Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

It is a Biblical quote. I did not say it. In Biblical terms, they are both sins against the Lord. All people sin. It is "only" the homosexual activists that claim "their" sinful behavior is not a sin. To people, some sins seem worse than others, but for the Lord, we don't know how He judges sins. We will discover that on judgement day. I know that I have as sinned, and that I will have to answer for those sins. I will not be standing there arguing with the Lord about how he made me prone to sin or about why He put temptations in my path. He also gave me the power (thru prayer) to overcome and lessen my sinning (thru the Holy Spirit). He gave the same power to every other person. It is up to them to choose.

I am a straight, non "homosexual activist", country boy, flannel shirt wearing, former football playing, married with 3 children, tobacco chewing, beer swilling, deer hunting and bass catching southerner that claims homosexuals are not committing sin with their behavior.
Jesus never said it was so I do not believe it.
And if you claim that religous activists treat those that drink a little too much the same way they do gay folks you are in serious denial.
Gay folks are persecuted for being what God made them.
Why don't you focus on that and call out those so called "Christians" that are at the head of the line gay bashing?

...."He went on: ‘What comes out of a man is what makes him `unclean.' For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man `unclean." ....

Are you calling Yeshua a liar? By what authority do you declare an act pure, when the Lord, himself has declared it a sin, and His Son also?

"his son also"
BS. Jesus never condemned homosexuals.
Weak attempt but once again YOU ARE WRONG.
Really? You just told me to go to hell, didn't you?

God doesn't exist. What would be a sin, would be for me to leave my love of 26 years because of YOUR negative judgment.

I did not see where you were told to "go to hell".
You are the only person that has "control" over your life. You have made your choices up to this point and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. You are the one that wanted to flaunt your choices and claim they were not a sin. Many of us disagree with you and can demonstrate where the Lord has declared that behavior "sinful".

Do you tell everyone they have negatively judged you that disagrees with you?

I tell people who negatively judge me that they have negatively judged me. Like you for instance.

I use my "judgement" as you use your "judgement". I have absolutely no power what so ever to "judge" you. I would not want to, you see my sins are probably worse than yours (except maybe denying the Lord part). I pray that the Lord has mercy on us all, including homosexuals.
You're nuts. You're looking for sin everywhere. I feel sorry for you. Why don't you mind your own business?

Are you suggesting that I leave people that deceive others keep deceiving? Are you saying that people that steal and murder should be allowed to continue as long as "it is not my business"?
WTF don't you get on the cases of people who committ crimes like murder, instead of trying to police everyone's bedroom?

Why are YOU so hung up on other people's sex lives?

Why do "you" keep bringing your bedroom into public? I would be thrilled if you took it back to your bedroom and spoke no more about it.

I am not "hung up" on other people's sex lives. I was correcting you deceitfulness of telling others that homosexual acts are not a sin.

When I go after "murderers", you defend them and want to claim that the people that support them are good people (does islam ring a bell).

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception? If crimes are terrible to you, how do you feel about leading people away from eternal life?
Are you suggesting that I leave people that deceive others keep deceiving? Are you saying that people that steal and murder should be allowed to continue as long as "it is not my business"?
WTF don't you get on the cases of people who committ crimes like murder, instead of trying to police everyone's bedroom?

Why are YOU so hung up on other people's sex lives?

Why do "you" keep bringing your bedroom into public? I would be thrilled if you took it back to your bedroom and spoke no more about it.

I am not "hung up" on other people's sex lives. I was correcting you deceitfulness of telling others that homosexual acts are not a sin.

When I go after "murderers", you defend them and want to claim that the people that support them are good people (does islam ring a bell).

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception? If crimes are terrible to you, how do you feel about leading people away from eternal life?
I never talk about the bedroom. Homosexuality is a sin to the narrow minded bigots like you.
Are you suggesting that I leave people that deceive others keep deceiving? Are you saying that people that steal and murder should be allowed to continue as long as "it is not my business"?

There is a difference in sin and crime.

They know that but their belief and support of everything and anything "Christian" allows fraud and fabrication to enter into their arguments.
Very unChristlike.
Follow Jesus and one does not worry about or condemn homosexuals.
Humans made that up, not Jesus.
And shame on those that condemn others for being what God made them.

You have seen the scriptures where Yeshua declares lewd and immoral sex (among other things) as sinful behavior. I have asked if you are calling Yeshua a liar. You have not answered, but continue the bearing of false witness against the Lord (and you want to say that I am "unChristlike").

The Lord made the people that are murderers, cleptos, drug addicts, etc., are you telling them that they should act on their temptations because that is the way "God made them"?
There is a difference in sin and crime.

They know that but their belief and support of everything and anything "Christian" allows fraud and fabrication to enter into their arguments.
Very unChristlike.
Follow Jesus and one does not worry about or condemn homosexuals.
Humans made that up, not Jesus.
And shame on those that condemn others for being what God made them.

You have seen the scriptures where Yeshua declares lewd and immoral sex (among other things) as sinful behavior. I have asked if you are calling Yeshua a liar. You have not answered, but continue the bearing of false witness against the Lord (and you want to say that I am "unChristlike").

The Lord made the people that are murderers, cleptos, drug addicts, etc., are you telling them that they should act on their temptations because that is the way "God made them"?

Homosexual and lesbians are not automatically evil. We have the same humanity as anyone else.

You are a bigot.
WTF don't you get on the cases of people who committ crimes like murder, instead of trying to police everyone's bedroom?

Why are YOU so hung up on other people's sex lives?

Why do "you" keep bringing your bedroom into public? I would be thrilled if you took it back to your bedroom and spoke no more about it.

I am not "hung up" on other people's sex lives. I was correcting you deceitfulness of telling others that homosexual acts are not a sin.

When I go after "murderers", you defend them and want to claim that the people that support them are good people (does islam ring a bell).

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception? If crimes are terrible to you, how do you feel about leading people away from eternal life?
I never talk about the bedroom. Homosexuality is a sin to the narrow minded bigots like you.

Sky, now the names .... how disappointing.

Yes, you speak of the bedroom: my love of 26 years..... Are you aware of my sexual status? Do you know if I am in a relationship? If you don't that might be because I do not throw my "bedroom" into public discussion. You do.

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception?
They know that but their belief and support of everything and anything "Christian" allows fraud and fabrication to enter into their arguments.
Very unChristlike.
Follow Jesus and one does not worry about or condemn homosexuals.
Humans made that up, not Jesus.
And shame on those that condemn others for being what God made them.

You have seen the scriptures where Yeshua declares lewd and immoral sex (among other things) as sinful behavior. I have asked if you are calling Yeshua a liar. You have not answered, but continue the bearing of false witness against the Lord (and you want to say that I am "unChristlike").

The Lord made the people that are murderers, cleptos, drug addicts, etc., are you telling them that they should act on their temptations because that is the way "God made them"?

Homosexual and lesbians are not automatically evil. We have the same humanity as anyone else.

You are a bigot.

I have never, NEVER stated that homosexuals "automatically evil". I have repeatedly stated that others, including myself commit sins, and are no better than those that participate in homosexual acts. I have given homosexual credit for being just as human as everyone else, hence the opportunity to make better choices.

You are a bigot. I have pointed out that Christian communities are among the safest and most productive in the world, yet you claim that is a poor choice. The facts are on my side, yet you cling to your superstitious beliefs that somehow the faith you have chosen will magically make all mankind better, when it's leaders are systematically being murdered by the "religion of peace". I repeat: you are a bigot.
Why do "you" keep bringing your bedroom into public? I would be thrilled if you took it back to your bedroom and spoke no more about it.

I am not "hung up" on other people's sex lives. I was correcting you deceitfulness of telling others that homosexual acts are not a sin.

When I go after "murderers", you defend them and want to claim that the people that support them are good people (does islam ring a bell).

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception? If crimes are terrible to you, how do you feel about leading people away from eternal life?
I never talk about the bedroom. Homosexuality is a sin to the narrow minded bigots like you.

Sky, now the names .... how disappointing.

Yes, you speak of the bedroom: my love of 26 years..... Are you aware of my sexual status? Do you know if I am in a relationship? If you don't that might be because I do not throw my "bedroom" into public discussion. You do.

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception?

If you say you have a husband, is that throwing the bedroom into public discussion?

No, it's not. YOU are a bigot. YOU can ONLY think of gay people in SEXUAL terms. We are not even human to you.
Is it still true that having sex other than to pro create is a sin? I am pretty sure masturbation is still a no no.

I am really sure molesting choir boys is still wrong somewhere in the book.
Is it still true that having sex other than to pro create is a sin? I am pretty sure masturbation is still a no no.

I am really sure molesting choir boys is still wrong somewhere in the book.

Some people don't know the difference between sex and sex abuse.
I never talk about the bedroom. Homosexuality is a sin to the narrow minded bigots like you.

Sky, now the names .... how disappointing.

Yes, you speak of the bedroom: my love of 26 years..... Are you aware of my sexual status? Do you know if I am in a relationship? If you don't that might be because I do not throw my "bedroom" into public discussion. You do.

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception?

If you say you have a husband, is that throwing the bedroom into public discussion?

No, it's not. YOU are a bigot. YOU can ONLY think of gay people in SEXUAL terms. We are not even human to you.

More deception? Where did I say that I only thought of homosexuals in SEXUAL terms? Where did I claim that you are not "even human".

It is quite the opposite. I am suggesting holding homosexuals responsible for their decisions and their actions. I know that is a "mature" viewpoint, and I can see how you would not want to be held responsible for your actions, but I have suggested nothing more serious than that.
Is it still true that having sex other than to pro create is a sin? I am pretty sure masturbation is still a no no.

I am really sure molesting choir boys is still wrong somewhere in the book.

So, tell us how you feel about "dancing boys"?
You people DO realize that homosexuality and lesbianism are different, right?

Do you ALSO realize that there is nothing in the Bible against lesbianism?

There is something in the Bible against:

Bearing false witness (that would be deceiving a family)
Not honoring your parents (seriously, how many parents introduce their toddles as future homosexuals)
Coveting (your neighbors' children, no matter what age)

Do lesbians do any of those? If they do, they are acting sinfully.

Hey.......if you come clean and your family accepts it, then you're not bearing false witness nor are you dishonoring your parents (because you trust them enough to tell them the truth).

Incidentally, more pedophiles are heterosexual in nature than gay or lesbian. And no, I've never met a lesbian who was a pedophile, and I've known a few.
Sky, now the names .... how disappointing.

Yes, you speak of the bedroom: my love of 26 years..... Are you aware of my sexual status? Do you know if I am in a relationship? If you don't that might be because I do not throw my "bedroom" into public discussion. You do.

You still did not answer my question: should I leave deception alone, or should I point it out as a deception?

If you say you have a husband, is that throwing the bedroom into public discussion?

No, it's not. YOU are a bigot. YOU can ONLY think of gay people in SEXUAL terms. We are not even human to you.

More deception? Where did I say that I only thought of homosexuals in SEXUAL terms? Where did I claim that you are not "even human".

It is quite the opposite. I am suggesting holding homosexuals responsible for their decisions and their actions. I know that is a "mature" viewpoint, and I can see how you would not want to be held responsible for your actions, but I have suggested nothing more serious than that.

There is absolutely NOTHING sinful in two women loving each other and being family for each other for many decades.

It is YOU who have the problem. You want us to go to hell. Fuck you.
They know that but their belief and support of everything and anything "Christian" allows fraud and fabrication to enter into their arguments.
Very unChristlike.
Follow Jesus and one does not worry about or condemn homosexuals.
Humans made that up, not Jesus.
And shame on those that condemn others for being what God made them.

You have seen the scriptures where Yeshua declares lewd and immoral sex (among other things) as sinful behavior. I have asked if you are calling Yeshua a liar. You have not answered, but continue the bearing of false witness against the Lord (and you want to say that I am "unChristlike").

The Lord made the people that are murderers, cleptos, drug addicts, etc., are you telling them that they should act on their temptations because that is the way "God made them"?

Homosexual and lesbians are not automatically evil. We have the same humanity as anyone else.

You are a bigot.
faggots can take a 10 min shit in 5 min:ssex:
You have seen the scriptures where Yeshua declares lewd and immoral sex (among other things) as sinful behavior. I have asked if you are calling Yeshua a liar. You have not answered, but continue the bearing of false witness against the Lord (and you want to say that I am "unChristlike").

The Lord made the people that are murderers, cleptos, drug addicts, etc., are you telling them that they should act on their temptations because that is the way "God made them"?

Homosexual and lesbians are not automatically evil. We have the same humanity as anyone else.

You are a bigot.
faggots can take a 10 min shit in 5 min:ssex:

That must mean that a closet case like yourself can totally evacuate their bowels in less than 2 min.

If you had as many pricks poking outta you as you've apparently had shoved in you, you'd probably look like a fucking porcupine.

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