent of the Dean Scream. One thoughtless moment. Hillary is done.
Hillary is over. She knows it. She's cancelled the balance of her book tour and has stopped accepting speaking engagements. She was reduced to comparing herself to FDR and John Quincy Adams as justification for her being president. That fell on its face.

She's not stupid. She won't run. She will sit down, shut up and let her political career die a natural death.

for which we will all be thankful. Even the Democrats, when they think things over.
Speaking of books, I see Costco changed their mind about "America" due to popular demand.
PaintMyHouse is right, America is for sale and Hillary will run and promise the world to the masses, and even though she won't be able to deliver, the crowd that wants handouts will vote for her false promises, just like Obama in 2008. Then, just like Obama, she will blame the Republicans for her promise not getting fulfilled.

She is clever and deceitful, and lies well, that makes her a real problem for Republicans. The masses, like the free handouts and she will promise tons of free stuff.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
She will be President of the United States in less than 3 years.

He will never be President of the United States... ever.

Suck it cons.
I wonder about
the sanity of anyone whose day revolves around the sales of politicians' books. :D

That's right. Number 1 at Amazon and there isn't a damn thing you can do abou it.

Oh, you'll do the typical of your ilk. You'll whine. You'll scream he's a racist and a criminal. Everyone's a "criminal" that doesn't zeig heil to Obama, right?

You'll quote other paranoid zombies of your ilk who will smear D'Zouza. But what you won't be able to do is stop that book from selling and people READING it.

I took my kid to see "How to Train your Dragon 2" last Friday. The deal I made? This Friday she comes with me to see "America." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And that's another thing you can't stop either. Us taking our KIDS to that movie and teaching our kids the truth about you liberals.

Eat it all around!


Yeah, it's because conservative websites buy bulk orders and sell them to rubes like you for $ 2.50. Almost all of the Con websites have a book order section, selling them for pennies on the dollar just to keep you mouthbreathers to keep coming to their website.
"Anyone who has kept track of D’Souza’s untidy private life and recent legal difficulties may approach “America” wondering: Will he or won’t he? And as it turns out: Yes, he does indeed acknowledge his arrest and subsequent plea bargain for violation of campaign finance laws.

But D’Souza shrewdly places this acknowledgement in the context of a lengthy final section devoted to dire warnings about increased government surveillance of U.S. citizenry, charges of politically motivated law enforcement, and heavy-handed efforts by prosecutors to wring guilty pleas from defendants with threats of maximum prison sentences. Everything leads to the melodramatic image of a handcuffed D’Souza anxiously cooling his heels in a dank jail cell, hammering home the message: In Obama’s un-American America, this … could … happen … to … you.

By the way: It will be interesting to see how some viewers react to D’Souza’s repeated (and approving) depiction of the Civil War as a noble battle waged by Abraham Lincoln and his Union Army solely to end slavery in the United States. Quite a few far-right, states-rights zealots might beg to differ with that view of American history."
?America: Imagine the World Without Her? Review: Dinesh D?Souza Strikes Again | Variety
So few of Hillary Clinton's constituents can read.

For example, the illiteracy rate in Detroit...where Democrats and Teachers Unions have been in control for 50 over 50 percent.
"But no: Despite its provocative title, the film — most of it, at least — is less speculative fiction than impassioned counterpoint. Drawing largely from his own published work, D’Souza offers a point-by-point response to historical revisionists, social activists and community organizers who want to define America as “a predatory colonial power,” and dwell on such unpleasant topics as the decimation of Native Americans, the mistreatment of blacks and Mexicans, and the widening gap between rich and poor in a capitalist society.

To his credit, D’Souza gives screen time to a few interviewees — like Native American rights activist Charmaine White Face — who clearly aren’t buying what he’s selling. For the most part, however, D’Souza gives the impression of someone obsessed with whitewashing any and all dark chapters in U.S. history books."
?America: Imagine the World Without Her? Review: Dinesh D?Souza Strikes Again | Variety

A perfect movie for you guys. America, spinning away from the truth as fast as DD can pedal, and straight for his bank...

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