Eat it liberals. Hillary's lie of a book never made number 1, but guess what did?

Democrats in office have already moved on to Elizabeth Warren. I hope she runs. I surely hope it's her.
But...but Hillary's one of the smartest women in the whole wide world. So smart that in 07 she had her party's nomination all wrapped up, a complete shoe-in to be the first woman to occupy the Oval Office right up until a nobody empty suit with zero experience in anything chewed her to pieces like a puppy let ĺoose on a rag doll.
Q. Who purchased the book in question to make it number 1?

Q. Was it a large number of individuals, or two brothers who will give it away?

That's right. Number 1 at Amazon and there isn't a damn thing you can do abou it. America: Imagine a World without Her: Dinesh D'Souza: 9781621572039: Books

Oh, you'll do the typical of your ilk. You'll whine. You'll scream he's a racist and a criminal. Everyone's a "criminal" that doesn't zeig heil to Obama, right?

You'll quote other paranoid zombies of your ilk who will smear D'Zouza. But what you won't be able to do is stop that book from selling and people READING it.

I took my kid to see "How to Train your Dragon 2" last Friday. The deal I made? This Friday she comes with me to see "America." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And that's another thing you can't stop either. Us taking our KIDS to that movie and teaching our kids the truth about you liberals.

Eat it all around!


And Rush mentioned this morning that Costco has done a 180 turnaround!

They are going to sell D'Souza's "America" in their chain of stores after all, now that it is #1 on the Best Seller list.

As if that was why it wasn't going to be sold previously?
But...but Hillary's one of the smartest women in the whole wide world. So smart that in 07 she had her party's nomination all wrapped up, a complete shoe-in to be the first woman to occupy the Oval Office right up until a nobody empty suit with zero experience in anything chewed her to pieces like a puppy let ĺoose on a rag doll.

Kind of like Reagan in 1976, what?

I guess if you lose elections, crowing about book sales is sort of a consolation prize.

Righties, we're happy to give you that consolation prize. Especially if it gets you to step back from the ledge.
D'Souza makes money off gullible conservatives, all the while losing on the issues he advocates for.

Starting with, for example, same sex marriage. D'Souza opposes it. How's that working out?

Taking issue with D'Souza's position on same sex marriage is kinda like taking issue with BO's vacationing cost, duration, frequency and choice of time and place.

That is hardly what we would choose to criticize him for.
She will be President of the United States in less than 3 years.

He will never be President of the United States... ever.

Suck it cons.

And she certainly deserves it.

Four dead at Benghazi.


Four people died in a war zone. So fucking what? They were the ONLY American casualties throughout the war that overthrew Gaddafi, which was led by President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

How many Americans had to die for Bush to overthrow Saddam? Do you see Democrats still whining about that as being the only reason Bush sucked? No, because Bush actually DID suck, and it showed in every single action he ever took or speech her ever gave, hence us not dwelling on the casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention on 9/11, all of which were solely Bush's fault. Myss Clyntyn, on the other hand, is perfect is all ways, and you raging conservatards can only come up with "hurr durr ppl died during a war" as mud to sling against hyr.

You manpigs and your misogyny are beyond pathetic.
Actually no, but thanks for speaking to that which you can not know.

We fear Hillary because we see what happened when an inexperience person took over POTUS, 6 years of one disaster after another. We don't want the same with Hillary. Besides it is time to clean the threshing floor and get someone new not another Washington insider.

** She is a renowned leader with lots of damn good experience that the country will undoubtedly greatly benefit from given the chance. The country needs someone who has worked in Washington who understands the workings of it and the people who run it.

Suggestion for the future, speak for yourself.
Advice you should learn to use for yourself.

I didn't speak for you nor did I modify quotes as you did.
There was no modification of any quotes. The (**) has always been known as the part where I interject my responses to something being said though I get tired of constantly having to explain it to people who should already know that by now such as by my having to say: "** Means PoliticalTorch's responses." Just about everyone knows I have always said that in the past and I thought that was clearly understood by now without the need to constantly interject that aforementioned sentence.

That's right. Number 1 at Amazon and there isn't a damn thing you can do abou it. America: Imagine a World without Her: Dinesh D'Souza: 9781621572039: Books

Oh, you'll do the typical of your ilk. You'll whine. You'll scream he's a racist and a criminal. Everyone's a "criminal" that doesn't zeig heil to Obama, right?

You'll quote other paranoid zombies of your ilk who will smear D'Zouza. But what you won't be able to do is stop that book from selling and people READING it.

I took my kid to see "How to Train your Dragon 2" last Friday. The deal I made? This Friday she comes with me to see "America." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And that's another thing you can't stop either. Us taking our KIDS to that movie and teaching our kids the truth about you liberals.

Eat it all around!

As with many others, I do not care about reading books concerning political candidates for president or those from people inspiring to be. Books don't run the White House. People do. And the one who will be chosen in 2016 to do just that and who will run it is Hillary Clinton.

You need to also take a serious look at this thread for more on Hillary!
Democrats in office have already moved on to Elizabeth Warren. I hope she runs. I surely hope it's her.

I hope she doesn't. She is everything that hitlary isn't: genuine, forthright, engaging. she doesn't have the record of incompetence in the job. She is batshit, but that is a qualification as far as the democrats think....
Democrats in office have already moved on to Elizabeth Warren. I hope she runs. I surely hope it's her.

I hope Warren runs too, if just to pull Hillary to the left. I'll vote for her. But I'm also a realist about her chances, being that she polls about 40 points behind Hillary.
which bills itself as a forum for "Powerful Conservative Voices" ends his review with; " You will once again be able to pick up a thoughtful love letter to your country, along with a huge tub of mayonnaise, a whole case of canned soda, and a year’s supply of laundry detergent."

I don't think he saw that as the not-so-subtle irony it is considering the Hymn to "American Exceptionalism" he is praising.

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