Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Well yeah the same is true of pork, but that rule has been repealed, the rule against homosexuality has not been repealed. How do we know? Well those are the rules.:lol:

Where in the bible was pork declared clean to eat?

I recall Jesus supposedly cast out demons from an man into some pigs.
Poor little pigs...
Maybe that was the beginnings of republicans?

It must have been repealed...Christians eat pork all the time...what a minute...are you telling me that it hasn't been repealed!!!...Oh my GOD!!! We're all going to hell!!!:eek:

Don't feel bad. Jews aren't so pious either...Of course, they don't believe in hell.
Actually, in this passage, you will notice that homosexuality is not the sin, but the punishment. These people died off after God made them all homosexuals.

died off thru not procreating? So God says it is genetic?

Well, Paul says it's genetic or otherwise natural, this is just his story.

Kids with diabetes, or down syndrome are genetic too, that is, "defects"...wait, you don't mean to say....:eek:
I didn't call it an abomination...GOD did! Read the Bible! You can make excuses all you want, doesn't matter to me, but it matters to God. How can you read the passage below and not SEE that God is saying it's immoral? Just because you're in a relationship with another woman?? Homosexuality includes men AND women...You're only decieving yourself by denying it....

1 Corinthians 6 TNIV - Lawsuits Among Believers If any of you - Bible Gateway

I wisely avoid the bible. I don't believe in your god or the abomination label. What is abominating to me, is Christian Africans calling for the execution of gay people. That is serious evil.

Question, why didn't you mention the "muslims" that ARE executing gay people?

The fact that you used a small m shows why there's no need.
The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

If gadawg is right, then since there's no need to worry about contraception, why use condoms. Seeing as being gay isn't a problem. God wants you to be the pickle smoocher you are? then he'll also protect you from aids as well right?:doubt:
Question, why didn't you mention the "muslims" that ARE executing gay people?

Why should I? Everyone knows about the muslims, few know the christians want the same thing.

Maybe some wacko Christians. That is not the general opinion of Christians that I know.

The klan claims to be christian, as do the vatican, the spaniards, italians, mexicans, germans, irish, etc;. I could do this all night and follow up with examples of how none of these groups I MEAN NONE have standing based on their OWN laws.
Why should I? Everyone knows about the muslims, few know the christians want the same thing.

Maybe some wacko Christians. That is not the general opinion of Christians that I know.

Nope, because the general Christian opinion is that it is a choice, so they then tell you you have to pray for salvation via Jesus, so you can "pray away the gay".

Sorry, but you can't pray body chemistry and neural networks into something they're not.

If that's the case then why was there movies like broke back mountain, or milk? They didn't hide because the would be prayed to death.
Why should I? Everyone knows about the muslims, few know the christians want the same thing.

Maybe some wacko Christians. That is not the general opinion of Christians that I know.

Nope, because the general Christian opinion is that it is a choice, so they then tell you you have to pray for salvation via Jesus, so you can "pray away the gay".

Sorry, but you can't pray body chemistry and neural networks into something they're not.

Everyone is prone to temptation. It is our choice if we "wallow" in that temptation, we resist it or we fight it with everything we have.

One of my favorite lines in the Lord's prayer is: "lead us not into temptation". It is something that all of us have. We are not declaring that we know better than the Lord by saying the opposite of the Bible.

Even when we think we have our stuff together, we will find ourselves sinning. We ask for mercy and the strength (emotional) to overcome, and grace from the Lord (think of it as willpower on steroids).

I don't usually go into Revelations (mostly because I don't get it that well), but there is something about the end times tribulations being shortened because NONE of us could resist the deceptions and temptations laid out by Satan. Only with the Lord can we improve, to become more "Christ-like".
Isn't drinking alcohol also technically a sin in the Bible?

Nope, Jesus drank wine.

There is also a Bible verse that states "wine is a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men".

No.........contrary to what the Baptists and others tell you, drinking is NOT a sin.

However, getting drunk and sloppy isn't really approved. For answers to that, see the Song of Solomon.
I am more than happy to go to hell for the love of my life. Not so much for eating catfish.

The Lord is loving and merciful. Maybe He will bestow His mercy on us all. He is a "just" Lord and we will still have to pay for our sins, but maybe, He will grant mercy.
I am more than happy to go to hell for the love of my life. Not so much for eating catfish.

The Lord is loving and merciful. Maybe He will bestow His mercy on us all. He is a "just" Lord and we will still have to pay for our sins, but maybe, He will grant mercy.

OF COURSE God is going to bestow His mercy on us all.

Damn sure that mercy isn't going to come from fanatical religious zealots such as yourself, you guys show NO mercy to anyone different from you.
Isn't drinking alcohol also technically a sin in the Bible?

Nope, Jesus drank wine.

There is also a Bible verse that states "wine is a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men".

No.........contrary to what the Baptists and others tell you, drinking is NOT a sin.

However, getting drunk and sloppy isn't really approved. For answers to that, see the Song of Solomon.

Yep in spite of the pentecostal (Assmebly of God) preachers I have heard that said drinking would send you to hell.

I asked one why jesus would turn water into wine and he told me that they did not have good water to drink back then.

When a preacher lies to you is is time to leave the church.
Unfortunately I was forced to attend for many more years.
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The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.
Maybe some wacko Christians. That is not the general opinion of Christians that I know.

Nope, because the general Christian opinion is that it is a choice, so they then tell you you have to pray for salvation via Jesus, so you can "pray away the gay".

Sorry, but you can't pray body chemistry and neural networks into something they're not.

Everyone is prone to temptation. It is our choice if we "wallow" in that temptation, we resist it or we fight it with everything we have.

One of my favorite lines in the Lord's prayer is: "lead us not into temptation". It is something that all of us have. We are not declaring that we know better than the Lord by saying the opposite of the Bible.

Even when we think we have our stuff together, we will find ourselves sinning. We ask for mercy and the strength (emotional) to overcome, and grace from the Lord (think of it as willpower on steroids).

I don't usually go into Revelations (mostly because I don't get it that well), but there is something about the end times tribulations being shortened because NONE of us could resist the deceptions and temptations laid out by Satan. Only with the Lord can we improve, to become more "Christ-like".

So when you fall in love with someone you are not tempted to be with them and ask them to be committed to you?
And God condemns that love and says do not be tempted and lead us not into temptation?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You folks are a bunch of KOOKS. Gay folks fall in love with folks of the same sex.
Everyone knows the new testament called a do-over on all the old testament rules because Jesus died. Why Jesus dying somehow changes the core of cosmic morality makes no sense, but when it comes to catfish, none of those rules apply anymore. Except the ones we want. That's how cherry picking works, you infidel/abomination!
The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Did Yeshua say that immoral sex was sinful behavior?
Did Yeshua say that lewdness was sinful behavior?

That "Book" is what your preacher uses to teach (even though he twists it for his own purposes). That Book is our link to the Lord.
Thank you for showing just what type of "Christian" you are, that would be a cafeteria Christian (you know, pick and choose what "you" want, not what the Lord teaches).

Please demonstrate where I persecuted, anyone. I have stated that several behaviors were sinful (some of which I am also guilty). Unlike you, that choose to deliberately misrepresent the "Word" and lie to others, possibly causing them to sin more.

You are not interested in "facts". They were presented in this thread and you acted like you could not even read what was in front of your face. You are calling me a liar? What have I lied about?

It figures, you are a dawg fan.

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