Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Really? You just told me to go to hell, didn't you?

God doesn't exist. What would be a sin, would be for me to leave my love of 26 years because of YOUR negative judgment.

I did NOT tell you that you were going to hell....that's not up to me. If you think God doesn't exist, why does this bother you?

I just know where you get off calling homosexuality an "abomination". You don't know me. I have had a number of single heterosexual friends who wish they were as lucky in love as I am.

I didn't call it an abomination...GOD did! Read the Bible! You can make excuses all you want, doesn't matter to me, but it matters to God. How can you read the passage below and not SEE that God is saying it's immoral? Just because you're in a relationship with another woman?? Homosexuality includes men AND women...You're only decieving yourself by denying it....

1 Corinthians 6 TNIV - Lawsuits Among Believers If any of you - Bible Gateway
If you say you have a husband, is that throwing the bedroom into public discussion?

No, it's not. YOU are a bigot. YOU can ONLY think of gay people in SEXUAL terms. We are not even human to you.

More deception? Where did I say that I only thought of homosexuals in SEXUAL terms? Where did I claim that you are not "even human".

It is quite the opposite. I am suggesting holding homosexuals responsible for their decisions and their actions. I know that is a "mature" viewpoint, and I can see how you would not want to be held responsible for your actions, but I have suggested nothing more serious than that.

There is absolutely NOTHING sinful in two women loving each other and being family for each other for many decades.

It is YOU who have the problem. You want us to go to hell. Fuck you.

You're wrong...homosexuality in the Bible does NOT mean only 2 men. It's the same for both men and women. You don't see the word "lesbian" in the bible because that name was made up MUCH later for women. It's still being difference. Nobody said they want you to go to hell...usually when someone gets into a conversation about this subject with a Christian, it's because the Christian would like to be able to say something to help you turn away from your lifestyle and turn to the Lord. If you don't want to hear it, then don't get into a conversation about it because you KNOW what's going to be said. I think you have alot of guilt feelings about what you're doing, and the only way you're going to get through it is by talking to God and confessing your sin. Otherwise, you'll be suffering with it your whole life.....and i'll pray for you.
The homosexuality issue is the one time a lot of christians ignore the "What would Jesus do?" line.

He certainly never attacked gays or the act of being gay, and I know a lot of his messages about loving your fellow human, loving your neighbor, even loving your enemy if you're a gay hating bigot, like my signature shows.
The homosexuality issue is the one time a lot of christians ignore the "What would Jesus do?" line.

He certainly never attacked gays or the act of being gay, and I know a lot of his messages about loving your fellow human, loving your neighbor, even loving your enemy if you're a gay hating bigot, like my signature shows.

You're right...He said we're to love everyone. I have friends that are gay. It doesn't mean i have to agree with their lifestyle though. You can love a person but not love what they do (Love the sinner, hate the sin). That's what God has directed us to do. That still doesn't mean it's not a sin to be a homosexual. Jesus loves them all, but it doesn't mean they're going to get away with their sin if they don't confess to Him that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness, then do something about getting out of that lifestyle.

An adulterer will be forgiven if he asks for it, but they also have to stop doing what they're doing and be repentant of that sin. Same with even a murderer. If they really do turn to God, they may not get out of prison, but they'll be forgiven and be with God when they pass on. All of us sin, and all sins are the same to God....
The homosexuality issue is the one time a lot of christians ignore the "What would Jesus do?" line.

He certainly never attacked gays or the act of being gay, and I know a lot of his messages about loving your fellow human, loving your neighbor, even loving your enemy if you're a gay hating bigot, like my signature shows.

You're right...He said we're to love everyone. I have friends that are gay. It doesn't mean i have to agree with their lifestyle though. You can love a person but not love what they do (Love the sinner, hate the sin). That's what God has directed us to do. That still doesn't mean it's not a sin to be a homosexual. Jesus loves them all, but it doesn't mean they're going to get away with their sin if they don't confess to Him that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness, then do something about getting out of that lifestyle.

An adulterer will be forgiven if he asks for it, but they also have to stop doing what they're doing and be repentant of that sin. Same with even a murderer. If they really do turn to God, they may not get out of prison, but they'll be forgiven and be with God when they pass on. All of us sin, and all sins are the same to God....

Just surprising that an issue that's so important to a lot of christians is something Jesus didn't even waste 5 minutes on.

If it's in the Old Testament only I dunno why it's a big deal, the Old Testament says rape victims have to marry their rapist, christians certainly don't take that seriously. Seems the new testament deals with sodomy more than specifically being gay, and if that's the issue than lesbians are a-ok to your God and a lot of straight people are in trouble.
Old Testament rules are exempt from Christians.
Romans 10:4
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

Galatians 3:23–25
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian,

In place of the Old Testament law, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). If we obey those two commands, we will be fulfilling all that Christ requires of us: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments”
Old Testament rules are exempt from Christians.
Romans 10:4
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

Galatians 3:23–25
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian,

In place of the Old Testament law, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). If we obey those two commands, we will be fulfilling all that Christ requires of us: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments”

Glad to see another poster rejects the Old Testament's anti-gay view and accepts the New Testament's view of non-judgement on being gay.

What the New Testament Says about Homosexuality

This article sums it up perfectly.
Homosexual and lesbians are not automatically evil. We have the same humanity as anyone else.

You are a bigot.
faggots can take a 10 min shit in 5 min:ssex:

That must mean that a closet case like yourself can totally evacuate their bowels in less than 2 min.

If you had as many pricks poking outta you as you've apparently had shoved in you, you'd probably look like a fucking porcupine.

Yidnars bowels are so loose he can evacuate them in 7 seconds.
faggots can take a 10 min shit in 5 min:ssex:

That must mean that a closet case like yourself can totally evacuate their bowels in less than 2 min.

If you had as many pricks poking outta you as you've apparently had shoved in you, you'd probably look like a fucking porcupine.

Yidnars bowels are so loose he can evacuate them in 7 seconds.

I dunno, sounds like he always has something stuck in there, prolly clogs up, gets backed up, and comes shooting out his face in the form of verbal diarhea.
The homosexuality issue is the one time a lot of christians ignore the "What would Jesus do?" line.

He certainly never attacked gays or the act of being gay, and I know a lot of his messages about loving your fellow human, loving your neighbor, even loving your enemy if you're a gay hating bigot, like my signature shows.

You're right...He said we're to love everyone. I have friends that are gay. It doesn't mean i have to agree with their lifestyle though. You can love a person but not love what they do (Love the sinner, hate the sin). That's what God has directed us to do. That still doesn't mean it's not a sin to be a homosexual. Jesus loves them all, but it doesn't mean they're going to get away with their sin if they don't confess to Him that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness, then do something about getting out of that lifestyle.

An adulterer will be forgiven if he asks for it, but they also have to stop doing what they're doing and be repentant of that sin. Same with even a murderer. If they really do turn to God, they may not get out of prison, but they'll be forgiven and be with God when they pass on. All of us sin, and all sins are the same to God....

Just surprising that an issue that's so important to a lot of christians is something Jesus didn't even waste 5 minutes on.

If it's in the Old Testament only I dunno why it's a big deal, the Old Testament says rape victims have to marry their rapist, christians certainly don't take that seriously. Seems the new testament deals with sodomy more than specifically being gay, and if that's the issue than lesbians are a-ok to your God and a lot of straight people are in trouble.

Corinthians IS the New's in both the old and new, so it still very important.
You're right...He said we're to love everyone. I have friends that are gay. It doesn't mean i have to agree with their lifestyle though. You can love a person but not love what they do (Love the sinner, hate the sin). That's what God has directed us to do. That still doesn't mean it's not a sin to be a homosexual. Jesus loves them all, but it doesn't mean they're going to get away with their sin if they don't confess to Him that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness, then do something about getting out of that lifestyle.

An adulterer will be forgiven if he asks for it, but they also have to stop doing what they're doing and be repentant of that sin. Same with even a murderer. If they really do turn to God, they may not get out of prison, but they'll be forgiven and be with God when they pass on. All of us sin, and all sins are the same to God....

Just surprising that an issue that's so important to a lot of christians is something Jesus didn't even waste 5 minutes on.

If it's in the Old Testament only I dunno why it's a big deal, the Old Testament says rape victims have to marry their rapist, christians certainly don't take that seriously. Seems the new testament deals with sodomy more than specifically being gay, and if that's the issue than lesbians are a-ok to your God and a lot of straight people are in trouble.

Corinthians IS the New's in both the old and new, so it still very important.

and every site I look says there are different meanings for the translations to the verses that supposed talk down being gay. Here's a site that addresses the Corinthians verses, among others.

Gay Christadelphians: 1 Corinthians & 1 Timothy

"The correct translation of these words is highly debated, and there is no consensus among Bible translators. Malakos is translated as "effeminate" (King James Version, American Standard Version), "pervert" (Contemporary English Version), "male prostitutes" (New Revised Standard Version), and even "the self-indulgent" (New Jerusalem Bible). In the NIV, arsenokoites is translated as "homosexual offenders" in 1 Corinthians but as "perverts" in 1 Timothy. As it is possible to be a heterosexual pervert, these English terms are clearly two different things. Other translations for arsenokoites include "homosexuals" (New American Standard Bible, New Living Translation), and "sodomites" (New Revised Standard Version, New King James Version). Some translations translate malakos and arsenokoites as one word or phrase, such as "men who practise homosexuality" (English Standard Version), "homosexual perverts" (Good News Bible), or "sexual perverts" (Revised English Bible, Revised Standard Version (2nd Edition)).

When translators cannot agree on the general meaning of a Greek word, it is a sign of their uncertainty. These verses are important for Christadelphians when thinking about same-sex relationships, so it is very important to look at these words as carefully as we can."
I did NOT tell you that you were going to hell....that's not up to me. If you think God doesn't exist, why does this bother you?

I just know where you get off calling homosexuality an "abomination". You don't know me. I have had a number of single heterosexual friends who wish they were as lucky in love as I am.

I didn't call it an abomination...GOD did! Read the Bible! You can make excuses all you want, doesn't matter to me, but it matters to God. How can you read the passage below and not SEE that God is saying it's immoral? Just because you're in a relationship with another woman?? Homosexuality includes men AND women...You're only decieving yourself by denying it....

1 Corinthians 6 TNIV - Lawsuits Among Believers If any of you - Bible Gateway

I wisely avoid the bible. I don't believe in your god or the abomination label. What is abominating to me, is Christian Africans calling for the execution of gay people. That is serious evil.
The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.
You're right...He said we're to love everyone. I have friends that are gay. It doesn't mean i have to agree with their lifestyle though. You can love a person but not love what they do (Love the sinner, hate the sin). That's what God has directed us to do. That still doesn't mean it's not a sin to be a homosexual. Jesus loves them all, but it doesn't mean they're going to get away with their sin if they don't confess to Him that they have sinned and ask for forgiveness, then do something about getting out of that lifestyle.

An adulterer will be forgiven if he asks for it, but they also have to stop doing what they're doing and be repentant of that sin. Same with even a murderer. If they really do turn to God, they may not get out of prison, but they'll be forgiven and be with God when they pass on. All of us sin, and all sins are the same to God....

Just surprising that an issue that's so important to a lot of christians is something Jesus didn't even waste 5 minutes on.

If it's in the Old Testament only I dunno why it's a big deal, the Old Testament says rape victims have to marry their rapist, christians certainly don't take that seriously. Seems the new testament deals with sodomy more than specifically being gay, and if that's the issue than lesbians are a-ok to your God and a lot of straight people are in trouble.

Corinthians IS the New's in both the old and new, so it still very important.

CJ, respectfully, do you know what the book of Corinthians is and what it is all about?
Where does God or Jesus condemn homosexuals in Corinthians?
And who was speaking to the Jews in Corinthians, what was the occasion, what was he trying to do and why was he trying to do it?
It is very offensive to hear someone state that the fact I have always been attracted to women, fell in love with and married one makes that my "lifestyle".
What a joke that is.
NO ONE has a lifestyle that makes them attracted to someone they love be it heterosexual or homosexual and to state that someone else does is offensive as hell.
God made people that are attracted to and fall in love with folks of the same sex.
You are born with what attracts you to others. Gay folks fall in love with other gay folks.
And to date no one has any evidence whatsoever that God objects to that.
The Bible is not evidence as man wrote that book.
You people DO realize that homosexuality and lesbianism are different, right?

Do you ALSO realize that there is nothing in the Bible against lesbianism?

There is something in the Bible against:

Bearing false witness (that would be deceiving a family)
Not honoring your parents (seriously, how many parents introduce their toddles as future homosexuals)
Coveting (your neighbors' children, no matter what age)

Do lesbians do any of those? If they do, they are acting sinfully.

Hey.......if you come clean and your family accepts it, then you're not bearing false witness nor are you dishonoring your parents (because you trust them enough to tell them the truth).

Incidentally, more pedophiles are heterosexual in nature than gay or lesbian. And no, I've never met a lesbian who was a pedophile, and I've known a few.

Honoring is not the same thing as "coming clean" (that would imply guilt). If your parents do not know that homosexuality is sin (maybe they don't read the Bible, much), how could they tell you that it is a sin? When you honor a person, they would go about bragging on your actions, proud that you have made the choices for their honor. I don't hear many parents bragging about their "homosexual child".

The pedophile thing: at what age do most homosexuals "discover" themselves? I was under the impression that a whole lot of them were molested or seduced by an adult partner, before they became an adult. Wouldn't that make them ...... pedophiles?
BTW, where is your evidence on straight versus homosexual pedophilia? If a man molests a boy, doesn't that make him homosexual or bi-sexual? Isn't that ..... pedophilia?
If you say you have a husband, is that throwing the bedroom into public discussion?

No, it's not. YOU are a bigot. YOU can ONLY think of gay people in SEXUAL terms. We are not even human to you.

More deception? Where did I say that I only thought of homosexuals in SEXUAL terms? Where did I claim that you are not "even human".

It is quite the opposite. I am suggesting holding homosexuals responsible for their decisions and their actions. I know that is a "mature" viewpoint, and I can see how you would not want to be held responsible for your actions, but I have suggested nothing more serious than that.

There is absolutely NOTHING sinful in two women loving each other and being family for each other for many decades.

It is YOU who have the problem. You want us to go to hell. Fuck you.

"That" statement is absolutely correct. There is no sin in loving each other. The sin comes from homosexual acts. I DO NOT WANT YOU TO GO TO HELL. I have told you before that I pray the Lord will be merciful for all sinners (especially me!). I have also told you the only way that "we" can stop sinning is by receiving "grace" from the Holy Spirit. It is a gift from the Lord (and yes, even though you claim not to believe in Him, He believes in you). If you do not remember the gifts, I will repeat them, because you, obviously, have received a few of them: Knowledge, Council, Understanding, Wisdom, Piety (Fear of the Lord), Joy of piety, and Fortitude.

Yes I do have some problems, but no, no thank you, I would not care for a fuck.
More deception? Where did I say that I only thought of homosexuals in SEXUAL terms? Where did I claim that you are not "even human".

It is quite the opposite. I am suggesting holding homosexuals responsible for their decisions and their actions. I know that is a "mature" viewpoint, and I can see how you would not want to be held responsible for your actions, but I have suggested nothing more serious than that.

There is absolutely NOTHING sinful in two women loving each other and being family for each other for many decades.

It is YOU who have the problem. You want us to go to hell. Fuck you.

"That" statement is absolutely correct.

I would not care for a fuck.

You're disgusting.

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